“Such As Never Was”

IN THE prophecy of Daniel, chapter 12, verse 1, we read of a time when “Michael” would “stand up” and that the result would be “a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation.” When Jesus was asked by his disciples about the signs of his second presence, he referred in his reply to this “time of trouble,” calling it “tribulation,” and said that it would be so great that “except those days be shortened, there should no flesh be saved.”—Matt. 24:21,22

We know, therefore, from Jesus’ application of Daniel’s prophecy, that it describes a situation that would develop in the earth at the end of the present age, and the time of Christ’s parousia, or presence. Many students of prophecy have long been aware of this forecast of a “time of trouble,” and also of the fact that it would be “such as never was since there was a nation.” Jesus observed that this “great tribulation” would be “such as was not since the beginning of the world.”

Because Jesus foretold that this “great tribulation” would result in the destruction of all flesh if permitted, students have thought particularly of the severity of the trouble in connection with the statement “such as never was.” And certainly this is one of the aspects of this foretold tribulation which today is holding the whole world in its grip. Militarists, scientists, and others agree that man now has it within his power to destroy virtually the entire human race.

Luke quotes Jesus as saying of this time that there would be “upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth.” (Luke 21:25,26) What is meant in Jesus’ prophecy by “the sea and the waves roaring” is indicated in Isaiah’s prophecy, where we read: “Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters! The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters; but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.”—Isa. 17:12,13

It is clear from the Bible that the severity of the present “great tribulation” will indeed result ultimately in the nations being “chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind,” even as Isaiah’s prophecy predicts. As the severity of the trouble increases there is likely to be a tremendous destruction of human life, but we have Jesus’ assurance that the trouble will be brought to a close before the destruction of all flesh. We also have his assurance that there will never again be a time of “great tribulation” such as is now developing. The reason for this is that the trouble will be followed by the full establishment of Christ’s millennial kingdom.

Yes, the severity of the “great tribulation” is one of its outstanding characteristics. This fact was highlighted by a newspaper reporter’s observation on one of the “incidental” things in connection with the inauguration of President Nixon. The reporter, Max Frankel, in a special report to the New York Times, wrote:

“Washington, January 20—Some of the principal actors in the turnover that was amicably enacted here today were nowhere to be seen at the inaugural spectacle in the Capital Plaza. Foremost among them was the unknown official who lingered somewhere not far from Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon with the secret paraphernalia by which the President of the United States can order nuclear war. Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower described him as ‘an unobtrusive man who would shadow the President for all his days in office’ bearing a satchel filled with orders for emergency.

“Though unseen, this man played a leading role. It was his shift of allegiance … that made Mr. Nixon one of the most formidably armed men in history, and Mr. Johnson no longer so. … One or more men in Moscow live in similar proximity to such a potent satchel.”

Prior to the “Nuclear Age” who would have thought that one man would have it in his power, within seconds, no matter where he might be located, to give the order to blow up half the world, and that his counterpart in Russia, if perchance he was still living, could retaliate and blow up the other half! Trusting in the words of assurance by Jesus, we can be comforted by the thought that this extremity will not be permitted, that the authority and power of the messianic kingdom will prevent this full manifestation of human madness—although there may well be a limited use of the hydrogen bomb.

Other Aspects

It is now evident that when Daniel wrote that this “time of trouble” would be “such as never was,” much more was involved in the foretold trouble than the fact of its unprecedented potential of destruction; for today, the world over, there is trouble of one kind or another in every aspect of the social structure. For one thing, in America and South Africa particularly, and now even in Great Britain, there is a struggle between white people and black people. The United States Government has enacted many civil rights laws, but these, while accomplishing some good, have not quelled the disturbances which continue to menace the peace of the nation.

The tensions of the world also erupt in the schools and colleges, with campus riots the order of the day in many places throughout the nation. Riots in schools and colleges are taking place also in many other parts of the world.

There are in the world today what are referred to as the “backward” nations. These are located in Africa and Asia, the Middle East, and South America, for the most part. In these countries there is a very low standard of living for the majority of the people, and much starvation. But what many in this country do not realize is that right in the United States there are upwards of twenty millions of people who go hungry every day. A report published in 1967 put this figure at ten million, but recently, as a result of an official investigation by a government agency, the figure has been raised to from fifteen to twenty million. In giving out this information the report added that in many parts of the United States living conditions are no better than in the backward nations of earth.

Increasing Crime

Crime, organized and otherwise, is on the increase the world over. The Police Department of New York City reported that crime in the city during November of last year was up sixty-five per cent over November of the year before. The percentage of increase in crime is, of course, not so great in many places as it has been in New York City, but the situation throughout the country is a frightening one, and the more so as the years go by.

