This is a digest of an article which appeared in our July, 1949 issue, and now republished by request.

“This Thing is from Me”

STATEMENTS such as this, made by the Lord to his people, should bring home to us with blessed reality the fact that everything which concerns us is of even greater concern to the Lord, and that he is qualified to know what is best for us. Of his ancient people the Lord said, “Thou wast precious in my sight.” (Isa. 43:4) Can we doubt that the same is true of us? Through his Word the Lord is whispering these same reassurances of his love to us. This should enhance the value of our every experience, as daily we seek to carry out our covenant of sacrifice.

Do we have temptations? Well, the Lord knows about them, and has promised that when they become too severe he will provide a way of escape. (I Cor. 10:13) So, he might well he saying to us:

“I want you to know that when the enemy comes in like a flood, this thing is from Me, and that I have permitted it in order that you might realize more fully your own weaknesses, and learn to depend more confidently upon My grace to help in your every time of need. (Heb. 4:16) I want you to learn that your safety as a new creature in Christ depends upon your looking to Me for strength, for while I want you to do the best you can to fight off all the enemies which assail you as a new creature, I want you to realize also that the battle is not won by those who think they are strong apart from Me, but by those who look to Me to do their fighting for them.”

To have faith that God’s hand is in all our affairs, it is essential to keep in mind that he is training us for the great work of the future. One of the necessary lessons to learn in order to be qualified for this exalted office is that of humility, and it may be that the Lord will use very commonplace experiences to teach us humility. To those of us who need such an experience, the Lord may be saying:

“Are your surroundings in life such as are humiliating to bear? Has your lot been cast with people who do not appreciate you, nor understand you; people who never consider your preferences, nor your tastes, and who are always putting you in the background, and themselves in front? Do not blame your associations, this thing is from Me. I am with you in all your humiliations, helping you to bear them and from them, to learn the needed lessons. I am training you to be a ruler, to exercise tremendous responsibility; but I want you to do it for My glory, not your own. So remember, dear child of Mine, you are not in your present environment by accident, it is from Me, for I knew that only under such circumstances can you be properly trained for kingdom glory.”

Again, and to some of us the Lord may be saying:

“Are you in financial difficulties? Are you finding it more and more difficult to ‘make both ends meet’? This thing, too, is from Me, for I want you to put your trust more fully in Me and to realize that I know exactly what is best for you. I realize that it may be embarrassing at times not to have all the money you think you need. The lesson I am endeavoring to teach you is that of trust in Me and in My ability to provide all your needs; and a joyful acquiescence in your lot in life which I am permitting, for this thing is from Me.”

Are we passing through a nighttime of sorrow, due to the loss of some beloved one, or to circumstances which seemingly no one can understand? Again we hear the Lord saying:

“This thing is from Me. I have permitted earthly comforters to fail you in order that you might learn to look to Me for consolation. Perhaps you have not realized—but I have—that as long as you had all your dear ones with you and your trusted friends were always able to console you in your trials, you didn’t think of Me very often. But at one time you made a covenant with Me, and I accepted you into My family. You have been very dear to Me. I have wanted to do more for you, to bless you more richly, but you were getting along so well, your life was so filled with your friends, and you were so satisfied with your successes, that I was largely shut out of your thoughts and ways. You didn’t realize your need of Me. I do not rejoice in your trials, but I know, and you will learn, that in turning to Me you will find comfort and solace beyond anything your earthly friends could possibly furnish. I want you to know that I am your everlasting portion, and I want you to draw nigh to Me in order that I might draw nigh unto you.”—James 4:8

Has someone circulated falsehoods about us, belittling our abilities perhaps, or even misrepresenting our characters? The Lord permits these experiences also, for they are among the all things which, by his overruling, are working together for our good. From this standpoint, therefore, he might very well be saying:

“Leave those who misrepresent you to Me. I will deal with them according to their responsibility in the matter. There is a lesson in this experience, a lesson which I want you to learn. It is another way in which you can learn the much needed lesson of humility—Christ-like humility. In this experience ‘consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.’ (Heb. 12:3) When Jesus was contradicted, yes, even when he was reviled while hanging on the cross, he reviled not again, committing hi in self rather into My care and keeping; and this is what I want you to do.”

