International Bible Studies |
Is It Worth My Life?
MEMORY VERSE: “Whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.” —Luke 14:33
MATTHEW 13:44-46
THE parables of the treasure hid in a field, and the pearl of great price, both illustrate the high cost of participating in the rulership phase of the kingdom of Christ. The “man” who found the treasure in the field gave up all that he had in order that he might purchase that field; and the “merchant man” sold all that he had in order to acquire the “pearl of great price.”
Our topic, “Is It Worth My Life?” suggests this high cost of attaining these special kingdom opportunities. The matter of giving up all to be a disciple of Christ, and thus to share in the rich rewards of discipleship, is stressed by Jesus, and later by the apostles. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matt. 16:24) To the rich young ruler Jesus said that what he was seeking, namely, eternal life, could be his only if he sold all that he had and gave to the poor, and became his disciple. (Matt. 19:21) Our memory verse is also to the point in this connection.
The Apostle Paul described this total commitment as presenting one’s body a living sacrifice, and explained that this was a reasonable service; reasonable, that is, in view of all that is involved. Or, to use the language of the two parables, to attain the “treasure” hid in the field, and the “pearl” of great price.
So the question as to whether or not it is worthwhile to dedicate one’s life to the Christian cause is well answered in the Scriptures. It is more than worth it, for it leads to glory, honor, and immortality; it leads to joint-heirship with Christ to live and reign with him in that kingdom which will bring the opportunity of health, happiness, and life to all the families of the earth.
LUKE 14:15-24
“Eating bread” in the kingdom of God is, of course, a figurative statement, indicating that those who attain to joint-heirship with Jesus in that kingdom will be on highly intimate terms with him and with the Heavenly Father, and will partake of a richness of knowledge not hitherto possible to grasp and enjoy.
Comparing the present state of the Christian, while still in the flesh, with the future state of glory in the kingdom, Paul wrote, “Now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known [by my Heavenly Father].” (I Cor. 13:12) This future feasting in the kingdom is described in Revelation 19:9 as “the marriage supper of the Lamb.”
This call, or invitation, to the great “supper” was first issued at the time of our Lord’s first advent. It was at first limited to the people of the Jewish nation, for these were the original invited guests. But as we know, not many of these responded. After Jesus’ death and resurrection the Gospel call continued to be restricted. There was a considerable number of Israelites who responded at Pentecost, and for a short time thereafter, but the designed number of guests for the feast was still far short.
The parable continues, “The Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel [urge] them to come in, that my house may be filled.” This could suggest the enlarging of the Gospel call to include the Gentiles, those who previously had been outside God’s “city” of favor.
This broader reach of the call continued throughout the Gospel Age, and the message still goes forth, and will continue to do so until the number designed in the divine plan for those who would be with Jesus in the kingdom has been made up. When the last of these has finished his course in death, the “bride” of Christ having made herself ready, there will come the marriage of the Lamb, and subsequently the marriage supper of the Lamb in which all the church of the firstborn will participate.—Rev. 19:7
With this aspect of the divine plan completed, Christ and his church, as his heavenly “bride,” having been united, the promised blessings of human life will flow out for the refreshment and healing of all mankind.
Why is participation with Jesus in the rulership phase of the kingdom worth what it costs?
In the Scriptures, what does a feast symbolize?
Explain the Parable of the Great Supper.