The Reconciled Life

MEMORY SELECTION: “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” —Romans 12:21


IT HAS been said (James 1:8), that “a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.” And when it comes to understanding and appreciating the divine law and our standing before the Heavenly Father—which has been made possible by the precious blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ—we must be very careful that we are neither double minded nor unstable in any of our ways. Nor should we lose the spirit of the truth, either by being overcome by the spirit of evil, or by attempting to use evil methods in our Christian warfare.

Since our first parents, Adam and Eve, transgressed the divine law, there have been two opposing forces at work in the world—one force emanating from God, who is the originator of truth and righteousness, and the other coming from Satan, who is the instigator of selfishness and disobedience. Having received abundantly of the marvelous grace of God concerning his plans and purposes, it is our desire to consider how we may more fully worship and serve him in the proper spirit of heart and mind.

And when we think of the great privilege which has been extended to us of walking in newness of life, let us note the apostle’s exhortation (vs. 9) to “abhor that which is evil; [and] cleave to that which is good.”

To abhor evil suggests much more than merely to avoid that which is sinful, for we have no right to sin anyway. In proportion to our development of the fruits and graces of the Holy Spirit, and the putting on of a Christlike character, so also will be the tendency to overcome that which is impure and unholy. As we alternately grow in grace and in knowledge of the principles of truth and righteousness, the more we learn to recognize the exceeding sinfulness of sin and have the desire to put such things far away from us. And the closer we endeavor to copy the perfect pattern of our Lord Jesus, the more abhorrent will sin and selfishness appear to us.

As good and evil are opposite principles in the world around us, so also is the experience of the child of God represented in the sentiments of love and hate. To grow cool in our love for God and the standards of righteousness which have been demonstrated for us by our Lord, or to harden our feelings toward unholiness, would constitute a step backward in our Christian warfare and a victory for the Adversary.

To cleave to that which is good suggests a crystallization in the development of a Christ like character. One who strives diligently to overcome the many failings and weaknesses of the flesh, as well as the various allurements of the world and temptations of the Adversary, has learned a valuable lesson in his Christian walk. And in proportion to the depth of love which has taken root in the child of God, so also will the fruits of the spirit be manifested.

When turning our attention to the apostle’s exhortation that we be not overcome with evil, we are reminded that the child of God is to experience continual conflict between the two opposing forces of good and evil throughout his consecrated life. That which is natural to our fallen natures, we are to remember, is what we are commanded to overcome. We are sinners by nature, and are subject to all of the appetites and cravings of the fallen flesh. We must be on guard, therefore, that we fight a good fight of faith in our endeavor to overcome the spirit of the Adversary.

The footstep follower of Jesus heeds the apostle’s instructions to yield his body as a living sacrifice to God, which has been made acceptable by the precious blood of Jesus. That, he has learned to appreciate, is his reasonable service to the Most High.

And the mature Christian understands why he must not be conformed to the coarse standards of this old world, but must, as Paul further points out, be transformed by the renewing of his mind that he may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

There is a positiveness attached to our consecration vows, and it is our responsibility to be active in doing those things which arc pleasing to God, that our lives might be dedicated to his service.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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