Science and the Bible

IT SEEMS to me that the field of science has been rather over-glorified. I have sought for an example which might illustrate the limitations of science; for, after all, science is but a form of logic, a form of analysis. We say a certain viewpoint is scientific. What do we mean by that? We mean that it is a type of thinking, a type of observation, and that from these observations we draw certain conclusions, classifications, or explanations, and formulate definitions which are nothing else but descriptive terms explaining the behavior of things. And then, upon the basis of what we think we know, we attempt to prophesy or predict.

For example, you see before you some red and some white flowers. Let us consider this as a science, a postulate. Suppose that these were the only flowers you ever saw. You would say that flowers are red or white. And suppose you went elsewhere, perhaps into Wyoming, and there again you saw flowers, some red and some white. And suppose you went into California and you saw red flowers and white flowers there. Before long you would arrive at the conclusion that all flowers are red or white. Now that would be your deduction.

Now suppose some one should come to you and say, I have some flowers at home; what color are they? Then by the process of deduction, with this type of thinking, you would say, “Well, I know that if you have flowers at home they are either red or white, for all flowers are red or white.” But then suppose that friend should say, “O no! The flowers that I have are yellow.” You would say, “that’s mysterious; it cannot be!” But you investigate, and sure enough, you behold yellow flowers. Then perhaps you would go to Montana and a friend would point out yellow flowers to you. Ah, then before long you would be forced to conclude, from your observations, that flowers can be yellow as well as red or white. We could continue this story, and then you would see how understanding can broaden.

Some thirty years ago (this happened to be a personal experience) I went to the state geologist in Wyoming, asking for the opportunity to make a survey of the water in the State of Wyoming to test those waters for radioactivity. I well remember he was seated at a big desk, in a large arm chair. He lowered the glasses on his nose and looked down at me, and said, “My boy, the geology of the State of Wyoming is such that there can be no radioactivity.”

This, then, was the deduction of the science of geology. Then about ten years later it was discovered that there was a mineral called diclite in the red-wooded section of Wyoming that was radioactive. The geologist looked upon that as a freak; as mysterious. He said that it should not be there, because the geology of the state is such that we should have nothing that is radioactive in Wyoming.

And yet today apparently Wyoming is rich in the radioactive mineral uranium. Do you not see that science is based upon observations, and that those observations can be very limited? As days go on, and as man’s observations become extended, his conclusions must be modified, or remain very limited and incorrect.

What do we see today? We see changes in the concept of men; changes in the thinking of science. That changes do occur might be illustrated by an experience I had at the University of Chicago. I went before the Professor of Physics there, and I asked him about the study of radioactivity. “Why,” he said, “radioactivity is a closed book; we know all about radioactivity.” That was back in 1926. Well, now we have discovered that we really knew nothing about it then, or very little. The conclusion of an outstanding physicist at that time is now error.

I approached another professor a few years later about the science of sound, of acoustics. “Oh,” he said, “there is nothing more to do with acoustics, it is a closed book.” Again, I approached another professor, I said, “Do you think there are any problems left in the field of magnetism?” “Oh no,” he said, “we know all about magnetism; it is a closed book.” How often have I heard outstanding scientists say, “It’s a closed book,” when later it was seen to be an open book! Now I am beginning to doubt if there is any “closed book.” And the most open Book of all is the Word of God.

Restitution Blessings

LET us view restitution blessings in the light of science. We read in Isaiah 11:9, “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain [kingdom]: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” Note that the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. As Bible students we know this represents the ultimate condition. However, it is evident now that great floods of knowledge are at hand. We know that the methods of communications are at hand: radio, television, press, and rapid transit facilities. Altogether these provide the world with means of the rapid transfer and dissemination of knowledge.

The peoples of the earth are so close to one another today in this period of rapid transportation and communication, that within a generation it would be possible to establish one common world language. Think of that! It is possible; it is physically possible; it is educationally possible; but I doubt if it will come to pass in thirty years. Now why has this not come to pass? Science cannot answer!

