The Earth Devoured

THE world is now well on its way into another year. The horn blowing and bell ringing with which 1963 was ushered in are now forgotten, and everywhere the people are aware that they are faced with the same, or similar problems, that so gravely perplexed them during 1962. From an international standpoint, perhaps the Cuban crisis was the most threatening of the past year. It was settled with something less than complete victory for the Western world, in that, up to now, on the spot inspection of military installations is not permitted by Cuba. However, a world nuclear conflagration was avoided, and for that the people of all nations can be thankful.

The less than complete settlement of the Cuban issue is typical of the many other trouble spots throughout the earth. Whether in Africa, the Far East, the Middle East, or in Berlin, half measures are adopted from time to time in an effort to prevent an outbreak of trouble which might spread into a world-wide conflagration. But the real issues continue, and new ones appear from time to time, so that in the opening months of 1963 the hearts of the people continue to be filled with fear as they look ahead to the things coming upon the earth.

As the international situation stands at present, it looks as though there may be considerable talk among the great powers over the possibility of partial or total disarmament. There seems little doubt that there is a considerable measure of sincerity on the part of the rulers of all nations to reduce their armaments. But to do so creates another problem, an economic problem, in that so many billions of dollars are now being spent to prepare for war that if this expenditure were suddenly and drastically curtailed it would doubtless lead to widespread unemployment, which in itself would be a serious problem.

There is already unemployment in America and other countries, despite the billions which are being spent for munitions of war. Here in the U.S. the President is advocating a reduction in taxes with the hope that the money thus saved by the people will be spent for domestic goods, and thus help to keep the factories going and avoid a serious recession a year or so from now. A reduction in corporate taxes, it is believed, would encourage business to expand, in that higher profits might be in sight.

This is the situation in the United States, despite the fact that more than fifty billion dollars a year are being spent in preparation for war, or to guard against war, whichever way we may look at it. Sixty-eight percent of the $103 billion voted by congress in 1962 will be spent on the military program. The current military effort of the United States Government figures out to nearly $295.00 for each man, woman, and child in the United States. To whatever extent this might be curtailed through agreements to disarm, it would lead to a corresponding rise in unemployment. So we can see the problem which confronts this and other nations.

It was predicted by economists from the very outset that labor-saving machinery would lead to a situation of this kind. However, in this time of the prophetic increase of knowledge, invention followed invention so rapidly that the manufacture of the new machines being invented took up considerable of the slack of employment brought about by the machines already in operation. This meant that the real crisis was delayed. Already it has been largely delayed for more than a century.

Besides, the number of work hours per week has gradually been reduced. When the working man did everything by hand it was customary to work twelve hours a day, six days a week. Now the work week has been reduced to half this length of time, and there is much agitation that it be reduced still more. Naturally, this also has helped to postpone the time when, through automation, the nation’s factories will be able to produce more than the people can possibly use, and with only a portion of the manpower now needed.

Another thing brought about by invention and labor-saving machinery is the manufacture and use of so many items which were unheard of a century ago. There is the automobile, refrigerator, radio, television and a host of other things which now are considered necessities to the average American family. In fact, “two cars in every garage” is quite the thing these days. This demand for so many new articles has also helped to reduce the unemployment brought about by labor-saving machinery.

However, all these things put together, while they help to postpone a “crisis” situation, cannot solve the problem of unemployment which labor-saving machinery has created. The tremendous unemployment problem of the 1930’s was solved only by virtue of the fact that war broke out. It was a war economy that put the people back to work. And that war economy has been with us ever since, with as much or more money being poured into the economy for the military each year as during the years of the war itself. Thus we can see that there are grave forebodings even in the laudable discussions of possible disarmament.

The Fire Kindled

THE acute problems of the world are due, basically, to human selfishness. The enlightenment of the people in this “time of the end” has led them to clamor for their rights, and the selfish interests of all groups blind them to a consideration of the rights of others. Thus there is trouble, serious trouble. Even in the labor world, equitable solutions could be found if those concerned were governed by an unselfish interest in the welfare of all mankind.

The Scriptures reveal that the Lord takes the responsibility of bringing about this foretold “increase of knowledge.” We are told that his “lightnings” would enlighten the world, and that when the people saw, they would tremble. (Ps. 97:4) The prophecies reveal that this “trembling” of the people would ultimately result in the destruction of man’s social order. God foretold this, saying that he would “devour” the whole “earth” with the “fire” of his jealousy, or zeal.—Zeph. 3:8

It would seem that this “fire” is already kindled. Jesus said, in a prophecy of destruction upon the Jewish polity of his day, “I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?” (Luke 12:49) What Jesus meant was that the conditions and situations which would lead to the great time of trouble upon Israel in A.D. 70-73 were already manifesting themselves. This is an interesting statement, for it reveals that the “fire” of the prophecies is not literal, but symbolic of a conflagration of human passions which destroys man’s world. It led to the destruction of the Jewish world at the first advent, and now it is leading to the destruction of the symbolic world or “earth” of today.

And what a vivid illustration Jesus suggests! Applying it today, we can think of all the various trouble spots of the earth as so many places where the “devouring fire” of Jehovah’s zeal is already beginning to burn. Indeed, worldly writers refer to them as “brush fires,” which is what they are; but, eventually these will become joined in a world-wide blaze which will destroy man’s selfish, social order, and make way for the full establishment of the kingdom of Christ.

