Christian Life and Doctrine | August 1959 |
A Moment of Reflection
FOR those of us who are fifty years of age or more, it is enlightening to make a general survey of what has taken place during the last half century. It is certain that no other generation of the human race has been subjected to revolutionary forces of such variety and magnitude.
To cite but a few singular incidents, we have journeyed through the space of time from the steaming “chugging iron horse,” and in many localities from the horse and buggy, to the lofty jet air liner; from the kerosene lamp to a fluorescent canopy of illuminators; from the old parlor stereoscope to the colorful TV set.
We have brought our food up from the dark outdoor cave or cellar to the electric refrigerator and quick deep freeze.
In the medical world we have come from the horrors of smallpox, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and infantile paralysis, to the near eradication of such dreaded diseases. Yes, volumes could be written on the many and varied transitions we have witnessed.
We have seen kings of gorgeous splendor and pompous nobility toppled from their thrones. We have witnessed the autonomous ascent to world power of mighty dictators, and have felt the crashing tremor of the fall of many of them. Giants of the great social order have risen from the suppressed masses.
Then there is the revolution in the physical sciences that started in the early 1900’s and has continued ever since. Man’s discovery of new forces in nature and new techniques in application led to revolutionary developments in biological sciences, medical sciences, and all related fields. The rapid and diversified application of this new knowledge brought forth the new and faster means of communication and travel, new tools of trade, implements of agriculture, more deadly weapons of war, and so forth.
Revolutions of all kinds have descended upon us in rapid pace. Man has hastened to put his satellites into revolution about the earth, and now about the sun. Each of the great powers hopes that thus an advantage can be gained over the others.
Many observers, however, prefer to think and speak of all this as but a passing phase in human experience—spasms, as it were, in the evolution of man, of the earth, and of the universe. Some speak of “growing pains” in our social and economic order, or in terms of anthropological adjustments. Volumes have been written accurately to describe, and in detail to explain, how the nations of the earth were formed, rose, and how later they have been dissolved. But who presumes to write on the “why” of what the present generation is witnessing?
Is the timely release of these new and tremendous physical and biological forces just a happenstance in the evolutionary progress of man? Worldly wisdom could not be sure but what man has passed the peak in his climb, and is now experiencing a quick descent into an “evolutionary” retrogression. According to the evolutionist, it should be both possible and probable “to evolve” into extinction. Certainly the dreadful apprehension and fear that is in the world today would indicate that “man’s” evolutionary brain” is suffering from a gross inferiority complex.
From the standpoint of the divine plan of the ages it is evident that conditions are most favorable for the greatest of all revolutions. It is not difficult to see that the release of man’s potential intelligence and power, under the direction of the divine Christ, could, and indeed will, accomplish far-reaching changes which the human mind now can scarcely imagine.
The revolutionary changes in human outlooks and concepts which we have witnessed will continue until earth’s millions are released from the bondage of fear—fear of hell-fire and all the other hobgoblins of the Dark Ages. And they will be released also from the burdensome practices imposed upon them by means of fear. Yes, the enlightened minds and hearts of humanity are to be released from the chains of manmade creeds, and will be enlightened with a knowledge of the true and living God, our loving Heavenly Father.
And let us reflect for a moment upon the changes which are taking place in ourselves. We see most clearly the marvelous things which are transpiring around us, yet with all of it the world remains in gross spiritual darkness. We, too, were once in this world, and in darkness. But now, as truth-enlightened followers of the Master, we are not of the world. Those who have been called out of the world by God, through the truth, and who have responded in full consecration to do his will, can witness to a change within themselves, a change that is strikingly different, and far surpasses in intensity and significance the changes which are taking place in the physical and biological world.
While the radical changes taking place in the physical world are in preparation for the “times of restitution of all things,” we recognize through the Word of truth that God’s plan for the “called out” ones is very different, and to us of paramount importance. Ours is a “high,” “heavenly” calling, involving a change from the human to the “divine nature.”—Phil. 3:14; Heb. 3:1; II Pet. 1:4
Consecrated students of the Bible see the hand of the Lord in their own personal lives as well as in the events of the world. They feel his personal presence, and sense his keeping power in all their experiences. Besides, through the “sure word of prophecy” they see clearly just why the human race is passing through so many, and such revolutionary changes. We see in these early rays of a new day that the millennial day of promise is dawning, that thousand years of earth’s coming glory. In this we rejoice with joy unspeakable.
But we need patient endurance while we wait; and earnestly we inquire, How much longer will it be? Surely we cannot fail to see that the world is in a critical state, and void of understanding as to the outcome. To us it is evident that soon the Lord will intervene in human affairs, and that through the “pure language” he has promised, will cause the knowledge of his glory to fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.—Zeph, 3:9; Hab. 2:14
How evident it is that the Lord has not forgotten his people, and that his plan of salvation is working out exactly as promised. His presence is here, and the leveling of the nations is in progress. In the meantime, the last of the “living stones” are being shaped and polished by the Master Workman. May the Lord’s abounding grace continue to sustain us to endure with thanksgiving every experience needful to fit us for that place “over there” which has been prepared for us. May we look up to Him with a smile of assurance, knowing that in “due time,” and soon, we shall see Him “face to face.”
Let us call to mind those who have gone before! How much easier it is when we think of our Forerunner who went to “prepare a place” for us. By faith we look forward joyfully to the time when we will have the glorious privilege of serving together with him in his kingdom—a service which will glorify his name, and extend to “all the families of the earth” an opportunity to be blessed with everlasting life upon the earth.
To attain an “abundant entrance” into the kingdom, and to experience exaltation to the divine nature, will be the greatest of all changes. May we faithfully press forward to this glorious goal!