International Bible Studies |
The Witness of Christ’s Works
MEMORY VERSE: “I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given Me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness sent Me.” —John 5:36
JOHN 4:46-50
JESUS’ reputation as One who was able to heal the sick miraculously had spread throughout both Galilee and Judea. The first part of this lesson finds him in Cana of Galilee, having come from Judea. Here Jesus was approached by “a certain nobleman” (margin, courtier, or ruler) who requested that he travel to Capernaum “and heal his son: for he was at the point of death.” No indication is given as to whether this “ruler” was an Israelite or a Roman. Jesus’ first reply to him was, “Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe.”
The ruler was seemingly impatient and, making no direct reply to Jesus’ remark, repeated his own request that the Master travel to Capernaum and heal his son. “Sir,” he said, “come down ere my child die.” It was not for lack of faith of Me, that the Father hath that the ruler asked Jesus to travel to Capernaum to heal his son. The possibility that Jesus could perform the miracle without being in the presence of his son had perhaps not occurred to him.
But Jesus was fully aware that the power of God which it was his privilege to exercise could reach out over distance and restore the sick to health, as happened in this instance, without the necessity of his being personally present. These miracles were illustrations of the “restitution of all things” which will be accomplished through the agencies of Christ’s kingdom. During that kingdom age of a thousand years, billions will be restored to health, while other billions will be awakened from death and given an opportunity to partake of the lifegiving blessings of the kingdom.
The glorified Jesus, together with his faithful followers, who also will he exalted to glory and power, will perform this world-wide work of restoration and healing. But it will not be necessary for one of these healing messengers to be present personally in the case of each one to whom these kingdom blessings are ministered. We are reminded of this in the healing of the ruler’s son. The Scriptures indicate that Jesus healed large numbers during the course of his ministry, and there were many varying circumstances involved in this ministry. This indicates that in the kingdom there will be no situation which will place any individual beyond the limits of the power of restoration which will then be in operation.
JOHN 5:2-9, 17, 18
Here we are told of another of Jesus’ miracles—the one that he performed by the pool of Bethesda. This is the name of a reservoir or basin with five “porches,” near the sheep gate or “market” in Jerusalem. The porches were extensive enough to accommodate a large number of sick and infirm people, whose custom it was to wait there for “the troubling of the waters.”
It was a tradition that at certain intervals an angel would stir the water, creating small ripples, and that the first of the sick or infirm waiting at the pool to touch the water when this occurred would be healed. This viewpoint is expressed in the account without comment. It is significant that verse four is omitted by both Rotherham and Weymouth. If God were working through an angel to heal the sick, it is unlikely that the dispensing of this blessing of healing would be limited to the individual who could first reach the pool. This would seem to be out of keeping with God’s arrangements.
At any rate, Jesus ignored the supposed healing power of the troubled water in the case of the man who had had a certain infirmity thirty-eight years. As this man was not physically able to reach the pool ahead of others, he believed he was missing the opportunity to be healed. But Jesus did not help the man to reach the pool. He healed him directly. Certainly the restitution blessing of the kingdom will not be limited to those able to reach some certain pool of water ahead of others. As our memory verse reminds us, Jesus’ witness work was greater than John’s. No wonder! It illustrated the great future work of the kingdom!
Does divine power operate only when the one dispensing it is personally present?
In the kingdom, will the blessing of restitution be limited to those who can reach a certain pool quickly?