Highlights of Dawn | January 1958 |
Our Unshakeable Inheritance
“Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” —Hebrews 12:28
THE year 1957 has been, like many which preceded it, one of instability and uncertainty. It began with the dying rumblings of the Egyptian Suez Canal crisis, which, like all the other flare-ups which threaten to precipitate the third World War, was smoothed over temporarily, but not settled. Throughout the year various other trouble spots erupted into crisis which have kept the people of the world feeling uneasy and insecure.
There was, for example, the threat of war between Syria and Turkey, with Russia pledging aid to Syria and the United States assuring Turkey of her help. In this situation were all the necessary elements for a full scale World War with all the horrors which such a war would inflict upon the people if and when it should start. But again the great powers backed away, although, as always, leaving the cause of the crisis unsolved.
And then, within the ranks of the allied western nations, a rift threatened over the supply of arms to Tunisia. Since, admittedly, the western nations will all have to stand together and if necessary fight unitedly in order to be victorious over the communist forces of the East, this threat to the solidarity of the anticommunist forces was very disquieting, increasing, the fears of many.
Overshadowing all the critical situations between the nations was Russia’s spectacular push into outer space with her two satellites, one of them sent spinning around outside of the earth’s atmosphere at a distance of five hundred miles, and the other a thousand miles away from the earth. These “sputniks” themselves posed no threat of danger to the inhabitants of the earth; but, as explained by President Eisenhower, the scientific knowledge represented in such an achievement cannot safely be ignored.
Judging from what the experts are saying on this subject, it appears that this achievement on the part of the Russians means that they now have the knowledge to hurl intercontinental ballistic missiles with atom or hydrogen warheads anywhere they wish. In other words, soon from secret bases hidden in the wilds of Russia, destruction can be wreaked upon any city or other chosen target in the world. It is a grim spectacle, and has shaken the nerves of the world’s statesmen and militarists more than any other single event, even overshadowing the dropping of those first atom bombs in Japan.
Fearful of the obvious implications of the sputnik, the United States began to revamp its program in the scientific field. Speeches were made by the President; and the leader of the opposition party and twice candidate for the presidency was brought to Washington for consultation. High level meetings between representatives of “NATO” were held. It is now realized that a third World War could and would be more destructive than visualized when mere bombing planes were depended upon to transport atom and hydrogen bombs to their targets.
No one can say in advance what the end of all this will be. One of the great fears now is that in view of Russia’s proved scientific achievements, the borderline and somewhat backward nations of earth will be so impressed as to be more receptive to the communist line of propaganda. It is also feared that the policy makers of the great powers, realizing the terrible potentials of destruction now possessed by Russia, will go too far in yielding to communist demands in order to avert war.
As one of the wise men of this world recently said, the thing most to be feared now is not Russia’s ballistic missiles, but a breakthrough of communism by means of propaganda and subversion. Surely the world is in a precarious position, aptly described by Jesus as “distress of nations, with perplexity.” (Luke 21:25,26) It is the time foretold in many other prophecies of the Bible, when, symbolically, there would be a great “shaking” in order that everything out of harmony with the divine will might be removed.
In the prophecy from which our text is taken, the apostle likens this time we have now reached to the upheavals of nature that occurred at Mt. Sinai when the Law was given to Israel at the hands of Moses. The reason for this comparison is that now the time is about here for the giving of the Law in connection with the inauguration of the long-promised “New Covenant” to be made with the “house of Israel and the house of Judah.”—Jer. 31:31-34
A type is always smaller than the antitype. In this instance the type involved certain upheavals of nature described by Paul as the “mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire,” where there was “blackness, and darkness, and tempest, and the sound of a trumpet and the voice of words,” (Heb.12:18,19) In the antitype, this Language describes world shaking events in the midst of which a trumpet message of truth goes out to the people respecting the overthrow of Satan’s empire and the inauguration of the kingdom of Christ.
In referring to the “shaking” that would occur in connection with the inauguration of the New Covenant, Paul quotes from Haggai 2:6,7, which reads, “Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; and I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come.” Here the “earth,” the “heavens,” the “sea,” and the “dry land,” are all symbolic expressions referring to various aspects of the “present evil world.”—Gal. 1:4
The literal heavens are made up of the sun, moon, and stars, and Jesus said that in connection with the “distress of nations” there would be “signs in the [symbolic] sun, and in the moon and in the stars.” Briefly, he explains what these signs would be; namely that the “powers of heaven shall be shaken.” (Luke 21:25,26) In this prophecy he also refers to the “sea,” saying that the “sea” and the “waves” would be “roaring.”
In the symbology of the prophecies we may think of the “earth” and the “dry land” as the more or less stable and material aspects of human society, while the “heavens” would picture the power of spiritual control as it reaches and governs the people through the various religions and religious institutions of the earth. The “roaring” of the “sea and the waves” very dramatically pictures the restless, discontented masses of mankind, throwing their fanatical strength against the age-old bulwarks of society as they clamor for their real and fancied rights.
