Christ Above All

MEMORY VERSE: “For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell; And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.” —Colossians 1:19,20


IN THE context of this passage the Apostle Paul brings to our attention the exaltation of our Lord Jesus, who, as the Son of God, has pre-eminence above all other things in heaven and earth, and the extreme honor and dignity of being above every name that can be named.

Using the phraseology of the Weymouth Translation as our guide (vss. 15-18), let us note the seven areas of distinction that are identified by the apostle. Jesus, during his first advent, was the visible representation of the invisible God; in his prehuman existence he was the firstborn of all creation; he was the one through whom all things were created; he is above all things; through him the universe is one harmonious whole; he is the Head of the body of Christ; and, as a reward for his faithful obedience—even unto the death on the cross—he became the firstborn from the dead.

We are informed by the Scriptures that our Lord Jesus existed long before the Genesis account of creation took place. For example, it is recorded in John 1:1-3 (Emphatic Diaglott Interlinear Reading) that: “In a beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with THE (ho theos) God, and the Word was A (theos) god. The same was in the beginning with THE (ho theos) God.” “All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made.”

Students of the Bible will be interested to note the Diaglott’s footnotes to this and the 14th verse where the word “Logos” is found. To summarize briefly, the term “Logos” is left untranslated to indicate a particular characteristic of our Lord’s office; i.e., the Heavenly Father revealed himself and his Word through Jesus in much the same manner that eastern kings spoke through an officer while sitting behind a lattice window, who, in turn, communicated the king’s commands to his subjects. The title, “Word” (Logos), therefore suggests to us the important work or office that our Lord, as the Heavenly Father’s representative, occupied before he became flesh and dwelt among men.

In that far distant past the Logos was the only direct creation of God—therefore clarifying the expression “the Only Begotten Son of God”—whereas all subsequent creations, including man, were made through him. Yet, the Only Begotten Son of God humbled himself and took upon himself the nature of man that he might be a faithful High Priest for the purpose of making reconciliation for the sins of the whole world. And not only did he accomplish this feature of the divine plan, but he also served as a “pattern” for those who would follow him and constitute the members of his body—for it was by the Heavenly Father’s design that his Only Begotten Son should also be the “Head” of the new creation, the church.

Our Lord Jesus willingly demonstrated his faithfulness to God and the principles of truth and righteousness by laying down his life in sacrifice, obedient to his Father’s will, as the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. Therefore, “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.”—Rev. 5:12

Where else should our Heavenly Father be expected to turn to offer the highest distinction in his universe than to his Only Begotten Son? There were others, among angels and men no doubt, who would have been glad to serve their God as the savior and benefactor of mankind; however, reason alone should suggest to us the wisdom on the part of God in granting our Lord Jesus that special opportunity and privilege. God demanded that perfect obedience be proven under adverse circumstances, and it was absolutely essential that those terms be met without the slightest possibility of failure. God had complete confidence that his Only Begotten Son would carry out that part of the divine program for recovery, from sin, degradation, and death, of his human family.

When we realize that God approved our Redeemer’s ministry, and was pleased or delighted with his faithful obedience, what wonder then that Jesus was the first to be given the opportunity of attaining glory, honor, and immortality! Having been faithful to his Father, Jesus was the first to receive advancement to whatever higher position God had to offer. Eventually every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess him as earth’s great King and Life giver. In that day even those who crucified him will pay him homage.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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