The Year That Is Ending

THE closing weeks of 1965 find the world in much the same chaotic condition as it was at the beginning of the year. None of the major problems facing the fear-filled world at the beginning of 1965 has been solved; most of them have worsened. The situation is well portrayed by the language of the Psalmist in describing a storm at sea, and how it affects a ship and its sailors: “For he [the Lord] commandeth, and raiseth [margin, Heb. maketh to stand] the storm wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof. They mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths: their soul is melted because of trouble. They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wit’s end.”—Ps. 107:25-27

This might well be considered as a symbolic and prophetic description of the present world situation. We are living in a transition period. The old world is crumbling and passing away, and a new kingdom is being established. The people do not recognize this as yet. Many of the world’s leaders still suppose they can solve the problems of a dying world. But eventually they will learn that they cannot. When they do, then as the Psalmist continues, they will “cry unto the Lord in their trouble,” and he will bring “them out of their distresses.” He will make “the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still,” and he will bring “them unto their desired haven” of peace and security.—vss. 28-30

The Prophet Daniel foretold of this transition period that there would be “a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation.” (Dan. 12:1) This “time of trouble” is indicated as being brought about by the standing up of Michael—one of the titles ascribed to Jesus since his resurrection and glorification. One of the Bible’s symbols of “the time of trouble” represents Jesus as treading a winepress, and he is said to do this alone.—Isa. 63:1-6; Rev. 19:11-16

What Daniel described as a “time of trouble” Jesus foretold would be a “great tribulation,” or distress, upon the nations; a tribulation which would lead to the destruction of all flesh but for divine intervention by God’s “elect,” which, primarily is Jesus. (Matt. 24:21,22; Luke 21:25,26) The Prophet Zephaniah foretold that the Lord would “gather the nations” that he might “pour upon them his indignation,” and that the whole symbolic earth would be devoured by his jealousy, or zeal, as it is in the Hebrew text.—Zeph. 3:8

These are but some of the prophecies which point out the reason for the chaotic times in which we are living. There are trouble spots essentially everywhere on earth, any one of which could erupt into a world war which would destroy what is left of civilization. Interwoven as an important cause of the conflicts are widely separated ideologies, civil and religious. Most important of these are communism and capitalism, or dictatorship and free enterprise. Frequently, however, these issues are not clearly defined in the various skirmishes which take place in different parts of the world.

But, in any case, the whole world is on fire. This is true in the associations of nations one with the other, and it is true within nations. The angry passions of men and women are expressing themselves. Within the United States there is the clamor for civil rights, and for the opportunity to make a decent living on the part of minority groups. Nineteen hundred sixty-five will go down as the year of the great riot in Los Angeles, California, and the discontent which was the soil for this uprising exists in many American cities. Billy Graham referred to the Los Angeles riot as “rehearsal for revolution.”

Nor is the United States the only country in which there have been riots during 1965. There has been serious rioting in Greece, not over civil rights, but for other reasons. There has been rioting in South America, and in Africa, and elsewhere. These local explosions of passion are emblematic of the unrest and dissatisfaction that exists in the hearts of the people, particularly the underprivileged of the world.

Viet Nam

At the beginning of the year there was a war in Viet Nam in which the United States was participating. During the year that war has escalated to a considerable extent. It is believed that the United States now has more than a hundred and fifty thousand men in that far away country, hoping to prevent the further spread of communism in that part of the world. This is one of the distressing world situations which has worsened during the year. There is much fear that the Viet Nam struggle might yet be expanded into a world war.

Civil War

During the year there was a civil war within the Dominican Republic. Here, also, and to prevent the communists from taking over the country, the United States intervened with her army. A temporary settlement has been reached, but the seeds of unrest which brought about the uprising still exist. No lasting solution has been found. And this seems to be the general pattern being followed by the statesmen of the world. Lacking the necessary wisdom to find satisfactory solutions, they “sit on the safety valve” hoping to keep the pressures within bounds. But this works only for a while. Ultimately there is a larger and more destructive explosion as a result.

India and Pakistan

Also in this year of 1965, India and Pakistan went to war against each other over Kashmir. The United Nations stepped into this controversy and succeeded in obtaining a cease-fire pledge from both countries. But this did not settle the dispute over Kashmir, nor did the hostilities completely end. The world knows that here is another situation which might any time break out into the fury of a full scale war, which could easily lead to global strife.


During the year there were numerous border clashes between Israel and her Arab neighbors. The differences between Israel and the Arabs seem further from being settled than ever. While Israel proceeds in a marvelous way to rebuild that part of the Land of Promise which she possesses, it is under the constant threat of her Arab neighbors to drive her into the sea. We know from the Scriptures that this problem will ultimately be settled by divine intervention on behalf of God’s ancient people, but how much Israel will be permitted to suffer from her enemies prior to that time can only be conjectured, and that we prefer not to do.

