The Christian Faces Family Tensions

GOLDEN TEXT: “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.” —Ephesians 5:21

EPHESIANS 5:21 – 6:4

NOTHING is more beautiful than a well-ordered family and home. Since all are fallen and imperfect, there are sure to be differences of viewpoint on minor matters. These differences could well cause annoying tensions in a family. But where the spirit of Christian love and understanding prevail, these tensions are greatly reduced, so that the prevailing atmosphere in the home is one of peace and good will.

The divine arrangement for the family is that the husband should be the head. But this does not mean that he is to be arbitrary and domineering. It is not a dictatorship. It simply means that the husband—and if there are children, the father—should direct the affairs of the home, particularly in matters pertaining to the spiritual interests of the family. He should himself set a good example of devotion to the Lord, and encourage his family to follow his example.

In our lesson Paul is using this ideal arrangement of the home as an illustration of the relationship between Christ and his church. “Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church,” he wrote. There can be no proper headship of the husband apart from the true spirit of love. Paul indicates the type of love he is referring to when, carrying his illustration further, he reminds us that Christ’s love caused him to lay down his life for his church.

Paul speaks of the relationship between Christ and his church as a “great mystery.” Until this mystery was revealed by the Holy Spirit it was not known that the foretold Christ, or Messiah, would have associates in the outworking of the divine plan. There are various illustrations used in the New Testament to help us grasp this larger aspect of the messianic purpose.

Jesus is likened to the Head over his church, which, as Paul explains, is his body. (I Cor. 12:12; Eph. 1:22,23) This illustration is closely allied with the one in which the church is shown as becoming the bride of Christ. We read in Revelation 19:7 of the marriage of “the Lamb,” and that his “wife” shall have made herself ready. Paul suggests this preparation for the marriage, saying that she is sanctified by Christ through the washing of water by the Word, “that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.”—vss. 26,27

The bride of Christ is symbolically described in Psalm 45:13,14. We quote: “The King’s daughter within the palace is all-glorious; her clothing is in-wrought with gold. She shall be led unto the king in broidered work.” (R.V.) The reference here is to the time when the church is complete, raised from the dead in the first resurrection, and presented to her Lord, the Heavenly Bridegroom. It is then that the marriage of the Lamb will come. It is then that the prophecy concerning the marriage of the Lamb will be fulfilled.

While the church in the flesh is referred to in the Bible as the body of Christ, she will not be the bride of Christ until complete and glorified with him. It will not be until then that the beautiful statement of Revelation 22:17 will have its fulfillment, “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.”

It is a mistake to suppose that this wonderful text of Scripture is now having its fulfillment. The whole world is not now being invited to partake of the water of life referred to in this text. This is the water composing the river of life which is pictured as flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb. It will not be until the bride class has all been selected from mankind, made ready for her Heavenly Bridegroom, and actually glorified with him, that the kingdom of the Lord, here symbolized as the “throne,” will be fully established in the earth.—Rev. 22:1,2

On either side of this promised “river of water of life” are shown the “tree,” or trees, of life. These trees yield their fruit every month, and the leaves of the trees will be for the healing of the nations. What a beautiful symbol this is of the blessing of all the families of the earth with health and life! And how wonderful to realize that love is the motive behind it all!


What is implied by the divine arrangement for the husband to be the head of the home? Should he be a dictator?

What is the “great mystery” set forth by the husband and wife illustration?

Is there now a “bride” of Christ? How is the bride made ready?

When will the statement, “The Spirit and the bride say, Come,” be fulfilled?

Dawn Bible Students Association
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