Topical Bible Study | February 1961 |
The Creator Series—Lesson IX
The Almighty God
IT IS a self-evident truth that the great Creator of the universe is of necessity all-powerful. Job expressed this fact beautifully when he said to God, “I know that thou canst do every thing.” (Job 42:1) The almighty power of God is manifested in all his creative works. Life itself is a mighty force beyond the ability of the human mind to conceive.
In this lesson we are particularly interested in the power of God as it relates to the outworking of his plan for the redemption and recovery of the human race from sin and death. This plan is motivated by divine love. It is based on the justice of God, and was conceived by the Creator’s wisdom. But the plan itself would have no validity if its Author lacked the ability to carry it out. However, we are assured that God is abundantly able to accomplish every detail of his plan.—Isa. 55:10,11
The miracle-working power of God is required for the accomplishment of essentially every detail of his plan of salvation. It was God’s love that prompted him to give his Son to be man’s Redeemer, but the presentation of this gift called for the exercise of mighty power. It was necessary that Jesus be made flesh by the transfer of his life to the womb of Mary to be born a human.—John 1:14,15
The Holy Spirit, or power of God sustained Jesus throughout the trying years of his earthly ministry. Finally, when Jesus had given his humanity in death, dying on the cross, the power of his Heavenly Father raised him from the dead and exalted him to his own right hand in divine glory.—Eph. 1:17-23
Throughout the Gospel Age the Holy Spirit, or power of God, has been working in the hearts and lives of Jesus’ true followers. They have been made spiritually strong in the power of his might. (Eph. 6:10) The truly faithful have experienced the same almighty power sustaining them as that which gave Jesus the strength to suffer and to die. (II Tim. 1:7; Phil. 3:10,11) And then, at the end of the age, these, Like Jesus, are raised from the dead to live and reign with him for a thousand years, to restore mankind in general to life on the earth.—Rev. 20:6; I Cor. 6:14
Christ and his followers will be the invisible rulers in that kingdom, and will be represented on earth by those ancient servants of God from Abel to John the Baptist. The Bible says that these will be made “princes in all the earth.” (Ps. 45:16) And divine power will raise these from the dead as perfect humans.—Heb. 11:35,39,40; 12:23
But this is not all, for there will follow the awakening from the sleep of death of all the billions of the human race who were condemned to death in Adam and redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. (I Cor. 15:21,22) To believe this should not place a strain on our faith, for the One who has planned and promised it is the great God of the universe who created life in the first place. Surely this almighty God is abundantly able to restore life.
And it will not be merely an awakening from death, but all the willing and obedient of the kingdom age will be restored to human perfection just as Adam possessed it before he sinned. This will also call for the exercise of divine power. This will be the “restitution” of all things.—Acts 3:20,21
There is nothing more important than to learn all we can about our loving Creator. How many of these questions can you answer?
How did Job describe God’s al mighty power?
By what means is the wise, just, and loving plan of God accomplished?
What is one way in which the power of God was exercised in the giving of his Son to be man’s Redeemer?
By what means was Jesus sustained in his trials, and raised from the dead?
How has the work of God in the earth during the Gospel Age been accomplished?
Who will be the visible representatives of Christ during his reign on earth, and how does divine power make this possible?
By what means will the promises of God to restore all the dead to life be accomplished? Will this be from merely an awakening the sleep of death?
“The Atonement Between God and Man,” pages 417, par. 2, to 420, and 346, par. 5.
The attribute of power, combined with divine wisdom, justice, and love, assure us of the glorious success of the Creator’s plan to bless all mankind with joy and life.