Highlights of Dawn | March 1953 |
An Administration of Righteousness
“The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; and shall make Him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord: and He shall not judge after the sight of His eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of His ears: but with righteousness shall He judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth.” —Isaiah 11:2-4
THERE is a new administration in Washington. “It is time for a change,” argued the Republicans during the presidential election campaign last fall. The majority of voting citizens in the United States agreed with this slogan and voted for a change. Now that Mr. Eisenhower has picked up the lines of government control, they are hopeful that he will be able to resolve many of the distressing problems blighting the peace and happiness of the people, and destroying their sense of security for the future.
However, in his inaugural address the new President was careful not to make definite promises, for the reason that he realizes that the task is too great to be handled by one man, and the problems too deep-seated and world-wide for even the Republican Party to resolve. Wisely, he avoided placing the blame for present world conditions on the Democratic Party, but pointed out that the distress of nations today is the result of an awakening of the people which has been taking place for at least the last fifty years. The President said:
“Since this century’s beginning, a time of tempest has seemed to come upon the continents of the earth. Masses of Asia have awakened to strike off shackles of the past. Great nations of Europe have fought their bloodiest wars. Thrones have toppled and their vast empires have disappeared. New nations have been born.
“For our own country it has been a time of recurring trial. We have grown in power and in responsibility. We have passed through the anxieties of depression and of war to a summit unmatched in human history. Seeking to secure peace in the world, we have had to fight through the forests of the Argonne to the shores of Iwo Jima, and to the cold mountains of Korea.
“In the swift rush of great events, we find ourselves groping to know the full sense and meaning of these times in which we live. In our quest of understanding, we beseech God’s guidance. We summon all our knowledge of the past and we scan all signs of the future. We bring all our wit and all our will to meet the question:
“How far have we come in man’s long pilgrimage from darkness toward the light? Are we nearing the light—a day of freedom and of peace for all mankind? Or are the shadows of another night closing in upon us?”
These are dramatic words, but void of any real assurance that the Republican Administration—despite campaign promises and pledges—will be able successfully to lead the United States and the world into and along the road to peace and security. Mr. Eisenhower outlined what he called “certain fixed principles” which would guide the new administration “in pleading our just cause before the bar of history and in pressing our labor for world peace,” but regardless of how sound or unsound these principles may be, the questions still remains, “Are we nearing the light, … Or are the shadows of another night closing in upon us?”
Having said that the United States, despite wars and depression, has attained “a summit unmatched in human history,” the President raised a question as to how worthwhile this exalted place in the world might actually prove to be. Speaking again of the dangers facing the nations and the world, he said:
“This trial comes at a moment when man’s power to achieve good or inflict evil surpasses the brightest hopes and the sharpest fears of all ages. We can turn rivers in their courses, level mountains to the plains. Oceans and land and sky are avenues for our colossal commerce. Disease diminishes and life lengthens.
“Yet the promise of this life is imperiled by the very genius that has made it possible. Nations amass wealth. Labor sweats to create—and turns out devices to level not only mountains but also cities. Science seems ready to confer upon us, as its final gift, the power to erase human life from the planet.”
Surely the President was not unjustified in asking the question, “Are the shadows of another night closing in upon us?” Yet some of the reasons he cited for hoping that this is not so are among the contributing causes of present world chaos and distress. We quote him again:
“The men who mine coal, and fire furnaces, and balance ledgers, and turn lathes, and pick cotton, and heal the sick, and plant corn—all serve as proudly and as profitably for America as the statesmen who draft treaties and the legislators who enact laws.”
So far as the United States is concerned, this is not a new concept. Theoretically, this was the basis upon which the nation was founded, and doubtless it has been actually practiced to a larger degree here than anywhere else in the world. But the ideology of liberty and equality as proclaimed and practiced in America has contributed greatly both to the awakening of “Asia to strike off shackles of the past” and to the toppled thrones of Europe and the disappearance of their vast empires, concerning which the President reminded us.