In Zephaniah 3:8, where we read that the Lord will devour the whole earth with the fire of his “jealousy,” the Hebrew word translated jealousy is the same one which is translated “zeal” in Isaiah 9, where, forecasting the birth of Jesus, and the establishment of his kingdom, we are informed that “the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” The “zeal” of the Lord of hosts in the setting up of Jesus as the new world Ruler is manifested in many ways.

This zeal of the Lord for the establishment of righteousness in the earth is reflected in the outworking of every aspect of his plan for the reconciliation and salvation of the human race now estranged from him through wicked works. Nothing has been permitted to interfere with the divine plan. When the enemies of Jesus, the new King of earth, put him to death, God raised him from the dead and exalted him to his own right hand of power.

The divine plan for the Gospel Age has been the selection of a “little flock” from among mankind to share the rulership of the kingdom with Jesus. (Luke 12:32) This work has gone grandly on and, at the end of the age, these “joint-heirs” are, like Jesus, raised from the dead to live and reign with him. The zeal of the Lord of hosts is seen in the carrying out of these great features of his plan.

Before the kingdom of Christ can function for the promised blessing of all the families of the earth, the selfish and sinful rulership of man must be set aside; and here again the zeal of the Lord for the accomplishment of his purposes is manifested. He declares that his determination is “to gather the nations,” and to “assemble the kingdoms,” that he might pour upon them his indignation, even all his fierce anger, and as a result of this the whole symbolic earth will be destroyed. The psalmist wrote concerning this that the “heathen raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted.”—Ps. 46:6

In Love

THE Lord does not destroy man’s social order through lack of love for the people, but rather because he does love them, and is preparing for their ultimate and eternal blessing. This is reflected in the further prophecy of the psalmist: “Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire.” (Ps. 46:8,9) Note that the “desolations” made in the earth by the Lord is simply the fact that he makes an end of war, and the munitions of war.

This has been one of the heart desires of the people of all ages, but because of human selfishness it has been impossible of accomplishment. And even today, as we have noted, for the nations to disarm and be satisfied to settle their differences in ways other than by war, would create serious problems. But the Lord knows how to solve these problems, and indeed will solve them, to his own glory and to the eternal blessing of his human creatures.

The Lord tells us that after he has devoured the symbolic earth with the fire of his zeal, he will turn to the people a pure language, or message, that they might all call upon him and serve him with one consent. (Zeph. 3:9) Yes, while the symbolic earth will be destroyed, the literal earth will remain as man’s home, and the people will be enlightened to know the Lord, for then a true knowledge of him will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.—Isa. 11:9

This knowledge will be in both the minds and hearts of the people, inducing them willingly to seek the Lord’s will and ways and be guided thereby. It is described by the Prophet Jeremiah as the law of God being written in the “inward parts” of the people. (Jer. 31:31-34) This means that divine love will replace selfishness as a motivating power in human behavior. This in itself will solve the problems created by human selfishness.

We have noted how overproduction, due to the use of labor-saving machinery, now threatens the economy of many countries. However, at the same time, think of the hundreds of millions of people who do not have a needed supply of food, clothing, and housing! There is only a minority of the earth’s population which enjoys the high standard of living with which the people of America are blessed. There is a great need waiting to be filled in most countries, and with the law of love operating under the guidance of messianic kingdom agencies, these needs will be supplied.

More Production Needed

LABOR-saving machinery has appeared as a result of the foretold “increase of knowledge.” The Lord knew that to start with it would create problems for the nations, and help to bring about the downfall of Satan’s empire. But the Lord also knew that eventually this increased potential of production would be needed to provide food, clothing, and homes for the billions who, throughout the kingdom age, would be restored from the sleep of death.

Just from the standpoint of divinely directed human abilities, think of the work that awaits the human race! First there will be the raising of the standard of living for the people of what we now call the backward nations. The Lord will not be satisfied to have backward nations. He will want them all to share equally in the bounties of earth.

And then, as noted, will be the need to feed, clothe, and house those who are being raised from the dead. What a happy project that will be! True, all will be giving a hand in it, and we can imagine that there will not be more work for anyone than can and will be thoroughly enjoyed. With love the motive, and righteousness the guiding principle of life, all otherwise idle time will be profitably spent to enrich the minds and hearts of mankind, increasing their appreciation of the Lord, and their desire to serve and please him.

We cannot expect that this glorious kingdom program will become operative during 1963. But we do now see that the “fire” which will devour the old and selfish social order of man is already kindled—yes, kindled in many places. In the Lord’s due time they will be joined in the greatest “time of trouble” the world has ever seen. But, unlike the world, we do not fear as we look ahead to these things coming upon the earth.

We do not fear because we know the outcome, an outcome that will be glorious, not only for the Master’s followers, who can expect soon to be delivered from this present evil world to live and reign with him, but glorious also for all mankind; for after the “fire” has devoured the earth, “the desire of all nations shall come.” (Hag. 2:7) Instead of fear, we look up and rejoice, and seize every opportunity that comes to us to make known the glad tidings of the kingdom, and thereby to comfort those who mourn. May the Lord help us to continue rejoicing, and to remain faithful as his ambassadors, while we wait his due time for the full establishment of his kingdom!

Dawn Bible Students Association
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