Highlights of Dawn | January 1953 |
The Shape of Things to Come
IT IS but natural when entering upon a new year to wonder what lies ahead in the way of experiences in the religious, political, and international fields of human endeavor. However, a proper appraisal of our own lack of wisdom should cause all of us to realize that we cannot peer into the future for even as much as a day, or a week, and see in detail the shape of events to come with any great degree of accuracy.
Nevertheless, the general pattern of world trends is clearly set forth in the prophecies of the Bible, and discernible in the year by year global developments of this wonderful day in which we are living.
Jesus promised that when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon his waiting disciples at Pentecost it would show them “things to come.” And it did! For the apostles, the Holy Spirit was a miraculous revealing power which enabled them to pen prophecies giving the general outline of the church’s experience throughout the entire age, and to describe the shape of events in both the church and the world during the present transition period when the “present evil world” would be ending, and a new world beginning.
In fact, the ability given to all the inspired writers of the Bible to “see afar off” enabled them to forecast the shape of things to come for the next thousand years. And how glad we are that they did, for thus we have been given a glorious hope which is as bright as the promises of God.
Political and national events are closely related, and they exert a potent influence upon each other. In these areas of human endeavor the outlook for 1953 is extremely uncertain. A number of factors cause this, not the least of which is that there will be a new president in the White House at Washington. A change of presidency always means a period of adjustment, and sometimes of hesitancy on the part of business and other interests of the nation.
Now, however, because the United States has become such a dominant leader in world affairs, this uncertainty will doubtless be reflected more or less world-wide. World leaders everywhere realize the tightrope walking position the nations are in and how little it will take to disturb the uneasy balance which is precariously and temporarily being maintained. They know that a new president in the United States could easily make the difference between the present armed peace (or if you prefer, “cold war”) and an all-out shooting war, the rehearsal for which already is being held in Korea.
In 1951, Mr. W.G. Glugston, a distinguished political journalist of Kansas, wrote:
“On the day when President Truman leaves the White House our nation may well be facing, or in the midst of, the greatest crisis in our history. The fate of the country, and perhaps of all humanity, may be in the hands of the man who succeeds him. A word, a nod, a shake of the head by that man, may determine whether civilization is to survive or perish.
“No matter whether you are a congenital optimist, or such a pessimist that you believe all roads lead to disaster and that doomsday lies just ahead, you must be impressed, if not terrified, by all the accumulating indications that we are approaching critical climaxes both within the borders of our own country and throughout the world—climaxes with which the man who succeeds President Truman in the chief executive’s job will have to deal.”
Those who have faith in the promises of God which give assurance that we are now in “the day of the Lord” and that there is an overruling providence controlling the affairs of men realize that the fate of the world is not bound up in America’s new president. We know that the shape of things to come, both this year, and on into the future, will be determined by divine decree. It might well be, of course, that the new president will seemingly have something to do with the turn of events during the year. If so, it will be by divine permission.
The Prophetic Pattern
We are living at the time of our Lord’s return, in the period of his second presence (Greek, parousia) and the end of the world (Greek, aion, meaning age). (Matt. 24:3) In answer to the disciples’ questions as to the signs which would identify this time, the Master said that there would be upon the earth “great tribulation.” (Matt. 24:21) Jesus learned this from Daniel 12:1, where the present distress of nations is described as a “time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation.” All the prophecies reveal that we are not to look for a permanent peace to result from human efforts, of whatever sort they may be, or however sincere, or noble—that only Christ, earth’s new King, will be able to solve the problems arising out of this “great tribulation.”
According to the prophecies, the purpose of this “great tribulation” is to destroy this “present evil world.” (Gal. 1:4) In “the day of the Lord,” wrote Paul, sudden, or unexpected “destruction” shall come upon them as travail upon a woman with child. (I Thess. 5:2,3) The unexpected nature of this trouble is emphasized by Paul’s prophecy that it would come at a time when the world would be saying, “Peace and safety.”
The explanation that the tribulation would be as “travail” enables us to discern the general shape of events in this “day of the Lord.” The travail of childbirth comes in spasms, or intermittent seizures of pain, with periods of easement between. These pains are closer together as the birth of the child nears. Looking back to 1914, we can see that the “time of trouble” thus far has followed this pattern; and we should expect it to continue thus until the birth of the new order.