Then in the field of science we can ask the same question as to why these scientific discoveries and technological developments did not occur five hundred years ago. Well, we have no scientific reasons for that. Science is limited. Science offers its explanations as to how things happen, but not as to why things happen. Now that is a very, very basic point. Science will explain how, but not why. Science can explain how the water is formed upon the earth, but not why the water was formed upon the earth: or why the earth: or why the heavens: or why the people.

Now, there are some scientific approaches. We can say, “Oh, by the theory of probability, molecules could have become arranged thus and so; and by probability such and such things have occurred.” Oh yes; and there are those who base their entire concept on the law of probability, and claim that the whole thing has been an evolutionary process; that is, a changing process from the very beginning. And if you do not take that concept you are left with the only remaining concept—that there is a God, a Creator, a Master over a1l, who has ordained all; who has ordered these things to be done and to come about in their due time. So my explanation as to why there is no common language today is that it is not the due time—God’s due time.

Now note further this scripture: “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord.” There are two factors here. “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full …” Now, which is cause, and which is effect? Do you not see that “they shall not hurt nor destroy” points out that apparently the heart condition has been established. Why? “For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord.”

As we see, of these physical evidences one may be the cause; the other may be the effect. There is a heart condition which must be fulfilled concurrently, in a comparable degree, with the physical evidences, in the fulfillment of prophecy.

We read other promises—Isaiah 35:1: “The wilderness and the solitary place shall he glad for them and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.” Isaiah 35:6: “Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19: “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”

I dare say, even as of this day, by the use of atomic energy, it is physically possible to produce power that could pump water from the substance of the earth and irrigate the desert, at least on a small scale. And within another decade it would be physically possible to develop atomic power to the degree that probably all the desert could be irrigated, either by pumping water from the substrata, or by pumping water from fresh water reservoirs.

While we see that these things are physically possible, they are not economically possible. Why? Well, atomic power plants cost so much. Why do they cost so much? Because labor is so costly and materials are so high, and it takes a power reactor so many years before it can pay back the initial investment. In other words, atomic power today costs so much because other things cost so much. We are really working on a war economy. If we were operating on an economy of Christian brotherhood, it would be much different. Reactors could be constructed and atomic power provided in great quantities.

Again, a scientist in Los Alamos Laboratories, New Mexico, stated recently that a break-through is expected within ten years on the development of nuclear power by fusion. Now, that is another process. The fusion process combines smaller elements into larger elements without the objectionable effect of radioactive material which is so harmful. I used to wonder about the use of atomic power based on the fission process because of the harmful radioactive wake, and I couldn’t quite understand how it was that the Lord should make available this type of power which had so many objectionable features.

And now we understand that a break-through is near on this other type of power, which even to me sounds fantastic. For, really, if this type of power can be produced, it means an unlimited supply. Then we would not be confined to the use of uranium, for there is a limited supply of uranium; but the supply is not limited to the simpler element for the production of power by the fusion process.

We can see now, by the scientific point of view, that the fusion process would, in a decade or two, make it possible to obtain power in unlimited quantities to irrigate all the barren lands of the earth. This will be a physical possibility, but will it become an economical possibility? That, again, depends upon the heart condition. If the proper heart condition can be developed, much more can be done.

Again it appears quite hopeful that within another decade or so there will be developed a more efficient transformation of solar power into electrical power. There are great quantities of power that fall upon the earth from the sun. This goes directly into heat, which is one form of energy—the one least available. It is expected that within the next decade or two there will be much more efficient transformation of that energy. That in itself may prove to have greater potentialities than atomic power.

Well, now what do we see? Here we see that from a physical point of view, just from the matter of factual information, the world is in possession of the physical means of producing sufficient power to water all the land of the earth: the barren lands; the deserts and the like; and, in turn, produce sufficient, food to feed a great multitude of people.

Many times you have probably heard and read that the population of the earth is becoming so great that we are facing a shortage in food; we cannot feed everybody. That is a correct statement, based upon present limitations. But twenty years from now we may have power a thousand-fold, that will enable a ten-thousand-fold production in food with which we could feed that many more people.