War is threatening in many places throughout the earth, and is continuing in Viet Nam. The tension between the Jews and the Arabs in the Middle East is menacing the peace of the world. There is a persistent determination on the part of the Arabs to destroy the State of Israel, for they believe that the Israelis have taken over land which historically belongs to them. We know from the prophecies that the time has come for the Jewish people to reinhabit their Promised Land, but the process is contributing to the world’s tensions and, like the other problems of mankind, only the Lord is able to provide the final solution; and we are glad that he has promised to do so.

Many students of prophecy visualized the “time of trouble” as being based largely on a struggle between capital and labor; and certainly today this aspect of the trouble is manifest in many parts of the earth, in industry, education, transportation, and travel. Laws are passed forbidding public employees to go on strike, but often no attention is paid to these laws. Like all the other problems of the earth, this one also is becoming increasingly serious.

The Religious World

Never before has there been so much foment in the religious world—among Protestants and Catholics as well as non-Christian religionists. Basically, this is perhaps due to a breaking down of faith—or perhaps we might better say, of superstition. Old and once trusted norms are being questioned, and set aside by millions. Strange as it may seem, the fact that humans are able to travel through space and reach the moon is shaking the faith of many.

In the Catholic Church the Pope is becoming genuinely alarmed at the turn of events, especially since Vatican Council II. In a recent speech the Pope voiced his fears of what the present unrest in the church might lead to. According to a report in the New York Daily News, written by Reynolds Packard, “Pope Paul warned for the first time today that the Roman Catholic Church may be headed for another Reformation such as that which split Christendom in the 16th century. Addressing thousands at his weekly general audience, the pontiff said that the present generation is obsessed with the quest for change, forgetting the past and abandoning tradition. ‘Novelty! Innovation,’ the Pope exclaimed dramatically. ‘Everything is being turned into a crisis.’”

In his speech the Pope said: “One speaks always of revolution. Thus there is raised today in every sphere contestation—often without justifying either motive or scope. Novelty, novelty—everything is put in question.”

One of the areas in which the Pope is being attacked by bishops, priests, and laymen all over the world is in the matter of birth control. In connection with this the claim of papal infallibility is being called in question. This is especially true in Holland and other European countries.

According to reports, the worldwide revolt against the authority of the Pope is manifesting itself on a very wide scale even in Italy, the Pop’s doorstep, we might say. While the rebellion against the Pope in Italy is still small compared with what is taking place in northern Europe, and to a lesser extent in the United States, it is growing. We quote again the New York Daily News: “For the first time, members of about fifty dissenting Catholic groups from all over Italy recently held what amounted to a national conference in the Isolotto church to work out a common action program. They agreed to publish a regular news letter describing the experiences of rebel parishes all over Italy.”

In the past, fears have been expressed in some Protestant circles that as a result of the ecumenical spirit now prevailing among all religious groups, the Catholic Church might take over at least some of the Protestant groups. However, if these recent reports out of Rome, and from other parts of the world, are true, as they appear to be, it would seem that the Pope has his hands full preventing his own flock from deserting the Catholic fold, either to form their own style of worship, or else to associate with one or another of the Protestant churches.

It is an interesting scene to watch, for in it we see the evidence of disintegration; even as we see it in all other aspects of human society. The old is breaking down; and the wisdom of this world can neither prevent this nor furnish a workable blueprint for a new social order. Only the Lord can do this, and it is a blessed assurance to realize that he has promised to do so, and that these promises have all been made sure by the redeeming blood of Christ.

Isaiah’s Forecast

We have mentioned only a few of the perplexing situations throughout the civil and religious worlds which are contributing to making the present distress of the people “such as never was since there was a nation.” Isaiah spoke of a time like this when he said,

“Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the Lord hath spoken this word. The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish.”—Isa. 24:1-4

Society was made up differently in the prophet’s day than it is now. The background of this prophecy is the social order and customs of that day. Nevertheless, he shows that the whole social structure is affected when the “Lord maketh the earth empty” “and turneth it upside down.” Every segment of society is shown to be disturbed—“the earth mourneth and fadeth away.” And this condition is increasing throughout the world today.

In many of the Bible’s prophecies the words “world” and “earth” are used in a symbolic manner, and that is the case here. Verse 1 speaks of the earth as being turned upside down. This, manifestly, is the symbolic earth, for the literal earth is a sphere which makes a complete revolution or is turned “upside down” every twenty-four hours. Many things are said in the Bible about the symbolic earth, or social order, which would not be true of the literal earth. For example, in Daniel 7:23 we are told of a great “beast” which devours the whole earth, treads it down, and breaks it to pieces.

The literal earth is to last forever, and will be man’s eternal home, and fallen man will be restored to perfection of human life, and live in his God-given home forever. In Revelation 21:1-4 we read that the people will live forever; that there “shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” The destruction of death will be the result of Jesus’ death as man’s Redeemer.

Thus, while today man’s efforts to rule himself are everywhere breaking down, the time is near when Christ, as earth’s new Ruler, will take control. The result of this will be the solving of all human problems, and the giving of peace, joy, health, and life to all—including even the resurrection of the dead.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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