God’s Plan for World Security

“Wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy. For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.” —Zephaniah 3:8,9

THROUGHOUT the earth today there are thousands of noble-minded men and women who, almost frantically, are endeavoring to impress upon the people the grave dangers which confront the world unless selfishness is replaced by the ideology of love in human relationships. Many of these good people are working together in a movement known as “Moral Re-Armament.”

The much urged changeover from selfishness to love, with the name of God remotely associated with the new ideology, is referred to by these earnest workers as a revolution. Their leader, a Dr. Frank Buchman, in a speech delivered to a “World Assembly for the Moral Re-Armament of Nations,” said, “If we can spread the revolution fast enough we can save America and the world. Unless we can have this revolution there will be a revolution of chaos.”

Dr. Buchman organized the Moral Re-Armament program many years ago, prior to the second global war, and with considerable fanfare. But that little “if” still stands in the way of victory. “If,” he says, “we can spread the revolution fast enough we can save America and the world.” They failed to spread it fast enough back in the 1930’s to prevent the second global war, and there is no evidence that the tremendous efforts now being made are to any extent checkmating the onrushing forces of selfishness as evidenced by increasing crime, corruption, and tensions of threatened atomic and hydrogen warfare.

The efforts of Moral Re-Armament have been brought prominently to the attention of the American public by means of a film entitled “The Crowning Experience.” This film was produced with the hope that it would help to unite the world in brotherhood, and encourage the people to fight communism with the ideology of love.

All the actors and actresses in this film donated their services because of their concern over world affairs in the light of the threat now being posed by communism. These professional men and women, out of the goodness of their hearts, sacrificed much in making this picture, believing earnestly that this “superior” ideology can cure world problems.

Certainly no one would want to doubt the sincerity of these noble people, and the film production is commendable, having a powerful influence for good upon those who view it and appreciate its moral tone. However, while it had a long “run” in New York City and in a popular theater, juvenile delinquency and all the other forms of crime still continue and are steadily increasing in this world metropolis. Apparently it did not spur on the revolution from selfishness to love rapidly enough to have any appreciable retarding effect upon the sins of this great city.

God’s Plan

TO THE extent that these earnest workers are willing to face reality, they must at times become discouraged. However, if we accept the testimony of the Bible concerning God’s plan for world security, there is no need to be concerned. His plan for replacing selfishness with love involves the destruction of all the world’s institutions of selfishness. This is what the prophecies of the Bible depict as “the end of the world.”

When we know the significance of the events which are bringing about this destruction of a selfish social order, we do not fear what is coming, but are glad to realize that the culmination of selfishness is near. Jesus described its symptoms as “distress of nations, with perplexity,” causing the people to look ahead with fear to what they see coming upon the earth.—Luke 21:25,28

A brother in the truth attended a showing of “The Crowning Experience.” As he passed through the lobby of the theater after the performance, he noticed several of the actors who appeared in the film. They were there to talk to the people, and to encourage their interest in brotherly-kindness, love, and unselfishness. This, of course, provided a wonderful opportunity to tell about God’s plan for world security and peace, and of the time when God’s plan will be written in the hearts of all the people.—Jer. 31:31-34

These earnest people explained that their plan “makes religion practical, and picks up where religion leaves off.” This view is understandable, for millions throughout the world are beginning to feel that Christianity has not been very successful, and that something better than divided churches is needed if the world is to be saved from chaos. It was fortunate that the brother was able to present these zealous Moral Re-Armament workers with literature which explained why Christianity has not failed.

The Apostle Paul wrote that “the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together,” waiting for “the manifestation of the sons of God.” (Rom. 8:19-22) In this same chapter Paul explains that the sons, or “children,” of God are joint-heirs with Jesus Christ to rulership in his long-promised kingdom—that world government which is to extend its righteousness and peace throughout the whole earth.—Rom. 8:17,18; Isa. 9:6,7

All of God’s holy prophets foretold the establishment of this kingdom of righteousness, and the people of God in every age have been admonished to wait for it. But few have been willing to do this. The view expressed in the theater lobby by the Moral Re-Armament workers was that “God is waiting for man to do it,” and “we are supposed to help him, not just sit around and wait for peace.”

Actually this is the view now held by the entire professed Christian world. The Lord’s admonitions to “wait” for his due time and way were forgotten soon after the apostles fell asleep in death, and the nominal church has been trying ever since to establish Christ’s kingdom for him. The net result of all the centuries of zealous efforts to this end is that the world is now threatened with total destruction in a struggle so ghastly and horrible that the human mind is incapable of conceiving the reality of its extent and devastation. There is no reason to suppose that now the sincere efforts of a relatively small group of faithful workers will be able to turn back the tide of selfishness.

Not only in our text are the Lord’s people admonished to “wait” on him. When Jesus was on earth he expressed a similar thought. In a parable pertaining to his second coming he likened his followers to “men that wait for their Lord.” (Luke 12:36) We read of a just man named Joseph, “who also himself waited for the kingdom of God.”—Luke 23:50,51

Shortly before Jesus ascended to heaven his disciples asked, “Wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6) It is clear that the disciples expected divine intervention in the world’s affairs, and not a mere attempt by feeble and fallen men to establish the messianic kingdom of promise. In answer to their question Jesus explained that it was not the Lord’s will for them to know “the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.” (vs. 7) He did not say that the kingdom would be established as soon as they could convert the world, that the times and seasons were thus in their hands.