Please bear this in mind also, that another science break-through in the next decade or so is possible—unraveling the physical process that the lowest plant utilizes in supplying its energy. Now think of the fact that man is so exalted in his own thinking, yet he has not determined how the simple plant takes the radiant energy from the sun, combines the water from the earth with carbon dioxide, and produces its own sugar for its own energy.

Now, if man can but learn, through God’s permission, how a plant can do that, then it looks as though man might do it in the laboratory (and it looks as though we. are approaching that possibility). Then he will be able to produce in the laboratory the sugars at will, and the food, without depending on the plant. But here again the heart condition must be right.

Let me tell you another experience of mine, years ago in a physics class. The question came up as to whether it might not be a simple thing for scientists to synthesize sugar from water, carbon dioxide, and radiant energy from sunshine. And my professor said, “If any man should discover how to produce sugar that way, in all probability he would not live to bring it about, because it would so upset the economy of the world that big business would take hold of it, and would eliminate it.” Why? Because it would do away with the sugar industry.

I could tell you other similar stories, showing the power that selfishness now exerts in the world. Now why is it that that would be the effect? Because the heart condition is not right. Man has not yet learned the ways of the Lord. Here, again, is the evidence that the mechanical and materialistic measures for establishing restitution blessings on earth are not necessarily the sole items or the sole factors that delay the establishment of paradise on earth, contrary as this may appear to the people of the world.

In Micah 4:4 we read, “But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid.” Note that it says under his vine, not his landlord’s vine; under his fig tree, not under his landlord’s fig tree. And “none shall make them afraid.” Does not this imply that the heart condition must be right, as well as the availability of world resources. Now we can rejoice, however, in the meaning of all this, and in the implications behind the multitude of tangible evidence already established in the preparation for restitution blessings. These testimonies should strengthen our faith in God’s Word and in his promises.

Let our own heart condition and mind be in accordance with the divine will: for there are other considerations than just the events occurring on the earth. Yes, it is very convincing to see the fulfilling of these prophecies, but there are other things involved. We read in Isaiah 66:1,2: “Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? For all these things hath my hand made, and all those things have been, saith the Lord: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.” And in Isaiah 66:18: “For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory.”

Yes, think of it! In these last days, as it is written, the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the deaf ears shall hear and the dumb shall speak. (Isa. 35:5,6) Then will man’s science, then will his wonderful processes, then will his concepts of things, conform to the Word of God.

It seems to me as we see these developments transpire in the world, and the fulfillment of the prophecies of the Bible, that they provide something which science cannot explain. Is it not strange that the thinking of man cannot explain the fulfillment of Bible prophecy? But that statement is misleading, because if we say that science cannot explain the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, we should specify what science, what type of thinking. Usually we imply that the science of thinking is related only to material things, to physics, chemistry, matter, physiology, economics, sociology. So permit me to say this, that in the light of physical science, of sociological science, of physiological science, even in the light of any of the sciences of today, man cannot explain the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

But note, that if the sciences of man are to expand, the day will come when observations concerning the outworking of God’s plan will be included. No physical science or biological science today is able to explain the resurrection of the dead, because there have been no resurrections upon which to base deductions, and even then the human mind would be unable to grasp all that is involved in the restoration of life.

But wait until great multitudes are resurrected, wait until the day comes when the observations of the scientists will include the resurrection of the dead. Then they will have to acknowledge the fact, and will need to modify their conclusions accordingly. Then there will be agreement of scientists’ observations and deductions with the Word of God.

Were I to stop now I would leave my message incomplete. And here I would like to introduce another thought from the Bible to establish what I think is needed at this point. What is needed is the assurance of a power, an influence, which will have to do with the heart condition. This heart condition must advance and progress along with the material developments which we see. I think the Apostle Paul has that needed word for us. It is found in Acts 17:29-31. I quote:

“Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device. The times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent: because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.”

Isaiah wrote that when God’s judgments are in the earth the people will learn righteousness; and how wonderful will be that science of righteousness!—Isa. 26:9

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