Gathering the Nations

“Wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy. For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.” —Zephaniah 3:8, 9

ONE of the lively controversies throughout the United States is concerned with the wisdom and need of sending men and munitions 10,000 miles away to fight the communists in Viet Nam. This controversy is not between representatives of the government and pacifists, but between government officials themselves, who, if the United States, or even Canada, should be attached by an enemy would be in full agreement that every possible effort should be made to repel the aggressor.

Those dedicated to following in Jesus’ footsteps of suffering and death are not sympathetic with war under any circumstances, and certainly should have no inclination to take part in any controversies concerning the war in Viet Nam, or any other place. It is our privilege, however, to note world conditions in general with the view of ascertaining the manner in which they are fulfilling prophecy; and the matter of distances between nations at war enters into this.

Prior to “the time of the end” in which we are now living, distance was an important bulwark against would-be aggressor nations, especially distances across oceans. But today, when preparations are being made to land humans on the moon, and when intercontinental ballistic missiles can be sent hurtling over the globe at thousands of miles per hour, there remain no great distances according to the old standards.

It is estimated, for example, that the United States would have only twenty minutes’ warning of the approach of hydrogen destruction in quantities sufficient to destroy the main centers of population. And, of course, the United States is prepared to inflict similar almost instant destruction on Russia or other distant countries. The increase of knowledge of this “time of the end” has reduced the size of the earth, from the standpoint of time, to a very small area. And in this small area the entire family of nations the world over must dwell.

The Nations Gathered

The number of miles separating nations is of little consequence today in so far as their safety from attack is concerned, and the speed of travel has brought them very close together. Modern methods of warfare have made them all vulnerable to sudden attack by each other to a degree that nations of the past would not have dreamed possible. Were the nations of earth motivated by the Golden Rule in their dealings with one another the present-day situation would be a great advantage and blessing. Instead, self-interest dominates their thinking and acting, with the result that fear is filling the hearts of millions.

Besides, in this ending period of the age the nations have been gathering as they never did before, in the way of making alliances with one another, both to wage united warfare and to keep the peace. This tendency manifested itself in connection with the first World War. In fact, it was this that led to a World War. Prior to that wars were essentially national struggles. But the leagues and alliances which were formed among the nations of Europe in the years preceding the war that broke out in 1914 led to a quick escalation of that struggle into a war which, before it was over, involved essentially all the major nations of the earth.

The League of Nations

Following the first World War, when the nations involved realized that they could no longer go their own separate ways, but would have to work together if peace were to be maintained, The League of Nations was formed, with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. This move gave a ray of hope to many. Some of the outstanding clergymen of the world hailed The League of Nations as the political expression of God’s kingdom on earth.

For a time it seemed that The League of Nations would succeed in keeping peace among the nations. But selfishness and greed caused it to falter and die. The final test came when this league to keep the peace attempted to restrain the Italian government from sending an army of aggression into Ethiopia. Mussolini defied the League’s mandate, and ignored its sanctions, and thus proved to the world that it was impotent and worthless as a peace-keeping association of nations.

With the death of The League of Nations there was no deterrent against the development of another global struggle. New alliances were formed, so-called peace fronts were established; but essentially every move that was made drew the nations closer to the precipice of the second global struggle, which began in 1939. Again all the great nations of earth were drawn into the struggle, and most of the smaller ones. This was another gathering of the nations for military purposes, and when the war was blasted to an end by atomic bombs dropped on Japanese cities, the world was left prostrate and bleeding.

The United Nations

Again the great nations of earth realized that they would have to work together if future wars were to be averted, so in San Francisco The United Nations was formed. The permanent headquarters of this peace-keeping body was later established in New York City. The United Nations has various agencies through which much assistance is given to backward peoples of the earth along medical and scientific lines, and without doubt much good is thus being accomplished.

Besides, The United Nations has been more active in attempting to prevent war than The League of Nations ever was. Small armies of occupation have been sent to different places by the UN to prevent the spread of war, and with some temporary success. But when it comes to the big issues confronting the nations—the issues which could almost any time lead to a global struggle—The United Nations has been unable to find solutions.

Jesus’ Prophecy

Jesus said of the end of the age and the time of his second presence that there would be a time of “great tribulation.” (Matt. 24:21,22) In this prophecy Jesus is virtually quoting from Daniel 12:1, where reference is made to “a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation.” The “tribulation” referred to by Jesus, and “the time of trouble” mentioned in Daniel’s prophecy refer to the same events, and reveal that the age would end amidst wars, revolution, national and international upheavals, and anarchy.

We believe that the Bible’s prophecies foretelling the gathering of the nations at this time point out one of the characteristics of this “great time of trouble.” One of these prophecies appears at the beginning of this article. It declares that the Lord would “gather the nations” and that he would “assemble the kingdoms” to pour upon them his “indignation” and all his “fierce anger,” that the whole earth would be “devoured” by the “fire” of his “zeal,” as it is in the Hebrew text.

