International Bible Studies |
Christians Grow Through Fellowship
MEMORY VERSE: “Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.” —Romans 14:19
ROMANS 14:13-21
TRUE Christian fellowship is based upon the doctrines of God’s Word. In the New Testament the word “fellowship” translates a Greek word meaning “partnership.” The Bible sets forth the plan of God for the recovery of the sin-cursed and dying race from death, and the restoration of all the willing and obedient to life. The followers of Jesus have a partnership in that plan, in that they suffer and die with Jesus, inspired by the hope of living and reigning with him during the thousand years of his kingdom, a rulership which is designed to put down insurrection to God throughout the whole earth, and ultimately to destroy even death itself.
Our fellowship as Christians, therefore, consists of the mutual discussion of the glorious truths of the Bible, its reassuring promises to those who are walking in the narrow way and our participation in the service of the Lord which is seen to be in harmony with his plan of salvation. This is a truly marvelous fellowship, a fellowship of kindred minds which is like to that above.
Some of the main doctrines of the Bible which together make up the divine plan of salvation are: man’s creation and fall into sin and death; the promise of deliverance made to Abraham when God said to him that through his seed all the families of the earth are to be blessed; the coming of Jesus, first as a man to redeem mankind from death, and at his second advent, as a great king to establish his long-promised kingdom.
Jesus gave his flesh for the life of the world, a corresponding price for the forfeited life of Adam. This is referred to by Paul as a “ransom,” which, he declares, will be testified to all in due time. (I Tim. 2:3-6) Jesus was raised from the dead a glorious divine being, with all power in heaven and in earth given to him. (Matt. 28:16-18; Rom. 1: 4; Eph. 1:19-21) During the present age the work of the Lord has been to call from the world those whom he is choosing to be associated with Jesus in his future kingdom. These, like Jesus, give up their lives in sacrifice, and in the resurrection are highly exalted to the divine nature, to be like and with him, and to share in the rulership of his kingdom.—Rom. 8:17; II Tim. 1:11,12; II Pet. 1:4; Rev. 20:4,6
During the next age the work of the Lord will be to restore, through the agencies of the messianic kingdom, the remainder of the world of mankind to perfection of life as humans, to live forever on the earth. The full restoration of the individual will depend upon his acceptance of the provisions of God’s grace through Christ, and obedience to the Laws of the kingdom.
This briefly stated, is the plan of God, in the belief and outworking of which we find a sweet fellowship, a partnership. If we follow after the things contained in this plan, expanding our study of the Bible to include all its rich promises and assurances, we will indeed have peace among ourselves as Christians, as our memory text suggests.
Our lesson assignment seems to stress a negative approach to the privilege of fellowship by mentioning items which could easily disrupt the peace of the brethren, such as eating meat which had been offered to idols, drinking wine, and so forth. It would seem that meat which had been offered to idols was less expensive to buy, and for that reason was widely used. Apparently some of the brethren new in the faith felt that such meat had been defiled, and therefore that it would be displeasing to the Lord to eat it. But Paul said that in his opinion nothing was unclean [margin, Gr. common] of itself.
However, Paul took the understanding position that if some thought otherwise he would not flaunt his liberty before them, lest they be induced to partake against their conscience. “The kingdom of God,” he wrote, “is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.”—vs. 17
Upon what is true Christian fellowship based?
What are some of the principal doctrines of God’s plan?
Relate the background of eating meat offered to idols, and its possible injurious effects.