Topical Bible Study | February 1961 |
The Creator Series—Lesson VII
Our All-Seeing God
NO ONE has seen God at any time. (John 1:18) Indeed, no one can see him and live. (Ex. 33:20) But while we do not know his appearance, his character is revealed to us through his beloved Son, Christ Jesus. (John 14:9) We note the sympathy and love of Jesus, and we know that these same qualities are possessed by our loving Creator.
In addition to this, the Bible helps us to grasp more fully the idea of our Heavenly Father’s love for his people by symbolic references to his “eyes,” his “ears,” and his “arms.” This does not mean that God possesses eyes and ears and arms like ours, but by the use of these as symbols we are given a clearer concept of our Heavenly Father’s powers, and of his intimate love for us.
Just as we see with our eyes, and are aware of what is transpiring within the range of our sight, so the Creator knows what is happening to his people, for they are always within range of his “vision.” He is never weary, never faint, and is always ready and willing to give strength to his people in their every time of need.—I Pet. 3:12; Isa. 40:28-31
Our Heavenly Father said of his ancient people Israel, who typified spiritual Israel of the Gospel Age, that those who touched them to do them injury, touched the apple of his eye. (Deut. 32:10; Ps. 17:8; Zech. 2:8) What an endearing symbol this is of how precious to him our Father considers his children to be!
The Bible tells us that the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth. (II Chron. 16:9) This, also, is pictorial language, but how vividly it brings before us the idea of the Creator’s ability to know what is happening everywhere. In this instance the assurance is given that the Lord’s interest is to note the faithfulness of his own people, and to give them the necessary protection from their enemies, and the needed strength to serve him.
We are informed by the Scriptures that “the eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.” (Prov. 15:3) How vividly this language conveys the idea of God’s ability to “see,” or to know what is taking place everywhere, that nothing can be hid from his sight. Conscious of this discerning ability of his God, David prayed that his words and thoughts, even the very thoughts of his heart, might be acceptable in his sight.—Ps. 19:14
The human eye is limited in its vision. We can see only those things which are physical, or material. But God’s “eyes” are not thus limited, for he can search our minds, and discern the thoughts and intents of our hearts. (Heb. 4:13) How careful we should be to keep our thoughts and motives pure!
Jesus will be the great Judge of the people during the world’s coming judgment day, and we are told that he will not judge after “the sight of his eyes.” (Isa. 11:1-5) Thus we are reminded of the limitation of human eyesight, and that Jesus, who is now “the express image” of his Heavenly Father, will have the ability to see into the minds of the people, and will therefore know how to judge them correctly. (Heb. 1:3) How wonderful are our Heavenly Father and his beloved Son!
The answer to these questions should help us understand our loving Creator somewhat more intimately. Do you know these answers?
What is the outstanding attribute of God’s character?
Since no human can literally see God, what is one of the ways in which his character is revealed to us?
How are the capabilities of God revealed to us through symbolic language?
What does the Bible mean in its references to the “eyes” of the Lord?
How do the “eyes” of the Lord run to and fro throughout the earth, and for what purpose?
Are God’s “eyes” limited in their vision as ours are?
Will Jesus, as the future Judge of the world, be limited to what human eyes might be able to discern concerning those who are being judged?
“Hymns of Dawn,” No. 293.
God’s attribute of love is specially manifested by his solicitude for his faithful people here on earth, as revealed by the symbolic references to his “eyes,” “ears,” and “arms.”