Jehoiada Saves the House of David

MEMORY VERSE: “For the priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.”—Malachi 2:7

II KINGS 11:4,9-12,17-19; 12:2; II CHRONICLES 24:15,16

THIS lesson is an encouraging reminder of God’s overruling providences in the affairs of his people. He had assured David of the perpetuation of his ruling house. Now a bold attempt was made by Athaliah, a daughter of King Ahab of Israel, to seize the throne of Judah and establish herself as queen. To accomplish this she attempted to slay all the real davidic heirs to the throne; but one of the young sons of the former king, a mere baby at the time, was secreted away and cared for until the proper time came to bring him forth as king.

Joash—or Jehoash, as it sometimes appears—was this boy’s name, and when he was seven years old Jehoiada, a priest in Judah, and a faithful servant of the Lord, with the help of armed guards, led an insurrection against Athaliah which resulted in her death, and the acceptance of Joash by the people as their rightful king.

At the tender age of seven Joash could not, of course, actually take over the reins of government. Jehoiada, the priest, however, took him under his care and instruction, and thus he learned the ways of the Lord, so that when he did begin his actual rule he proved in the main to be a good king.

This lesson, of course, centers on Jehoiada, the priest, rather than on Joash. His energy in establishing the rightful heir upon the throne of Judah is an outstanding example of zeal in the Lord’s cause. And as long as he lived, which was to the good old age of one hundred and thirty, he continued to serve God faithfully in every way that opened up to him. The Scriptures pay him a wonderful tribute, “They buried him in the city of David among the kings, because he had done good in Israel, both toward God, and toward his house.”

The priests of ancient Israel were typical of another priesthood which represents the Lord during the present age. Peter wrote of the followers of Jesus that they are “an holy priesthood,” and again, “Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”—I Pet. 2:5,9

Jesus is the chief or High Priest of this Gospel-Age order of priests. The under priests are not merely those who serve in a public manner, but all of Jesus’ true followers share in this distinction. During the present age we serve as sacrificing priests in the sense that we follow Jesus into sacrificial death, with the assurance that if we suffer and die with him we shall also live and reign with him.

Those who are faithful in the present work of sacrifice will, when raised from the dead, live and reign with Christ as kings and priests. (Rev. 20:4,6) This antitypical spiritual priesthood of the future age was typified by Melchisedek, who was a priest upon his throne. Throughout the Millennial Age Jesus and all his faithful followers of the present age will be reigning priests, and through this arrangement all the families of the earth will be blessed.

Our memory verse is to the point it was important for God’s ancient and typical priests to know and teach the law of the Lord, for they were indeed messengers of the Lord. It is just as important now that those who serve as messengers of the Lord should understand and teach the truth of the Lord’s Word. Paul wrote, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.”—II Tim. 2:15

The message made known to the people by the priesthood of the present age is the Gospel of Christ, which is also referred to in the Bible as the Gospel of the kingdom. It is a Gospel of love, a Gospel which assures those who have hearing ears that through Christ a provision has been made to release the whole world from death. Those who believe and obey the Gospel are even now, upon the basis of faith, justified to life, and have the privilege of laying down their lives in God’s service. During the next age the merit of Christ’s sacrifice will bring about the actual release of all mankind from sin and death.


Who was Jehoiada, and what great service did he render?

Explain the nature and services of God’s priests during the present age and the age to come.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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