It is not the literal earth that is to be “devoured,” but the social order symbolized by the earth. A similar thought is presented in Daniel 7:23 where we are told that the “earth” is devoured by a great beast. This is a symbolic way of describing the swallowing up of the Grecian world by the Roman Empire. So in the end of this age the “earth” is again “devoured,” not by a “beast,” but by the fire of God’s zeal, for through the agencies of Christ’s kingdom he takes over the rulership of mankind, and this calls for the destruction of man’s social order.

Gathered for War

Another prophecy of the gathering of the nations in these “last days” is presented by Joel. We quote: “Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen [Gentiles], and gather yourselves together round about: the Lord shall bring down thy mighty ones [marginal translation].”—Joel 3:9-11

This forecast is in interesting contrast to a prophecy by Micah and Isaiah in which they show the people and nations of earth going up to the “mountain” or kingdom of the Lord, and learning of his ways, with the result that they beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruninghooks, and learn war no more. (Micah 4:14; Isa. 2:24) Joel’s prophecy shows the gathering of the nations to the great Armageddon struggle, prior to the full establishment of the messianic kingdom.

It is this gathering of the nations which is prophesied in Revelation 16:15,16, which reads, “Behold, I [Jesus] come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.” Joel’s prophecy of the gathering of the nations for war puts them in “the valley of decision”—“Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.”—Joel 3:14

Armageddon was one of the great battlegrounds of Israel. The Lord took a hand in the battles which Israel fought there against her enemies, and directed the outcome. “The valley of decision” of Joel’s prophecy is also referred to by him as “the valley of Jehoshaphat, and it is in this valley, the Lord informs us, that he will plead with the gathered nations on behalf of his people Israel. The Lord foretold that it would be in the day when he would “bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem” that he would also gather the nations in the valley of Jehoshaphat, or decision.—Joel 3:1-2

Fulfillment in Progress

The fact that in our time we have seen the nations gathered for two global wars, and now being gathered again, and that in conjunction with this we have seen the beginning of the regathering of Israel to the Promised Land, leaves no room for doubt that we are living at the very threshold of the final climax of Armageddon, beyond which there will be established lasting peace. Then all the people of the earth will at long last be given the opportunity of enjoying the promised blessings of Christ’s kingdom.

As we read the various prophecies pertaining to the gathering of the nations and Israel’s part in connection therewith, we recognize that there is much in these prophecies yet to be fulfilled, and we feel that it is unwise to speculate as to just how these fulfillments will manifest themselves in the detailed experiences of Israel and of the Gentile nations. But we do see enough today to convince us that we are living in the time of fulfillment, and this gives us great assurance of the imminence of Christ’s kingdom.

In Joel’s prophecy already quoted, the Lord tells us that he has a controversy with the nations concerning Israel. In other prophecies, such as Ezekiel 38:18-23, where the forces which will be arrayed against Israel are shown to be under the direction of a symbolic character called “Gog,” we are informed that the Lord will intervene on behalf of his people, fighting for them as he did in the days of old. But just how this will evolve in detail seems not to be indicated in advance.

One reason why the fulfilment of these prophecies cannot be clearly understood in advance is the great change in the methods of warfare which has taken place since the prophecies were written. Ezekiel’s prophecy indicates that Israel will be defenseless at the time of the great attack upon her by “Gog” and his armies. (Ezek. 38:11,12) Israel today is heavily armed against her enemies, the most apparent ones being the Arab nations.

On the other hand, what protection does Israel have against an attack by guided missiles? Nor can we imagine an attack against Israel from the communist “north” being ignored by the great powers of the western world. Shall all the nations eventually be drawn into this controversy over Israel, and thus be gathered into “the valley of decision”? The prophecies seem so to indicate.

But our main interest in the matter now is not in how the details will unfold, but in the final outcome. This will be glorious. Our faith is strengthened by what “the sure Word of prophecy” has thus far revealed to us, and now we are able to “look up” and “lift up” our heads, knowing that our deliverance from this deteriorating “present evil world” is drawing near, and that soon those who are faithful in following in the Master’s footsteps of suffering and death will be living and reigning with him in the new social order, which will be Christ’s kingdom.

And what a wonderful time that will be for Israel, and for all nations! It will be then that “the Spirit and the bride” will say, “Come,” and those who hear will join in extending the invitation to say, “Come, and … take the water of life freely.” (Rev. 22:17) It will be then that the knowledge of Christ’s redeeming blood will be testified to all mankind, including those who have died. (I Tim. 2:3-6) It will be then that the Lord will “turn to the people a pure language,” that they may all know him and unitedly serve him.—Zeph. 3:9

In a beautiful prophecy concerning the time of peace to follow Armageddon, the Psalmist wrote: “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yea, the Lord shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase. Righteousness shall go before him; and shall set us in the way of his steps.”—Ps. 85:10-13

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