“The Great Society”

FOR some time now the President of the United States has been talking about “The Great Society” which he hopes to see established in the United States through the good offices of his administration. In the President’s State of the Union message which he presented to the Congress and to the American people early in January, and later in his Inaugural Address, he outlined some of the things he had in mind as constituting the great society of which he so glowingly speaks. Poverty is to be abolished. There is to be medical care for the aged, and for the children. The nation’s educational systems are to be improved. Civil rights are to be expanded, and made more realistic. Unemployment is to be abolished. In short, all the ills which now afflict the people are to be remedied—at least, billions of dollars are to be spent in efforts to do so.

Naturally there will be a great deal of controversy as to whether or not these objectives should be undertaken by the Federal Government. There will be the cry of “socialized medicine” and “the welfare state” which many will raise. However, as Christians we are not particularly concerned with this controversy, but can rejoice that there are humanitarian-minded people in the world who see these problems and are willing to do what they can to solve them.

The United States is the richest country in the world. The standard of living here is higher than in any other country. Yet, even here, the President considers it necessary to make war on poverty. The fact is that right here in the midst of plenty there are millions who are living in poverty. There are various reasons for this. One is the mechanization of the coal industry. This alone has left hundreds of thousands of coal miners without work. This has blighted whole communities, and the hardships of the people in these areas are almost beyond description.

While there is much poverty in America, the vast majority of the people are enjoying a bountiful subsistence. This is in bold contrast to the situation in many other countries—particularly in Africa and the Far East—where the great majority are poor and hungry. Taking the general average the world over we find that there are by far many more who are hungry and ill-clad than there are those who have plenty to eat and decent clothes to wear. There is need, therefore, for a world-wide war on poverty.

Nor is the world situation improving, but the reverse. Our wisest leaders and planners seem unable to cope with the mounting needs of the earth’s rapidly increasing population. The main reason for this failure is, of course, human selfishness. Selfishness stands in the way of an adequate distribution of earth’s bounties. It is the basic cause for the tensions and struggles which are constantly preventing many nations from making economic progress. If the food-growing potentials of the earth could be unselfishly utilized no one would need to go hungry.

Human Failure

That the world should be in the state that it is in today is grim testimony to the fact of the failure of human efforts. Within our generation we have had “The New Deal,” “The New Frontier,” and now “The Great Society.” In addition we have had many slogans of encouragement such as “Freedom from Fear,” “A Chicken in Every Pot,” and others. The people of former generations have likewise had their utopian dreams, and many have made strenuous efforts to assure that these dreams came true. But by and large the world is today in worse condition in many ways than it has ever been.

Man’s dilemma began with the entry of sin into the world. In pronouncing the sentence of death, the Lord said to Adam that he would have to live by the sweat of his face all the days of his life until he returned to the dust from which he was taken. (Gen. 3:17-19) He was to find the earth, not subdued, but unfriendly, in that it would bring forth thorns and thistles more readily than it would wholesome, life-giving food.

This situation tended to create jealousies and a spirit of selfish—many times ruthless—competition among the descendants of Adam. As nations were formed, the same attitudes were engendered among them. This spirit of selfishness and greed is so strongly entrenched in mankind that adequate police forces have to be maintained even in civilized countries, otherwise there would be near-anarchy much of the time. This spirit is noted in times of calamity such as earthquakes, when the goods from stores are thrown into the streets. The police have to move in quickly to prevent the wholesale looting that would otherwise take place.

True, there are noble-minded people by the millions who do not need to be kept in line by a police force, and we are glad that this is so. We are analyzing the general situation so that we may realize more clearly just why it has been impossible for the well-wishers in human society to establish utopian conditions. Human selfishness has always stood in the way, and it does today. This is the reason that all human plans will fail.

God’s Plan

God’s plan includes a provision for eradicating human selfishness. This plan is centered in Christ Jesus, who gave his life as a ransom, and thus made possible the eventual setting aside of the sentence of death. Paul put it this way: “This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.”—I Tim. 2:3-6

The word “ransom” used by Paul means “a corresponding price. The thought is that Jesus became a substitute in death for the condemned Adam, and through Adam, for the whole human race. The fact that this loving provision was made for the ultimate release of Adam and his race from death implies that in due time this release will take place. The Bible shows that this is indeed God’s plan. The period during which this will be accomplished is described by the Apostle Peter as “times of restitution of all things,” and he declares that it had been spoken by the mouth “of all his [God’s] holy prophets since the world began.”—Acts 3:19-21

Restitution means restoration. Basically it will be a restoration to life in what the Bible describes as a resurrection. First will come an awakening from the sleep of death. Then all who accept God’s loving provision for them through Christ, and obey the will of God as it will then be made known to them, will be restored fully to human perfection as Adam enjoyed it before he transgressed the divine law.

This means that selfishness in the human heart will be replaced by love. Among the promises of restitution referred to by Peter are those set forth in Jeremiah 31:31-34, and Ezekiel 11:19,20; 36:24-28. The Lord assures us that the stony, selfish hearts of the people will be taken away, and they will be given hearts of flesh, and that God will write his law in their “inward parts.” Thus one of the main causes for human failures to establish utopian conditions throughout the earth will be removed.

The Prophet Isaiah, writing concerning the “times of restitution,” said, “An highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.” (Isa. 35:8) A highway, or roadway, suggests the idea of progress. This promised “highway” leads to holiness, or righteousness. It is the return road to God for all who, during “the times of restitution,” wish to avail themselves of it. The unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for those; that is, the unclean who wish to enter the highway will be privileged to do so, but to remain on it they will have to make progress toward holiness.