Concerning God’s protection of Israel against the final attempt of her enemies to destroy her, we read: “I will call for a sword against him [Gog] throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man’s sword shall be against his brother. And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood, and I will rain upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. Thus will I magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord.”—Ezek. 38:21-23


The world’s money situation has worsened during the year. Ever since the close of the last world war, the United States has been furnishing money for economic and military purposes to many countries. Without this aid many of them would have collapsed, and communism would have spread even faster than it has. This aid is still being furnished, but it is no secret that government officials are becoming fearful of what the end result will be. America’s gold supply is rapidly dwindling. The British pound is unstable, and wholesale inflation is threatening almost everywhere. This in no small way contributes to the fear that is now filling the hearts of the people.

This fear has reached into the Vatican, so that in 1965 the Pope made an unprecedented trip to the United Nations’ headquarters in New York, and addressed the General Assembly in a plea for world peace. Although millions might think otherwise, the fact remains that the Pope’s visit to the United Nations was no more than just another human effort to bring about peace to a chaotic and dying world. Because it was merely a human effort, it was doomed to failure from the start.

The final session of the Ecumenical Council convened in Rome in September. Of most concern to the religious world in general was the expected favorable action the Council took on religious liberty. Heretofore the Catholic Church has held that religious liberty was for her alone. Her teaching has been that she alone has the truth, and there should be no liberty for the teaching of error. In anticipation of the reversal of this position, many have noted a desire on the part of some Catholics for a more cordial relationship with those of other faiths.

The Gemini 5

The year 1965 has witnessed much advance in science, particularly as it applies to space travel. In August, two American astronauts circled the earth in space for an unbroken period of eight days, and there were other outstanding flights. Since it is figured that eight days is sufficient time to travel to the moon and back, the successful 8-day flight of Gemini 5 has demonstrated what is believed to be the possibility of landing a man on the moon. It is claimed that this will be accomplished no later than 1969.

In connection with the Gemini 5 flight it was admitted for the first time that travel in space has military significance. True, the words, “for defensive purposes” were used; but in connection with the tremendous stockpiles of hydrogen bombs that expression is also used. No nation admits the building of hydrogen bombs for aggressive purposes, and this is true also of conventional arms. Will the time come when the earth will be subject to bombings from outer space? What a frightening thought! No wonder Jesus said that unless these days be shortened no flesh would survive!—Matt. 24:21,22

“His Shoulder”

In December much of the world will again be reminded of the birth of Jesus, The Prince of Peace, although the true anniversary of his birth is about October 1. But only a very few of earth’s millions realize that in the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus we have the true solution to all the world’s problems. One of the prophecies of his birth indicates this. We quote: “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder.”—Isa. 9:6

Today, weak, impotent men are endeavoring as best they can to shoulder the responsibilities of keeping the peace, and of bestowing blessings upon the sin-cursed and dying world, and they are miserably failing. This has always been the case. While throughout the Middle Ages the claim was that Christ was reigning through the church-state governments of Europe, the fact is that Christ’s kingdom was not set up at Pentecost, as many claim, nor has any man actually been the vicegerent of Christ.

But now we are living in the transition period between Satan’s world and the kingdom of Christ, and soon the world will learn that Christ is the One, and only One, who can and will establish peace on earth and good will among men. (Luke 2:14) “The government shall be upon his shoulder”—what a meaningful expression this is! When Jesus was raised from the dead, he announced to his disciples that all power had been given to him in heaven and in earth. (Matt. 28:18) How well, then, he is equipped to shoulder the responsibilities of world peace! He will not need hydrogen bombs, nor space ships from which to bomb the nations.

Isaiah further wrote concerning Jesus, The Prince of Peace, that “of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end.” (vs. 7) This means that eventually, under the rulership of Christ, peace and good will shall be just as universal as fear and chaos are today. Christ’s kingdom of peace will spread its beneficent influence over all the continents, and over the isles of the sea. He will easily solve the problems of the “haves” and the “have nots,” for then every man shall dwell “under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make afraid.”—Micah 4:1-4

No problem that confronts the world today will be too great for The Prince of Peace to solve. The greatest problems of all, which no human ruler has ever attempted to solve, are the problems of sickness and death. Today, even if peace could be established in every part of the earth, and economic security could be assured to all the teeming millions of humanity, the people would still be dying at the rate of one hundred and fifty thousand every twenty-four hours, with all the sickness and suffering this implies. What a world!

But in Christ’s new world the problems of sickness and death will be solved. The people are dying because they are members of a sin-cursed and dying race. All are dying because of Adam’s transgression. However, Paul assures us that just as “in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive,” and that Christ shall reign until the great enemy Death is destroyed.—I Cor. 15:21,22,26

The restless roaring of the sea and waves is used in the prophecies to symbolize the world of mankind in its chaos and distress, and one of the prophecies of the kingdom assures us that there shall be no more “sea.” It is then that, through Christ, God “will dwell” with the people, and “shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”—Rev. 21:1-4

And when the Lord assures us that “there shall be no more death,” it means that even those who have died will be restored to life. These have all been ransomed from death by the precious blood of Christ, and the Prophet Isaiah wrote, “The ransomed of the Lord shall return [from death], and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” (Isa. 35:10) These blessings of peace and life will not reach the world in 1966, but they are near, and in this we can rejoice!

Dawn Bible Students Association
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