International Bible Studies |
Christian Renewal
MEMORY VERSE: “Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” —Romans 12:2
THE Gentile converts to Christianity in Paul’s day presented a real problem to the church because of the tendency to carry over habits and customs from their past that were not proper in the life of a consecrated Christian.
In the verses prior to our selected scripture the apostle is endeavoring to instill into the minds of the Gentile brethren that they should walk worthy of the calling wherewith they are called. The arrangement of the Heavenly Father is that each one who has been called is joined together into one body by the same spirit and their conduct toward one another is ruled by one principle, and that is love.
An important part of the Heavenly Father’s arrangement for the growth of the members of the body is the provision of teachers, apostles, pastors, and prophets “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”—vs. 12
With all of these arrangements by the Heavenly Father for their growth spiritually, the Apostle Paul urges them “that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind.” (vs. 17) “That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts.”—vs. 22
But in putting off the old man, or mind, it must be replaced with a new mind or pattern of behavior that models itself after Christ. “And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.”—vss. 23,24
The apostle then offers some practical suggestions that would aid those brethren, and us as well, in the process of renewing our minds.
We are to banish from our lives all manner of falsehood and deceitfulness. If we recognize the true relationship between body members—that we are begotten of the one Spirit; that we are sons of God—we understand that being deceitful with our brethren is tantamount to being deceitful with God, and is abhorrent to him.—vs. 25
We must as children of God begin to have rule over our passions, for it is during uncontrolled excesses that sins are committed. If we do lose control, do not let the sun go down before we bring about a reconciliation with those who have been injured.—vs. 26
Realizing that our struggle with Satan is a life or death battle, do not yield to his temptation, nor put yourself in a position where you can be exposed to temptation. Especially be on your guard not to be deceived by slanderous statements about your brethren.—vs. 27
There is no place for dishonesty in any form among the Lord’s people. Rather, let us earn by industry and care enough sustenance for ourselves and families, and even on occasion help to relieve the deprivation of the poor. This is in accordance with the will of God that we serve one another.—vs. 28
Our tongues are the hardest members of our bodies to control. The Apostle James says, “If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.” (James 3:2) Knowing, therefore, the importance and difficulty of control of the words we speak, let us resolve never to speak slanderous or opprobrious words, but rather speak of those things that edify the mind and glorify the Heavenly Father.—vs. 29
The Spirit that we have received from God is his Spirit, which is holy, and pure, and righteous. It is by this Spirit that God has sealed us or marked us in many ways that identify us as his sons. Our conduct, words, and thoughts should be holy and pure and righteous in order that we not offend the Holy Spirit and the gracious God that gave it.—vs. 30
Bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil-speaking all have their root in pride. We should rid ourselves of the root and branch of these evil things, for they stifle our growth in Christ.—vs. 31
And finally, ‘Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.”—vs. 32