World Peace Assured

THE beginning of 1966 witnessed a tremendous drive by the United States government to bring the war in Viet Nam to an end. Representatives of the State Department were sent to practically every government on earth. This “peace drive” came prominently to the attention of the general public when it was reported that the United States ambassador to the United Nations was conferring with the Pope in Vatican City. Then followed news dispatches of the visits of other dignitaries to the capitals of the world.

When President Johnson gave his State of the Union address to Congress in mid-January he reported that virtually no response had been received from North Viet Nam to these efforts; consequently the only thing to do was to continue fighting. This, he assured the nation, would be done for whatever days, or months, or years were required to defeat the communists in that part of the world.

On the surface it was a strange situation, for it meant that the strongest nation on earth, with military bases ringing the planet, and enough hydrogen bombs stockpiled to destroy the entire human population several times over, had been turned down in its bid for peace by that tiny country of North Viet Nam. However, there was more than this involved, for in reality communist North Viet Nam is merely the “front man,” so to speak, behind which is virtually the entire communist world.

There are communist China and communist Russia. And while at the moment these two great powers disagree with each other on methods of procedure, they have common aims, in that they are both determined to establish communism world-wide. And in the pursuit of this aim both these communist powers have pledged support to North Viet Nam; and both are already giving support in the way of arms and other supplies.

As the peace offensive continued, Russia sent high government officials to North Viet Nam, reportedly to arrange for further support, and these Russian communists visited communist Chinese officials on their way back to Russia, indicating that there might well be a working agreement between the two as to the extent, and how, they will support North Viet Nam to assure victory against the “imperialist” forces of the United States.

It is because the United States government knows what hazards are involved in the Viet Nam war that extreme caution is taken not to stir up the animosity of world communism unnecessarily lest a global hydrogen war result. There are now more than two hundred thousand United States troops in Viet Nam. It would seem from reports of the war that comparatively few of these are as yet being used. What the future holds even the military experts can only guess.

All we do know is that the war could go on for months, even years, on its present basis, with the constant ominous threat that almost any day it could erupt into a general military confrontation of the communist and the noncommunist worlds. It is this that the rulers of the world are trying desperately to avoid. All know that in a general struggle of this magnitude both sides would lose, for civilization as we know it would be destroyed, and countless millions of the human race strewn dead upon the ground, or burned to ashes; and other millions maimed for the remainder of their miserable lives of suffering.

Prophecies Fulfilled

The prophecies of the Bible foretold the present “distress of nations.” In answer to a question as to what would be the signs of his second presence Jesus said, among other things, that there would be “upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth.”—Luke 21:25,26

How vividly this describes present conditions throughout the earth! The expression, “with perplexity,” in the Greek text really means “no way out.” It is because the rulers of the world see no way out of the threatened destruction of civilization that their hearts are filled with fear, and this fear is shared by all who give serious thought to what is taking place throughout the earth.

Jesus’ reference to the roaring of the sea and waves is symbolic. Literally the sea and the waves always roar, and this fact is used by the Lord to illustrate the restless discontent of the people in this time of world-wide fear and distress. The Prophet Isaiah wrote: “Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters! The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but God shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a rolling thing before the whirlwind.”—Isa. 17:12,13

The “Earth” Removed

Psalm 46:1-3 reads, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.” Here the earth is used to symbolize what we call a social order, and the “mountains” represent the various governments which help to make up this social order.

Since the outbreak of the first World War man’s social order, the “earth,” has gradually been disintegrating. One of the main causes of this is the symbolic roaring of the sea and the waves. The insistent demands of the people for more and more of the bounties of earth; their selfish restlessness as their leaders struggle for power, have brought about a state of near chaos everywhere.

While at the moment the spotlight may be on Viet Nam, there is trouble on every continent of the earth. Throughout the years since 1914 many symbolic “mountains,” or governments, have been brought down into the midst of the “sea.” All have been weakened, and to such an extent that many could not exist at all without financial aid from the United States. As the struggle continues it becomes apparent that even the United States with its high national income cannot continue to keep the world from being engulfed by the roaring seas and the waves of human passion.

Daniel 12:1 refers to this distress of nations as “a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation.” It is this trouble that is upon the world today, and filling the hearts of the people with fear. But as Psalm 46:1,2, already quoted, points out, the Lord’s people do not fear, for in this time of trouble the Lord is their refuge. This does not mean that they expect to be protected from harm. Their refuge is largely in the knowledge of the divine plan which has been so graciously given to them.

