This Warming Earth

IT MAY have been difficult last January and February to convince people in many parts of the world that the average temperature of the earth is now several degrees warmer than it was eighty or a hundred years ago. But such is the case. Yes, grandfather is right: winters on the average are not as severe as they were when he was a boy.

The trend toward global-wide warmer weather has recently been well documented in a “School Bulletin” published by The National Geographic Society of Washington D.C. To those of us who simply live from day to day without taking the trouble to compare one decade with another, or one century with another, the facts established in this bulletin are very interesting—indeed, almost startling. Here are some of them:

The Greenland Eskimos have had their lives revolutionized by the warming climate of that icy northern country. Formerly the Eskimos of Greenland depended upon seals, in order to survive. Seals provided meat, skins for clothing and shelter, and oil for light and heat. But this has all been changed. Warmer weather has driven the seals farther north.

However, the warmer weather has also caused codfish to move farther north, and these are now taking the place of the seals along the banks of Greenland, so the Eskimos have turned to fishing. They can, of course, eat the fish, but they cannot use them for clothing, shelter, and fuel, so they have been forced to sell fish to obtain these other necessities, which means that they have been converted to a money based economy.

Birds and Animals Know

ACCORDING to the National Geographic School Bulletin, the migratory habits of birds are being affected by the warming climates. Semi-tropical birds are now found much farther north than a half century ago. The mockingbird, which was almost a symbol of the South, is now seen as far north as New York State.

Turkey vultures are now not uncommon in western Massachusetts, where they were not seen as few as fifteen years ago. White egrets have moved as far north as the Middle Atlantic marshes. The flashing red of the cardinal is now seen at points farther and farther north.

Scientists have noticed that certain animals like the moose and polar bear are now found at points much farther north than a half century ago. This does not represent a temporary venture—some urge, but a natural result of northern climates becoming warmer. These and other animals are finding themselves quite comfortable in their more northerly habitats.

Vegetation also

WE DO not think of trees as migrating, but they are moving north, due to the fact that their seeds now sprout in latitudes which once were too cold to support them. Farm crops are also shifting. Canadian farmers can cultivate land that is fifty miles farther north than they could within the memory of many now living. It is now predicted that the Middle West will one day produce such crops as rice, sugar cane, and cotton.

It is claimed that Icelanders are now able to grow barley on land formerly covered constantly by ice. Certain types of hardy flowers now bloom in frigid Spitsbergen, which is four hundred miles north of Norway.

And speaking of Spitsbergen, this frigid country produces coal. Fifty years ago the coal companies could ship their product only during a limited season of three months. Now coal is being shipped from Spitsbergen seven months a year.

Fish in various parts of the ocean are changing their feeding grounds, it is reported. Fish formerly found only in the warmer waters of the southern seas are moving farther north, particularly along the California coast. It is claimed that dolphin have been caught recently as far north as Oregon.

Getting down to actual temperatures, records show that in such typical cities as Denver and Philadelphia, the average yearly readings are four degrees higher than eighty years ago. These average readings over such a long period seem quite convincing.

Nor does any part of the earth seem exempt from this warming trend, and in some lands it is causing rather serious problems. In Africa, for example, it is causing the Sahara desert to extend its blight southward at the rate of one-half mile a year. And it is causing the lakes in East Africa to shrink.

Cause Not Known

THERE is a wide variety of opinions among the scientists as to what is causing this warming of the earth. One theory is that possibly man himself is responsible. The burning of coal, oil, wood, and other material is continually adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. This, they say, may be acting somewhat like the glass in a greenhouse in that it lets the rays of the sun through to the earth while helping to hold the heat which is produced when these rays strike the globe.

Nor are the scientists in agreement as to whether or not this warming trend will continue. Some are predicting that there will be another century of warmer weather. Others are inclined to the opinion that the warming cycle may already have reached its highest point. All agree that should it continue indefinitely serious troubles are in store for future generations.

But even if the warming trend should continue for only another fifty years or so, the living habits of millions of people will be drastically changed, the scientists say. More lightweight clothing will be worn, and fewer snow shovels will be needed. New crops, of course, will mean that farmers will be faced with different problems. The growing season in northern countries will be lengthened, and this will mean more food for the ever increasing population of the earth, granting that better methods of distribution will be developed.

The ice at the poles is now melting fast enough to raise the ocean levels an inch every eight years. Should this continue indefinitely until all the ice is melted, much of the present land surface of the earth would disappear. The ice of the Antarctica, if completely melted, would flood coastal cities the world over. The waves would be lapping the Washington Monument 185 feet above the present ground level.

The Basic Cause

WHILE scientists are baffled as to what is causing this warming of the earth, and whether or not it will continue, those who are acquainted with the plans and purposes of God know that it is being brought about by a divine overruling, and represents a further detail in the perfecting of the earth for eternal human habitation. What the direct cause may be which the Creator is utilizing to bring about this change is not important for us to know. We know that the great Master Builder can use any means his wisdom decrees to be best to accomplish his designs.

Nor do we need to be concerned as to how long the warming trend of earth’s climate will continue. This also is under divine supervision, just as much so as when, in the first creative day, God said, “Let there be light: and there was light.”—Gen. 1:3

A review of the progressive steps by which the Creator prepared the earth for human habitation, as they are outlined in the 1st chapter of Genesis, should give us confidence that whatever his design may now be with respect to the warming earth, it will be accomplished exactly as he has planned. To begin with, man’s needs were met by that relatively small garden home “eastward in Eden.” Now we are at the threshold of an age when the whole earth will be needed for the restored human race, and God knows how to prepare it for that purpose.