Can this uprising be stopped? Can the Asiatic nations be put back into their slumber so that they will not continue to threaten the peace of the world? Can the remaining thrones of Europe be “frozen” by American dollars so there will be no more toppling, and no more disintegrating of empires? Will not the President’s acclamation of the freedom and equality for which the American people stand, help to arouse other peoples to a greater determination than ever to continue the world revolution until all—nations as well as individuals—are free and considered equal?
And since it is the awakening of the masses throughout the last fifty years, or even more, that has brought the world to its present fear and insecurity, should we expect that the reaffirmation of human rights by the presidential head of the most powerful and influential nation on earth will suddenly put the world at ease and usher in universal peace?
The Failure of Human Wisdom
The failure of human wisdom to solve the problems of the world is becoming increasingly manifest, although many of the wise and great of this world are sincerely trying. The greatest of all hindrances is human selfishness. Man is probably no more selfish today than in ages past, but in the disintegration of a social order which has occurred in our time, religious and moral restraints—which, by increasing millions of people in every part of the world, are now considered to be “shackles”—are being thrown off, allowing the selfish propensities of man to have free rein.
Self-interest, uncontrolled by ethical standards or religious restraints, manifests itself in all levels of national and international affairs. The people are “shocked,” but it continues and increases. Even in a free country, freedom is used to exploit the helpless. It cannot be expected, therefore, that in seeking adjustments in the international field which will satisfy all and start the world on the road to peace, selfishness will not continue to throw up road blocks to progress.
Human wisdom has no cure for selfishness. This malady, which is so potent in creating world disorder, can be dealt with only by divine power. And this is the real hope of the world today, for the very circumstances which baffle an Eisenhower and an Einstein are clearly in fulfillment of biblical prophecies which assure us that we are living in the time when a divine administration is taking over in world affairs.
The time has indeed come for a “change,” and that change is being made in the very midst of the most crucial period of all history. It is the time foretold by the Revelator, when the sovereignty of this world has become God’s and his Christ’s. The first result of this is that the nations have become angry. They are angry at one another, and angry at the “shackles” which have bound them.—Rev. 11:15-18
The President has given us a wonderfully clear description of a changing world, and of how impotent man is at such a time to control his own destiny. He asks God to give him and others wisdom to find and apply the solution. If he could only take a look at the prophetic explanation of what is occurring, he would know that God is already directing the outcome, not through the Republican Administration, but through his beloved Son whom he has enthroned to be King of kings, and who is already displacing the kingdoms of this world in order that his own righteous government might rule in the hearts and lives of men.
Prophetic Evidences
One of the prophecies descriptive of the coming and work of earth’s new King reads, “The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel, and with the trump of God.” (I Thess. 4:16) The Greek word here translated “shout” literally means an incitement to action. The thought in the Greek text also is that the Master’s return would be accompanied by this “shout,” that it would parallel his return, not that he necessarily would give the shout.
However, it is forces set in motion by the prophetic “increase of knowledge,” and which have been providentially timed for these last days, that have brought about this “shout” on the part of the masses everywhere, and produced what the President describes as a “tempest” which has come upon the continents of the earth. To the onlooker who fails to see the prophetic meaning of this incitement of the people, it seems like some evil influence at work. Concerning it the Prophet Jeremiah wrote:
“Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.” (Jer. 25:32) No wonder the President called it a “tempest,” for such it is, symbolically speaking, and it is this symbolic language that the prophecies also use to describe the events of our day.
In Paul’s prophecy, he also said that the Lord would return with the “voice of the Archangel.” This identifies the prophecy with Daniel 12:1, where the “Archangel” is given the title “Michael,” with the explanation that when Michael “stands up” there would be “a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation.”
The “trump of God” was also to be sounded at the time of our Lord’s return to take over the rulership of the nations. This, too, symbolizes a message—God’s message pertaining to the fact that the time has arrived in his plan for the peoples of earth to be brought under the control of his promised righteous government.
This “trump of God” was symbolized in the Old Testament by Israel’s jubilee trumpet, which at that time announced the incoming jubilee year for Israel when debts were to be canceled, slaves set free, and when those disinherited were to have their homes restored to them. This was designed by God to foreshadow the restoration of the entire human race to its lost inheritance of life on a perfect earth, and to freedom from sin and death.
