International Bible Studies |
Man Is a Sinner
MEMORY VERSE: “If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.” —Psalm 130:3,4
MARK 7:20-23; ROMANS 1:18-21; I JOHN 1:5-10
MAN was created perfect, and in the image of God. He was not created a sinner, but was created with the capability of making a choice, and he chose to disobey his Creator’s law, and disobedience to God is sin. Thus the first man, Adam, became a sinner, and his children were born imperfect and prone to sin. Paul wrote that by the disobedience of one, many became sinners, and these “many” are, in fact, all the descendants of Adam, the entire human race.—Rom. 5:18,19
The Pharisees of Jesus’ day were extremely careful concerning what they ate, and made sure that their dishes and hands were ceremonially clean before they ate, lest their bodies become defiled. But Jesus explained that it was not what went into the body as food and drink that caused defilement in the sight of God, but that which was already in the heart, and finds expression through wicked words and deeds. This indicates that any cleansing we might be able to accomplish in ourselves must begin with the heart.
Paul wrote that “the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness.” (Rom. 1:18) “The wages of sin is death,” so the reign of sin and death is a manifestation of God’s wrath against the human race; that is, all those “who hold the truth in unrighteousness.” (Rom. 6:23) Adam was given the truth concerning the will of God with respect to the forbidden fruit, but he did not “hold” or obey, that truth. Instead he disobeyed.
The vast majority of the human family have made little effort to turn their backs upon unrighteousness and seek to know and do God’s will. Paul wrote, “When they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.” Paul indicates that the existence and power of God are revealed by the things which are made by him, his works of creation. But even this manifestation of power and glory has gone unheeded by most people.
However, there have been a few in every age who have striven earnestly to stem the tide of sin which has engulfed the world, and to serve God in a true spirit of holiness. During the present Gospel Age, these have been the faithful footstep followers of the Master. Like the remainder of the world of mankind, these are sinful by nature, being members of the sin-cursed and dying race. But they have been attracted by the Gospel of Christ, and, through its power have been drawn to the Lord and given the desire to serve him.
These faithful ones at heart, however, could not serve God acceptably except that he has provided a robe of righteousness for them. This is Christ’s righteousness, (Isa. 61:10) and in his righteousness his followers have a standing before God and are acceptable to him. But by nature they are still blemished by sin, and if these should get the idea that they can live without sin, then they are deceiving themselves.
Our memory verse is a blessed assurance of God’s forgiveness. How thankful we should be that God does not take all our iniquities into account in dealing with us. If he did so, as the text states, we would not be able to stand approved before him, but would surely be condemned. It is because he has provided for us the robe of Christ’s righteousness that we can have the assurance of his forgiveness and continued favor and blessing.
We are thankful, also, that, in God’s due time, the whole dead world of mankind will be given a standing before him. This also will be because of Christ’s shed blood, for he is a propitiation not for our sins only, “but also for the sins of the whole world.” (I John 1:7; 2:2) During the thousand-year judgment day the world will be given its opportunity, through obedience to the things written in the opened “books,” to return to God, and in this position of favor will be enlightened concerning the will of God.—Rev. 20:12
When did man become a sinner?
Have there been any throughout the ages who have resisted sin?
At the present time, how are these acceptable to God?
Will mankind in general ever have an opportunity to return to God?