God assures us that he did not create the earth in vain, but formed it to be inhabited. (Isa. 45:18) This reminds us of the commission given to our first parents to fill the earth, and to subdue it, or bring it under cultivation and control. (Gen. 1:27,28) It is not difficult to visualize what the results of this would have been had the commission been carried out in keeping with the divine will. It would have meant a global-wide Garden of Eden, inhabited by countless millions of perfect humans, knowing nothing of sickness and death, and rejoicing in the friendship and fellowship of their Creator.

Obedience Required

BUT man had first to prove his worthiness for lasting life on earth by obedience to the just laws of his Creator, and we know that in this he failed. Because of sin, man was driven from his perfect home in Eden, out into the unfinished earth to die. However, this did not thwart the original purpose of God in the creation of man, but merely required a different method for its accomplishment.

God’s love provided redemption from original sin, and thus opened the way for his recovery from the penalty of sin, which was death. In the divine economy, the entire human race lost life through father Adam’s transgression; and all are redeemed from death through Jesus, who gave himself a ransom for all. (I Tim. 2:3-6) Paul wrote, “As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.”—I Cor. 15:21,22

This is why, thousands of years after man’s fall into sin and death, and when all mankind was dying, the Creator could so truthfully say that he did not create the earth in vain, but formed it to be inhabited. Fallen man is to be restored to life and have the opportunity of living on the earth forever. The period during which this will be accomplished is described by the Apostle Peter as “times of restitution of all things,” which, Peter declares, was spoken “by the mouth of all God’s holy prophets since the world began.”—Acts 3:19-21

Not Yet

MAN was created in the image of God, given dominion over the earth, and “crowned with glory and honor.” (Ps. 8:3-9) Jesus, in the flesh, was also crowned with earthly perfection and glory, because his life was to be a substitute for the forfeited life of Adam. The result of this was to be the restoration of man to life, and to his lost dominion. But Paul wrote, “We see not yet all things put under him”; that is, under man, as called for by God’s original design. “But,” he adds, “we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honor; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.”—Heb. 2:6-9

The purpose of Jesus’ death was clear to Paul. He knew that ultimately it would effect the release of all mankind from death, and the restoration of man’s lost dominion. And while, as he explains, they did not in his day see this glorious purpose accomplished, they saw that preparation was being made for it, for Jesus had come and had died to make it possible.

And now, the Scriptures reveal, we are living right at the threshold of the age when God’s plan for the restoration of man to his lost dominion over the earth is to be consummated. And it is evident that in preparation for this, certain changes of climate, etc., with respect to the earth itself, are needed and are being accomplished.

Today human wisdom is baffled to know what to do about the “exploding population” problem. It is feared that living room on the earth will become exhausted. But, as we know, in addition to the growing population of earth due to the increase of births over deaths, God’s plan also is to restore the dead to life. From the human standpoint this compounds the dilemma.

For details on this point we refer to the “Highlights of Dawn” article in our June issue. We are here calling attention to the world’s population problem merely as an indication of one of the reasons for the changes now being brought about by the warming climate of earth, in that it is producing millions of additional square miles of arable land.

We cannot be wise above that which is written in the Word of God, and here details are not furnished. As already pointed out, while much new land is being made available for cultivation by reason of the warming climate, the great Sahara Desert of Africa is increasing in size, thus diminishing the usable land on that continent. Just how the Lord will adjust this detail we do not know.

We might describe what is happening in the earth today as “Project Change.” Some of the evidences of change are apparent, but the details of the completed operation are not yet known. Even scientists are unable to discover the reason for the warming trends which are undeniably taking place, nor do they know the final result of this, to them, enigma.

The Word of God alone foretells what the earth will be like when God’s purpose in its creation is fully realized. It will be a glorious earth, similar to, but vastly more extensive in scope than the original Garden of Eden. Even the deserts will then rejoice and blossom as the rose. (Isa. 51:3; Ezek. 36:35; Isa. 35:1) And we are also assured that the earth shall yield its increase. (Ps. 67:6) This will be as true of “Greenland’s icy mountains,” as of the present desert lands of earth.

Yes, God formed the earth to be inhabited, not by a suffering, dying race; not by nations which are almost constantly at war with each other; not by people whose hearts and lives are filled and ruled by selfishness and sin, but by a perfect, never-dying race in whose hearts have been written God’s perfect law of love.

While it is reassuring to know that the literal desert lands of earth will become green and fertile, it is even more inspiring to realize that the arid, desolate lives of countless millions who have been alienated from God will be made to rejoice, and that they will break forth with singing as they learn to know God and to experience the warmth of his love and favor. We read that “the meek also shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.”—Isa. 29:19

Throughout the reign of sin and death the human race has been a “groaning creation.” (Rom. 8:22,19) The blight of sin and selfishness has been felt by all. But, with the kingdom of Christ established, and the people being restored to health and life, how different it will be! Of that time we read, “Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yea, the Lord shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase.”—Ps. 85:10-12

As is true with respect to all that God does on behalf of his intelligent creatures, mankind will have an opportunity of co-operating with him. The Creator will see to it that the earth is properly prepared for the human race when restored to live upon it, but the people will also do their part. Of that time we read:

“They shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit [as at present]; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my [restitution] people, and mine elect shall make them continue long [margin] to enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them. And it shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain [kingdom], saith the Lord.”—Isa. 65:21-25

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