Together with the restoration of life itself, that antitypical jubilee age will witness the liberation of the people from economic and other forms of slavery against which the backward nations of earth are now in revolt. Thus we see that the “shout” of incitement and the “trumpet” tones of freedom are closely related; and it is because, through the “increase of knowledge,” the nations have been hearing these proclamations that the prophetic “whirlwind” has been stirred up from the coasts of the earth.
Mr. Eisenhower stated that this great “trial” has come upon the nation and upon the world at a time “when man’s power to achieve good or to inflict evil surpasses the brightest hopes and the sharpest fears of all ages.” How true this is to the prophetic picture! The foretold “increase of knowledge” has indeed placed the world in a position to provide an abundance for all, and it has enlightened all nations to their realization of their lack of earth’s bounties. But it is also a time of fear, a dreadful fear, lest man will use his knowledge for destruction rather than production.
Thus is fulfilled Jesus’ prophecy concerning the time of his return, that then men’s hearts would fail them for fear as they looked ahead to the things coming upon the earth. (Luke 21:24-26) Describing the attitude of the Lord’s enlightened people at this time, the Prophet David wrote, “We will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.”—Ps. 46:2
“Earth” is used here to symbolize a social order, and the “mountains” are kingdoms, or governments. The “sea” pictures the restless, discontented condition of the masses. How graphic is the picture, and how true to present conditions as described by the President and as recognized by all discerning men and women. Mr. Eisenhower’s “tempest” has stirred up the “sea” into foaming waves of discontent and anger. Already many kingdoms have toppled over into this “sea,” and more will follow as the “shout,” and the “voice of the Archangel,” and the “trump of God” continue to inform the people that the Lord’s time of “jubilee” is here, that it is “time for a change.”
True, the masses do not yet know what the real change is which is taking place. That’s why the President is frank to admit that he doesn’t know whether or not another and darker than ever night is about to settle down over the earth. He sees the foaming waves of discontent. He and others in strategic positions know that basically man has a right to freedom, and they are all willing to continue their fight for freedom regardless of the consequences.
Beyond this determination, and the terrible eventualities to which it might lead, they see nothing. That’s why they are fearful. That’s why they wonder whether or not science has made its final contribution to human progress, a contribution that will lead to the destruction of the human race itself.
But despite their fear, they see no way out except to “fight it out” with those pagan forces who, in the name of liberty, oppose liberty, and who also, in the pretense of providing abundance for the backward and starving peoples of earth, often reduce them to a more cruel serfdom and existence of starvation than before. So the best plan the brightest minds can devise to save the world in the midst of this “tempest” is the war plan. The best conclusion they can reach, and the most comforting, is that a “soldier’s pack is not so heavy a burden as a prisoner’s chains.”
God Has a Plan
The prophecies of God’s Word which so accurately and so graphically describe these conditions of our day and explain the divine purpose back of them, also assure us of their glorious outcome. It is not without reason that the great men of earth—no matter how sincere they may be—fear of their ability to calm the “tempest” and direct the international ship of state to a quiet haven of peace and safety.
They cannot! The issues have been removed from human hands, except as the Lord permits them to move and act in keeping with his designs. Human wisdom will not be able to establish lasting peace, but the King of kings will, although not until the “tempest,” the “whirlwind,” the “storms,” the “earthquakes,” and the “fires” of the prophecies have further leveled the proud and haughty governments of earth and taught the nations that, apart from God, they must perish.
God not only has a plan, but he guarantees its success by miracle-working power. Jesus is the Ruler in that plan, not elected by the people, but chosen by God. His enemies killed him when he was here on earth more than nineteen centuries ago, but divine power raised him from the dead. After his resurrection Jesus announced to his disciples, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.”—Matt. 28:18
By the use of this “all power” Jesus will have no difficulty in establishing divine control over the peoples of earth. Associated with him in that government will be his faithful followers who, throughout the age, have suffered and died with him. They, too, are raised from the dead in what the Scriptures describe as the “first resurrection.” This is in order that they may share with Jesus in his divine administration.
