Resources for Christian Growth

MEMORY VERSE: “Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.” —Colossians 1:28


THIS week’s lesson focuses attention on what we must do to grow in Christian maturity. All of the Lord’s people may draw upon whatever resources are available to them so that they may make satisfactory progress in the narrow way. God has abundantly supplied all of our needs, and we, in turn, have a responsibility to examine ourselves as we seek to walk as new creatures in Christ Jesus.

The most valuable resource available to Christians is, of course, the Bible. And, as we study God’s Word we have an opportunity to understand what God’s will is concerning his people. In our enlightened age, when knowledge has been increased on every hand, we are indeed favored with the latest research regarding the Bible record.

As “truth people” we have relied heavily upon such valuable works as the Emphatic Diaglott and Rotherham’s Emphasized Bible as sources of accuracy—to mention only two—as well as the outstanding works of James Strong and Robert Young, whose complete concordances of the Bible have made it possible for the layman readily to find any text in the Bible and then to have at his hand the meaning of the original words as they appeared in the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures. Careful study and consideration of the Word of God has, therefore, been greatly rewarding to the searching Bible student.

For many years Bible students the world over have been richly blessed by a careful study of the six volumes of Studies in the Scriptures. These books, together with the more recent publications of Dawn Bible Students Association, are valuable works on Bible subjects, as a resource for Christian growth as new creatures in Christ Jesus.

In addition, our loving Heavenly Father has abundantly supplied other resources for his people which have assisted them in their study of his Word. These include Bible dictionaries, Bible atlases, commentaries, and other aids. The wise student has made good use of these Bible helps in his walk in the narrow way.

Having focused attention on the Christian’s aids to Bible study, we should not overlook the responsibility to use those aids in the proper manner. Merely having these things on one’s bookshelf, of course, will be of little benefit to the Christian. Understanding what God’s will is in our lives requires careful study, and not simply the reading of a portion of the Bible from time to time; for, as noted, the Bible is the basic source of all Christian growth. Paul’s second letter to Timothy (II Timothy 2:15) contains a well-known passage which admonishes: “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” The first priority is to study to please God and to receive his approval. Rightly dividing the Word of truth suggests the application of that message in our hearts. It is necessary to come to a correct understanding of the truth as well as to learn how, when, and where to apply it. Also, the word workman as it is used in this passage suggests the thought of being engaged in the Lord’s service.

We are all servants of God, to one extent or another, and this thought is expressed to those who have taken the name of Christ in the present time of harvest. There is indeed work to do, and we may each have a share in it, whether it be in private study, at meetings where the truth is openly discussed, or in outside service for those who may have a hearing ear for the truth at the present time. In any event, let us give diligence to make the best possible use of the many resources we have at hand in shaping our own characters, and to assist any others with whom we have contact. “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.”—I Pet. 2:9

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