What a vivid picture we thus have of what is actually taking place in the world today! The Prophet Isaiah wrote, “Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of many [margin] waters!” (Isa. 17:12) So the “rushing” and the “roaring” continued throughout 1957 and, at the beginning of the new year is unabated.
Significant also is Jesus’ prophecy that the “powers of heaven” shall be shaken. It is true that generally speaking church membership is increasing. Fear of the unknown future of the race is causing many to seek some sort of religious haven. But religion has lost its control over world affairs; while irreligion, godlessness, and crime are on the increase everywhere. This breaking down of religious standards and weakening of spiritual influences in the consciences of the people are contributing much to the fear that now plagues the thinking men and women of the world.
The Remedy
The remedy for all this is, of course, the Kingdom of Christ; the Kingdom in which every consecrated follower of Jesus hopes to have a share. And it is reassuring to note that in the Bible’s prophecies pertaining to the time of “shaking” through which we are now passing, frequent mention is made of Christ’s followers, and of the glorious hope which supports them in this “time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation.” Daniel’s prophecy of this time of trouble, for example, is immediately followed by the promise, “And at that time thy people [the Lord’s people] shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.”—Dan. 12:1
In the prophecy of the 46th Psalm we have this same couplet of thought. Because “God is our refuge and strength,” David wrote, “we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains [kingdoms] shake with this swelling thereof.”—vss. 1-3
After mentioning the Lord’s provision for his people who are dwelling in the “tabernacles of the most High,” the prophet continues, “God is in the midst of her [the prospective bride class]; she shall not be moved; God shall help her, and that right early,” or, as the marginal translation states, “when the morning appeareth.” (Ps. 46:5) In this prophecy, all human institutions, kingdoms, and governments are shaken and removed. Paul describes it as “the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.”—Heb. 12:27
And what are those things which “cannot be shaken”? David’s answer is, “God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved,” and Paul explains that the reason for this is that we are receiving a “kingdom which cannot be moved.” “She” shall not be moved, and the “kingdom” in which “she” is the “queen” cannot be moved, so our security as individuals is in remaining close to the Lord that we may abide under the shadow of his wings, those wings of protection which reach out and provide shelter for all the Zion class.
The “kingdom which cannot be moved” already exists and has been in the earth right along ‘In an embryonic sense it began at Jesus’ first advent. It did not then begin to reign in power and great glory, but its development began there. The “wheat field” of the parable, of which Jesus said “the field” was the world, was sown with the “children of the kingdom.” At the end of the age, the tares are removed from the wheat, and the wheat are exalted and “shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” (Matt. 13:36-43) The point is that the “field,” the world, rightfully belongs to the wheat, not to the tares. The kingdom which began its development at the beginning of the age is completed at the end of the age and takes over the control of the earth.
So, while everything else is “shaken” and “carried into the midst of the sea,” “she shall not be moved.” “She” remains, and, maintaining her standing of favor with the Lord, is, in his due time, exalted to live and reign with Christ. What a comforting assurance as we face the uncertainties of 1958. This does not mean, however, that the Lord’s people will be shielded from trouble. No, unless the Lord has some special mission for us, or some special work of grace to accomplish in our hearts with which the troubles of the world would interfere, we may expect to share in whatever experiences may come upon the people in our respective communities.
The Lord’s promise that “she shall not be moved” does not apply to the flesh, nor to the things of flesh. Indeed, those who actually and fully receive the “kingdom which cannot be moved” must continue to sacrifice the flesh and its interests. They continue, in other words, to present their bodies a living sacrifice; and it is only when that sacrifice is completed, the flesh being fully consumed “even unto death, that these will have an abundant entrance into the kingdom of promise.—Rom. 12:1; Rev. 2:10; II Peter 1:10,11
But even though we know that we must suffer and die with Jesus if we are to live and reign with him, we can, nevertheless, view the increasing chaos of the world with a peace and tranquility of mind and heart that the uninformed cannot possess. We can have this hopeful and reassuring viewpoint because we know the meaning of the events which are taking place around us; that meaning being that the world is at the threshold of its long looked-for golden age of prosperity, health and life.
As the world considers the ominous threats of atom and hydrogen warfare, it is with the thought that civilization may well be destroyed, and that hundreds of years would be required for man to rebuild his institutions and reestablish his laws. It is not a pleasant outlook, either for the present generation or for the present-day children who will make up the next generation. Indeed, as the world sees it, there would probably be several generations of suffering and chaos.
But we know better. We know that man’s extremity is to be God’s opportunity which he will exercise through the agencies of Christ’s kingdom. When the time comes for the power of this kingdom to manifest itself, the people will have learned that they cannot solve their own problems. They will then know that while science can spin its sputniks and hurl its destruction around the earth, it cannot raise a barrier against the flood tide of human selfishness.