These will be the invisible rulers in the new social order. They will have human representatives who will be the ancient worthies of past ages, of whom righteous Abel was the first and John the Baptist the last. These also must, and will be, raised from the dead ere the new kingdom is ready to function for the actual liberation of the people from their bondage to sin and death. But the important consideration is that divine, miracle-working power guarantees the success of the divine plan for solving the present problems of the nations.
Governed by Divine Wisdom
All the associate rulers in the Lord’s kingdom, or government, will be directly under the headship of Christ, and will be wholeheartedly in harmony with all the righteous principles by which he will judge and govern the people. And how wonderful are those principles! Our text reminds us of some of them.
“The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him,” we are told, “the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.” If we had no other assurance than this, we would know that Christ’s kingdom will be gloriously successful, that it will victoriously fulfill all the gracious promises which the Creator has made concerning it.
Without questioning the sincere desires of many of earth’s rulers to find a solution for the dilemma of the people, there is no assurance that the Spirit of the Lord rests upon them to give wisdom and sound judgment. They are governed at the best by constitutions and principles evolved by fallen human wisdom; while at the same time laboring under tremendous pressure from all sides, and often from expediency, to deviate from what they accept and proclaim as guideposts to action.
But how different it will be with the King of kings! He will be guided and empowered by the Spirit of the Lord. His spirit of reverence for the divine will and laws will prevail throughout the entire framework of his administration. He will not be under the necessity of placating various conflicting elements and divergent interests of those who will work with him in that divine government.
“He shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears.” In other words, earth’s new King will be able to read the hearts of men. He will know and understand their innermost thoughts, and, through his representatives, will deal with the people according to what they really are at heart, and not upon the basis of what they profess to be. Can we imagine what changes this will make in governmental administration!
“With righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth.” The “shout,” the “voice of the Archangel,” and the “trump of God,” which, accompanying the Master’s return, have resulted in such a “tempest” throughout the earth, are not designed merely to arouse the backward peoples of earth to a sense of their needs, and then not satisfy the heart hunger thus awakened; for, under the rulership of this righteous King, the legitimate desires of all mankind will be satisfied.
The “poor” and the “meek” will then have someone to speak for them. David wrote concerning him, “He shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper. He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy. He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence: and precious shall their blood be in his sight.”—Ps. 72:12-14
“All kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him.” (Ps. 72:11) The great and mighty, as well as the meek and humble of earth, will recognize the virtues and qualifications of this new King. He will not pamper the rich and exploit the poor. Neither will he exalt the poor and destroy the rich.
One of the symbolisms descriptive of the effect of his rulership pictures the valleys being exalted, and the hills made low. (Isa. 40:4; Luke 3:5) This indicates a just distribution of all the bounties of the earth, and a recognition of the fact that God has made of one blood all nations of the earth, and that in reality, and from God’s standpoint, there are no dukes and lords and there should be no peasants and paupers.
But beyond this, and even more wonderful, is the fact that his government will give health and life to the people—everlasting life. This is why God allowed Jesus’ enemies to put him to death. Indeed, this is why Jesus voluntarily gave himself up to die, for it was in the divine plan that his rulership should not be over a dying race, but over one being restored to life. It was therefore necessary that first of all he should die to redeem mankind from death. Paul wrote that Jesus gave himself “a ransom for all,” and then added, “to be testified in due time.”—I Tim. 2:4-6
Jesus gave himself as a ransom at his first advent. It will be during his second presence that the glorious truth concerning this will be testified, or made known to all. And all who, when they learn of this provision, accept of God’s grace through Christ and obey the laws of that “government” which will then be upon “his shoulder,” will not need to die. They will be restored to perfection of being and live happily forever.
As for the immediate future under the new administration in Washington, we know not what may develop in America and throughout the world. We know from the prophecies, however, that only the Lord will be able to speak peace to the nations with an authority which will accomplish the divine design. This he will do, and in his own due time. Without doubt that time is near, so we will continue to watch and pray and wait, knowing that ere the human race is permitted to destroy itself completely, there will be heard throughout the earth the divine command:
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”—Psalm 46:10