Because of human selfishness and the long reign of sin and death, there are almost endless pitfalls, snares, and temptations to hinder people from walking in the way of righteousness at the present time. These hindrances are symbolized by Isaiah as beasts, and concerning the “highway” he says, “No lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast shall go up thereon, it shall not be found there; but the redeemed shall walk there.” (vs. 9) The “redeemed” are those for whom Christ died, and here we are again assured that they will have the opportunity of returning to life and to perfection and, above all, to harmony with God.

Health in “The Great Society”

As we have noted, throughout the centuries noble efforts have been made to improve man’s social and economic life. Many forms of government have been tried. In our generation the ability to cope with economic problems engendered by labor-saving machinery has been a baffling one. But in all the efforts of the past little consideration has been given to the health of the people. But now President Johnson has taken hold of this difficult problem and promises to do something about it.

The President refers to what he hopes to do as “a massive assault” on disease. In his proposed program the aged are to be cared for, and also the children. Billions of dollars are to be spent on medical research, with the view of finding cures for cancer and a number of other killing diseases. It is a bold, far-reaching program, and it is to be hoped that much will be accomplished to alleviate human suffering.

With the promise to abolish poverty, care for the sick, and cure as many of them as possible, Mr. Johnson has surely undertaken to accomplish more for the people than humanitarians of the past have hoped for. And probably much good will be done. Surely no one could wish less for the President’s “Great Society” than he is attempting to accomplish. But even so, it will come far short of what the Lord has provided in his plan.

In the first place, it will be very limited in scope, geographically speaking. Even if near-utopian conditions could be established in rich America, it would still leave hundreds of millions, yea, billions of the human race underfed and dying in the squalor of disease and poverty throughout large areas of the earth. And even in these United States the people will continue to die, for no matter how successful the President’s plans may be, we know that he will be unable to abolish death.

But as we have seen, with God’s plan it will be different, for in “the times of restitution” sickness and death will be destroyed. This will be the time of Christ’s kingdom. Since Christ’s first advent the work of God has been the calling and selecting of a “little flock” from among mankind to share the honor and glory of the kingdom with Christ. (Luke 12:32) During his second presence these faithful followers, raised from the dead and exalted to the divine nature with Christ, will reign over mankind to extend the blessings of health and life which the Redeemer purchased by his own precious blood. Concerning the reign of Christ the Apostle Paul wrote, “He [Christ] must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”—I Cor. 15:25,26

What a glorious prospect! In another restitution promise the Prophet Isaiah assures us that the Lord “will swallow up death in victory,” and that he “will wipe away tears from off all faces.” In another promise he speaks of blind eyes being opened, deaf ears being unstopped, lame men leaping, and the tongue of the dumb singing.—Isa. 25:8; 35:5,6

This is confirmed by the Apostle John in Revelation 21:14. Here John presents the Lord’s “Great Society” as a “new heaven and a new earth,” and among the blessings to be enjoyed by the people in that new social order will be the wiping away of tears, and the destruction of disease and of death. “There shall be no more death,” writes John, “neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

Obviously the results of President Johnson’s proposed “massive assault” on disease will fall far short of what the Lord has promised to do through the agencies of Christ’s kingdom. And, as we have seen, in addition the Lord’s program calls for the resurrection of the dead. After all, this is essential for the complete happiness of the human race. Surely those who are alive and healthy, and who have the prospect of continued life, would earnestly want their friends and relatives to enjoy these blessings with them!

One of God’s original promises of blessings to be dispensed during the age of Christ’s kingdom was made to Abraham, when God assured this patriarch that through his “seed” all the families of the earth would be blessed. (Gen. 22:18) The principal “seed” referred to in this promise is Jesus. (Gal. 3:16) Associated with Jesus as the spiritual seed of Abraham will be his footstep followers. (Gal. 3:27-29) But there will be an earthly seed also, who will be able to participate in the kingdom because they will be raised from the dead. Isaiah wrote: “Therefore thus saith the Lord, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, neither shall his face now wax pale. But when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands, in the midst of him, they shall sanctify my name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel. They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and they that murmured shall learn doctrine.”—Isa. 29:22-24

Another of the President’s proposals for his “Great Society” is expanded opportunities for education. This is good, but the Lord has promised a better educational program, one which will acquaint the people with him and his laws. Because Satan has been “the god of this world” the people have been deceived concerning God, many of them having been led to believe that he intended to eternally torture all who die outside of Christ. (II Cor. 4:4) In this and in many other ways the people have “erred in spirit,” but then they “shall cone to understanding.” Many, because of their lack of understanding concerning God, have “murmured” against him, but then they “shall learn doctrine.”

The Lord’s educational program will make another tremendous change in human society. While President Johnson will be making war on poverty, mounting his massive assault on sickness, and expanding the nation’s educational facilities, this and other governments of the world will continue to spend billions to keep up their armaments, with the false notion that in this way they will be able to avoid global war. But, as we know, the theory that to have peace a nation must be prepared for war has never proved to be true, and never will.

God has a better way to safeguard the peace of the world. It will be one of the results of his educational program. There is a prophecy concerning this in which the kingdom of the Lord is spoken of symbolically as a great mountain of which Mount Zion in Jerusalem was a type. We quote: “It shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the Law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”—Isa. 2:2-4

Yes, when the nations are taught the Lord’s ways they will not be learning war, but the opposite. And so thoroughly will they be taught—the lessons reaching down into the hearts of the people—that they will abandon the ways of war, and transform their instruments of war into the potentials of a peaceful and happy society. What more could we ask? And the best thing about the Lord’s wonderful program for a new world is that it will be performed, not in part, but in whole. The Lord God of the universe has promised it, and he is abundantly able to carry out all his good promises.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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