While the truth-enlightened people of God are admonished to “wait” for the kingdom, this does not mean that we have nothing to do while waiting. To the contrary, there is much to be done during the few short years of our lives. The Apostle Peter wrote, “Give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall.”—II Pet. 1:10

This is a full time work. It involves the carrying out of Christ’s command to let our “light … shine before men.” (Matt. 5:14-16) This witness for the truth, however, is not for the conversion of the world, but as a testimony for those to whom the Lord gives a “hearing ear,” although many others may receive a measure of blessing from the witness. (Matt. 13:16) What a blessed work this is! If we are appreciative of the truth and its opportunities we will keep busy spreading the Gospel of the kingdom.

Peace and Safety

PAUL wrote, “When they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” (I Thess. 5:3) This is a prophecy pertaining to the present time—the end of the age—and it shows that the world would be crying, “Peace and safety,” but that this would not prevent the destruction which has been foretold. This destruction, Paul explains, was to come as “travail upon a woman with child,” that is, spasmodically.

The people cannot be blamed for wanting peace, but they do not realize that they will fail to secure peace by their own efforts. The faithful followers of Jesus will, in God’s due time, be associated with him in establishing peace and security throughout the earth, and also in giving life to the people. But in order to participate in this glorious future work, it is essential that we prove our worthiness by now laying down our lives in sacrifice.

The people who support Moral Re-Armament present Jesus as a “world Reformer.” But if Jesus had wanted to reform the world at his first advent, he would not have given himself voluntarily in sacrifice. He was “despised and rejected of men,” and we are following in his footsteps, inspired by the hope of living and reigning with him when his kingdom is fully established. We know that then peace and joy will fill the earth.—Isa. 53:3; Rev. 20:6

In newspaper advertisements the Moral Re-Armament group announces that “the hour is late,” and declare that they have the answer to the world’s problems. We know that their answer is not the true one, but it is interesting to note that they realize “the hour is late,” for indeed it is. This is a corroboration of our faith that the final consummation of the age is at hand.

But let us remember that while the hour is late it is not too late to lay down our lives in the service of the Lord. Nor is it too late to rejoice in that “blessed hope” of the “high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Yes, thanks be to our Heavenly Father that he has shown us “an open door,” which “no man can shut.”—Titus 2:13; Phil. 3:14; Rev. 3:8

Last Days

WE ARE now living in the “last days’’ of Satan’s rulership over the peoples of earth, and it is reasonable to suppose that he will do all he can to keep his subjects under the control of his powers of darkness. (II Cor. 4:4; Rev. 12:12) However, we rejoice in the assurance that the divine plan for establishing peace will continue to move steadily forward. Since this plan calls for the setting aside of all the institutions of selfishness by means of a “time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation,” we do not expect that the people of the earth will experience peace, security, and happiness until that “great tribulation” shall have accomplished the purpose for which it is being permitted.—Dan. 12:1; Matt. 24:21,22

But when that purpose has been accomplished, the Lord “will turn to the people a pure language” that they may all call upon and serve him with “one consent,” or unitedly. (Zeph. 3:8,9) This kingdom program of education will not only acquaint the people with the true and living God, but through the agencies of the kingdom they will be assisted in the eradication of sin and selfishness from their hearts, and in the place of these God will write his own principles of righteousness—Jer. 31:31-34

From one standpoint the expression, “Moral Re-armament,” is a misnomer, for in reality the human race throughout all the ages has always been largely under the control of sin and selfishness. There never has been a time in the experience of the fallen human race when love has ruled the world, or any nation in the world. The only difference today is that selfishness is now implemented by such potent methods of mass destruction that selfishness threatens to destroy the entire human race, instead of only a portion of it, as in times past.

Our first parents were created in the image of God. The righteous laws of God were a very part of their being until they yielded to temptation and transgressed against the explicit directive of their Creator. The marginal translation of Hosea 6:7 reads, “They [the Israelites] like Adam have transgressed the covenant.” This indicates that Adam was in covenant relationship with his Creator until he transgressed.

Based upon the redemptive work of Christ, and throughout the thousand years of Christ’s kingdom, the human race is to be given an opportunity to be restored to that original perfection lost in Eden, and to that renewed covenant relationship with God. It is this that is implied in the promise to write the divine law in their hearts and in their inward parts. With God’s law thus ruling in the hearts of the people, all the problems created by human selfishness will automatically have been solved.

No wonder Isaiah prophesied concerning Christ that “of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end.” (Isa. 9:6,7) The peace of Christ’s kingdom will continue to “increase” until it encompasses the people of all nations, and produces a genuine “brotherhood of man.” Then the people will “learn war no more.”—Isa. 2:3,4; Micah 4:3,4

And this peace of Christ’s kingdom will include peace between God and man. This will be the basis of all the rich blessings of health and life which will also then be showered upon the people.

Yes, in this kingdom, symbolically described as “the mountain of the Lord,” a “feast of fat things” will be prepared for all people. In this “mountain” God will swallow up death in victory, and “wipe away tears from off all faces.” In response to this provision of divine love the people will say, “Lo, this is our God; … we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.”—Isa. 25:6-8

The people who have died will also have the opportunity of sharing in the blessings of Christ’s kingdom, for they will be awakened from the sleep of death for this purpose. All men have been redeemed by the blood of Christ, and are described in the Bible as “the ransomed of the Lord.” The Prophet Isaiah wrote that the ransomed of the Lord shall return [from death] … with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”—Isa. 35:10

Dawn Bible Students Association
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