Meanwhile the Lord, in his wisdom, is permitting man to develop the potentials of war by which he will destroy his own world. It is because of the foretold “increase of knowledge” in this “time of the end” that scientists have been able to devise and construct their terrible weapons of destruction. (Dan. 12:4) In order to accomplish his purposes, God has permitted man to discover some of the secrets of nature. Because of this, and without excusing man’s own responsibilities in the matter, some of the prophecies represent God as destroying the selfish institutions of earth.
One of these prophecies is in the 46th Psalm. We quote, “The heathen [or nations] raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted.” (vs. 6) The prophecy continues with the 8th verse, “Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire.”
The divine permission of evil along all lines is in order that man may learn first hand the terrible results of his own wrongdoing, It is not difficult to see that even a limited use of the present potentials of war will help the world to realize more vividly than in the past the utter futility of this means of settling international disputes. Thus the people will be more willing and ready to accept the kingdom rule and abide by its regulations.
In verse 10 of this prophecy the Lord speaks to a devastated world, saying, “Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen [or nations], I will be exalted in the earth.” There is much “noise” in the world today, as represented by the claims and counter claims, the boastings, the threatenings, of the various nations and blocks of nations. But God is not in all their thoughts. They use the created things of God to prepare for the destruction of one another, but ignore the Creator of the very elements which they sinfully use.
But this will not continue forever. In God’s due time, which will be when his wisdom decides that the people of earth have learned a necessary lesson, through his kingdom agencies already prepared and ready to function, he will say, “Be still, and know that I am God.” Many today are wondering what God is doing about the chaotic and distressing conditions of the world. Indeed, not a few wonder if there is an all-powerful Creator who is able and willing to do anything for his human creatures. But these doubts will soon be swept away when the “kingdom” which cannot be “moved” by atom and hydrogen bombs begins to exercise its control over the nations.
Zephaniah 3:8,9 is another prophecy which emphasizes this thought. We quote, “Wait ye upon me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the [symbolic] earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy. For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.”
The marginal translation of the expression, “one consent,” is one “shoulder.” In Isaiah 9:6,7 we are told that the “government” or “kingdom” of the Messiah will be on the “shoulder” of The Prince of Peace. Zephaniah’s prophecy assures us that after Satan’s world is destroyed in the great “time of trouble” the people will be enlightened, and will support that “government,” with one accord, together putting their “shoulder” to it. What a glorious prospect!
The Nations’ “Desire”
In Haggai 2:7 (already quoted as by Paul) we have a somewhat similar thought. The King James Version reads, “I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come.” The legitimate and righteous desires of the nations will, of course, be fully satisfied by the kingdom of Christ. But throughout all the centuries the nations have desired much that will not “come” to them in the kingdom. Their desire for conquest and control of other nations will not be satisfied; nor will they be permitted to exploit one another.
The Revised Standard Version seems to give the proper thought of this prophecy. It reads, “I will shake all nations, so that the treasures of all nations shall come in.” This suggests that the true “desire” of the nations then will be to serve the new King and to co-operate in the arrangements of the kingdom. Haggai’s prophecy was given in connection with the rebuilding of the typical temple at Jerusalem, and projects the prophetic significance of that work down to this end of the age when the “new Jerusalem” comes down “from God out of heaven.”—Rev. 21:2
We are informed that in this “new Jerusalem” the “Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.” (Rev. 21:22) And then, as Haggai’s prophecy depicts, we are told that “the nations shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it.” And again, “They shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it.”—Rev. 21:24,26
The biblical expressions, “new heaven and new earth,” “holy city, new Jerusalem,” and “government,” are symbolic of the “kingdom of Christ,” that glorious kingdom which the followers of Jesus are now endeavoring to prove worthy of “receiving.” This kingdom will not be “moved.” It is a sure inheritance for all who put their trust in it, and prove worthy to share in its glory.
We do not know the details of the world’s experiences throughout 1958, nor, indeed, of our own. We do know that, regardless of what may happen, the “kingdom” which we are “receiving” will not and cannot be moved. It is a certainty because it is promised, designed, and prepared by God, our loving Heavenly Father. The only question at all is concerning our own individual worthiness to enter into that kingdom as a joint-heir with Jesus.
Since we are “receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved,” Paul says, “Let us hold fast [margin].” And let us “serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” One service we can render to the glory of God is to bear witness to the kingdom, assuring the people that a glorious new day is dawning. This is our great privilege, and it is this the psalmist foretold that the Lord’s people would be doing, when he wrote, “All thy works shall praise thee O Lord; and thy saints shall bless thee. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power; to make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom,” the kingdom which cannot be “moved.”—Ps. 145:10-12