Even though we have covenanted to do the Heavenly Father’s will, we sometimes go along from day to day making our own plans, and neglecting to take into consideration whether or not our plans are in harmony with his will. Of course we want him to bless the plans we make, and if he does not, then we wonder why. Again let us hear the voice of the Lord, for he may be saying to us:

“Have your plans been all upset? This thing is from Me. It was well that you asked Me to bless your plans, but in your consecration to Me you expressed your determination to do My will, to follow the plans that I would make for you. I have been ready at all times to direct your steps, but often you have not given Me an opportunity to do so, and now that your own arrangements are not working out so well, I want you to know the reason, and try to do the better way, that is, to consult Me with respect to every detail of your life. I can assure you that when you do this, My blessing will make you rich—rich in peace and joy, and in the realization that I am ever by your side, and that I will withhold no good thing from you as long as you walk uprightly.”—Psalm 84:11

Under the burden of care, we are apt to wonder why we do not have the joy and peace in the Lord that once enriched our lives. In our distress we turn to the Lord, and through his Word hear him say:

“This thing is from Me. I have been telling you right along that you should cast all your care upon Me, for I am abundantly able to take the responsibility for the successful outcome of every service I ask you to render for Me. (I Pet. 5:7) Not only do I want you to ascertain My will with respect to all the affairs of your consecrated life, but doing this, to let Me also be responsible for the outcome. Then you will have peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”

Every truly consecrated child of God is alert to serve him and his people in any and every way possible. Those who do not desire to be active in his service may very well doubt the genuineness of their consecration. However, for many the opportunities of service often seem quite limited. We long to do more for the Lord than we are doing, or have the opportunity to do. It may be through lack of physical strength; or it may be due to obligations toward those for whom the Lord expects us to care; it may be financial inability, or other handicaps. Do we, then, wonder why it is that, although our hearts long to do much in the Lord’s service, we are deprived of the opportunity? In this experience also, the Lord may very well be saying to us:

“This thing is from Me. I know of your desire to do some great work for Me, and yet I have permitted you to be laid aside on a bed of weakness and pain, for there is a lesson in this which is most essential for you to learn. Deep down in your heart, why are you so anxious to be busy in My service? Is your motive entirely that of love for Me, for the brethren, and for all who may be blessed at your hands through the ministry of the truth? If there is the slightest trace of a motive in your heart that is not unselfish and pure, prosperity in My service would be very injurious to you, and I love you too much to permit you to be injured.

“And then, in order for Me to bless you in My service, it is essential that you lean upon Me for strength, and look to Me for guidance. This experience of waiting, which you are now having, will help you to realize your own weakness, and your great need of Me. My strength will be made perfect in your weakness, but only if you realize your weakness. (II Cor. 12:9) When you come to the point where you tremble when you think of self, and realize how very little you can do for Me in your own strength, then I will be able to use you for doing great things for Me—if not this side of the veil, then surely when I have exalted you to glory to live and reign with My beloved Son.

“And if, in My providence, it takes all your time and strength and means to meet your responsibilities toward those depending upon you, this thing is from Me, too. If you discharge your responsibilities as unto Me, I will accept your service as though it were done directly in My vineyard. I know that in your heart you want to render direct service to Me, and that is proper. I delight in that attitude, and will be very near to you and bless you. But keep alert; it may be that the time will come when I will open the way for you to serve Me in more direct ways. Watch and pray lest you settle down into a life of worldly indifference simply because at present you are deprived of the privilege of working directly for Me.

“If, in your case, it is a matter of wishing that you had large sums of money you could devote to My service; well, I appreciate that, but what are you doing with that little bit you do have? I have been saying over and over again to My people that those who are faithful in that which is least will be faithful also in that which is much. (Luke 16:10) After all, dear child of Mine, My most important consideration for you is that you prove faithful, and you can do that with a few pennies just as well as though you possessed a large fortune which could be devoted to My service.”

The Lord’s providences over his people are truly marvelous. Frequently those who have had little or no opportunity for service, suddenly find that glorious privileges in the harvest open up before them. These changes of circumstances should also be accepted as coming from the Lord; so again we hear him saying to us:

“This thing is from Me. You have profited as a new creature by your past position in life, and now I have answered your prayers for greater opportunities of service. But it is well to remember that you will need My help now more than ever before; for, in the use of these larger privileges of service, there may be a tendency for you to develop a feeling of self-sufficiency. I want you to keep close to Me and to be very attentive to all of My instructions. I want you to tremble at My Word, not in fear of what I might do to you, but because you are anxious lest a promise being left you of entering into a full rest of faith in the doing of My will, you should even seem to come short of it.—Heb. 4:1

“So dear consecrated child of Mine, since you have agreed to acknowledge Me in all your ways (Prov. 3:6), just remember that I am directing you in all things, and that there isn’t a single experience that comes into your life of which I am not aware, and have either permitted it or ordered it because I knew that it would be for your good as a child and heir of Mine, and a joint-heir with My beloved Son, Jesus. (Rom. 8:16,17) Never doubt My interest in you, nor My ability to care for you. As each new blessing comes to you, as trials weigh down upon you, keep your ears attuned for My reassuring message. This thing is from Me. Yes, from Me, the God of your salvation, the God of mercy and abundant grace, who daily lifts up His countenance upon thee to give thee peace.”—Num. 6:24-26

Reassuring indeed are the Lord’s words, as he talks to us out of the Scriptures.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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