“Let No Man Take Thy Crown”

“HOLD fast that which thou hast; let no man take thy crown,” seems logically to refer specially to those who have reached the mark or standard of perfect love. The words, “Hold fast that which thou hast,” implies a previous effort and attainment, and that the attainment has had something to do with the right to the crown; and that the position attained must be held if the crown would be ultimately possessed. Apparently the severest struggles, tests, temptations, assail those who are at the mark. Mark the exhortations to these, “Watch ye, stand fast, quit you like men.” No longer “babes in Christ,” “no longer children,” their special test is as men, strong in the Lord and panoplied in the whole armor of God. Hearken again to the Word: “Having done all, stand.”

During the few years immediately before us will come the severest of trials and the most subtle tests of our love: (1) for God, as represented by our love for his truth and the honor of his name; (2) our love for the Lord’s brethren; (3) our love for our enemies. How we should scrutinize our every act and word and thought! He whose acts and words are loving, gentle, kind, considerate under trying conditions, gives evidence of being begotten of the God of love and of having developed much Christlikeness! Consider our Lord’s love for his enemies, and his forbearance for them when railed at: “Come down from the cross!” Consider how gentle was his reproof of the perfidious Judas and how he merely hinted a reproof to Peter. Let us not be easily offended nor of implacable spirit. Let us with generous and forgiving spirit say with the apostle, “None of these things move me”—from my stand at perfect love; it shall grow more rooted and grounded in proportion as it is tested.

Let us have so much of the spirit of love that we will rejoice with all who rejoice in the Lord and will mourn with all in distress. To feel even a coolness of sentiment in connection with the prosperity of a brother or a lack of interest in his welfare is a sign of serious danger—that we have slipped from the mark. This should alarm us and lead to fresh energy.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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