Divine Intervention

Faithful followers of the Master, enlightened by the Word of truth, know the meaning of the events occurring throughout the earth. Even more clearly than others, they recognize the hopelessness of the situation from the standpoint of human wisdom and ability, but they see in the foretold “distress of nations” a sure evidence of the near establishment of the long-promised kingdom of Christ. They know that soon, through the establishment of Christ’s kingdom, there will be divine intervention in the affairs of men.

In Matthew 24:21,22 we find another reference to the trouble which is upon the earth today. It is also a part of Jesus’ answer to the question concerning the signs of his second presence. He said that there would be great “tribulation,” and that it would be so severe that unless it were shortened no flesh would survive. This is the fear of the world leaders today. But we do not share this fear, because Jesus said that the time of tribulation would be shortened.

We may not know the full implication of this promise. It does not for example, give us a basis for believing that the present distress of nations will not worsen and become an all-out global war. All we can be sure of is that “all flesh” will not be destroyed. According to a correct translation of this prophetic promise by Jesus, the “tribulation” will be shortened by “the elect.” Jesus, primarily, is God’s elect One to establish the messianic kingdom, and bring peace to the world. Associated with him will be his faithful followers of the Christian era. The promise to these is that they will come forth from death in the first resurrection to live and reign with Christ a thousand years.”—Rev. 20:6

The Bible does not reveal to us just how the glorified Christ will exercise divine power to establish peace in the earth. After all, we cannot understand how divine beings function to accomplish their objectives, and would not likely therefore understand any explanation which might be given. But faith assures us that the power which created and controls the universe can easily subdue the raging passions of human selfishness, and bring peace out of chaos whenever the due time arrives.

Turning again to the 46th Psalm, we find an assurance of this. We quote: “Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the ends of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen [Rotherham translation, “nations”], I will be exalted in the earth.”—vss.8-10

Here we have the assurance that the Lord will make desolate the war potentials of the distressed and raging nations of earth, and that through the agencies of Christ’s kingdom he will bid the warring nations to “be still” and recognize him, and also recognize that a new government has taken control of earth’s affairs. This divine government of promise will give peace and security to the nations, and cause a knowledge of God’s glory to fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.—Isa. 11:9; 40:5

Israel Saved

The prophecies do not reveal clearly just how divine intervention in the affairs of men will first be manifested. However, we think there is a fairly clear indication that it will be in connection with the Israelites who have settled in Palestine, and who, the Scriptures indicate, will be attacked by aggressor nations bent on their destruction. This is brought to our attention in the 38th chapter of Ezekiel.

The aggressors against the Israelites are shown by this prophecy to be under the general leadership of one called Gog, who comes out of the “north.” Many think that the reference here is to Russia. But others also are involved—Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are mentioned. We know of the Arab hatred of Israel, and of their willingness to co-operate with any power that might wish to attack this small country.

But let us not try to foresee the details of this picture. The important fact of the prophecy for the moment is that the Lord intervenes to halt the attack of this mighty force which “covers the land,” and that out of this intervention comes recognition by the enemies of Israel that Israel’s God is fighting for them. Referring to Gog as the leader of this attack, the Lord says: “I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord.”—vss. 22,23

When the Lord is thus recognized by the nations as being supreme, it would seem unlikely that they would have the desire to continue their fight against his people. With this information quickly reaching the uttermost parts of the earth, what a stabilizing effect it will have upon the whole world! Since this will be the time for the exercise of kingdom authority in the earth, the Lord will have his earthly representatives on hand to take the reins of government, and begin the rulership of that wonderful kingdom of peace.

These human representatives will be the faithful servants of past ages, beginning with righteous Abel, who will be brought forth to perfection in what Paul describes as “a better resurrection.” (Heb. 11:35) Jesus referred to these, and to their role in the kingdom, and said that they would be recognized as instructors and guides by the people from every quarter of the earth.—Matt. 8:11; Luke 13:28,29

It seems clear from the prophecies that the authority and power of the kingdom will first manifest itself in the Holy Land, and that the Israelites residing there will be the first to receive its blessings. Indeed, Ezekiel’s prophecy indicates that God’s intervention on their behalf which opens the eyes of their enemies to know that he is God, also causes them to know their God, and the Lord says, “I will not let them pollute my holy name any more.”—Ezek. 39:7,28,29

And then the enlightenment and blessings of the kingdom and of the New Covenant, beginning with Israel, will quickly spread to all nations, for the promise is that “of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end.” (Isa. 9:6,7; Jer. 31:31-34) Before that thousand-year kingdom accomplishes its full objective, there will be peace among the nations; peace within the nations; peace in human hearts; and above all, when the work of the kingdom is complete, peace will be established between God and all men. Then the kingdom will be turned over to the Father, that he may be all and in all.—I Cor. 15:28

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