Paul had good authority for saying that the destructive trouble coming upon the world in the “day of the Lord” would be as “travail.” Through the Prophet Isaiah the Lord had previously conveyed the same idea, saying: “The Lord shall go forth as a mighty man, he shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: he shall cry, yea, roar; he shall prevail against his enemies. I have long time holden my peace; I have been still, and refrained myself: now will I cry like a travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once.”—Isa. 42:13,14
In Psalm 46:6 we read, “The heathen [Gentiles] raged, the kingdoms were moved: he uttered his voice, the earth melted.” Here, as in the prophecy of Isaiah quoted above, the Lord’s voice, or cry, is seen to result in destruction, or, as David states it, the removal of kingdoms and the melting of the symbolic earth, or social order. But just as a travailing woman cries out only during her seizures of pain, so the Lord’s voice has been exerting its influence in the spasms of trouble which, beginning particularly with 1914, have already caused the removal of most of the hereditary kingdoms of the Gentiles. The social order, or “earth,” of which these kingdoms were the ideological foundation, has also been “melting” as a result.
The Nations Gathered
In Zephaniah 3:8 (and in other prophecies as well) the Lord tells us of his determination to “gather the nations” and to “assemble the kingdoms,” and that this would be in order that he might pour upon them his “fierce anger” and that “all the earth” would be devoured by the fire of his jealousy. Thus we are furnished with another design in the general pattern of events to be expected in this day of the Lord. How clearly discernible this has been!
During the first World War, nearly all the nations of the earth were gathered on one side or the other of that titanic struggle.
Then came the now deceased “League of Nations.”
Nearly all the nations gathered in London for an economic conference.
Then came the gathering for the second global struggle, followed by the “United Nations.”
Now we have Russia with her satellites, and the United States heading the noncommunist nations of earth, with the two groups pitted against each other.
Out of the North
Still another form in the general “shape” of the “great tribulation” is the fact that an “evil” comes “out of the north,” “upon all the inhabitants of the land.” This evil is likened to a “seething pot.” This might well be unholy propaganda which has so much to do with aligning the nations one against another, as well as inciting turmoil and insurrection within nations.—Jer. 1:13,14
The prophecies give special emphasis to this evil out of the north in connection with a final assault against regathered Israel in the Promised Land.—Ezekiel 38:15-23
The prophecies also show that forces out of the “north” will have much to do with the destruction of symbolic Babylon. (Jer. 50:3,9) This is another detail in the general pattern of events to which we should give attention in searching out the meaning of the “sure word of prophecy.” The life and death struggle between communism from the “north” and the totalitarianism of “Babylon” will continue, although there may be a temporary successful upsurge of power and authority on the part of papacy.
The Return of Israel
Because this “day of the Lord” in which we are now living is, in its beginning, a time when his wrath is being poured out against the nations, most of the prophecies pertaining thereto are forecasts of destructive trouble. But there are exceptions. Among these are the promises of God that during this same time he would restore the people of natural Israel to the land which he gave to their fathers. This is also being accomplished, and is one of the very tangible evidences of the fact that we are indeed living in the early beginning of the kingdom age.
The returned exiles in Israel are having their difficulties. They do not, in fact, as yet possess all the Promised Land. They are passing through an economic crisis and their supply of food and clothing is meager. But we can be sure of their ultimate position, for the prophecies present no uncertain message concerning God’s intentions toward his regathered people.
The Year Ahead
Thus, while there are many prophecies to guide us in what to expect along general lines, these spirit-inspired forecasts do not reveal in advance the details of developments, either as to their shape or time.
We know that the whole scene is a “time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation.”
We know that this trouble is in spasms.
We know that the nations unite in an effort to protect themselves in these spasms of trouble.
The prophecies also show that an “evil” out of the “north” plays an important part in the trouble; and that this evil is threatening both the civil and religious worlds.
While the prophecies make it clear that the destruction of the “present evil world” was to be accomplished by a series of violent “birth pangs,” they do not indicate clearly whether another of these is to start in 1953. There are many trouble spots, or areas of irritation, throughout the world which might easily erupt into a global struggle before the end of the year—but will they?
We do not know!
Nor do we know whether or not the next world-wide seizure of pain will start in this way, or be precipitated by some other means. All we know is that these spasms will continue intermittently, until the destruction of Satan’s world is complete.
Since the prophecies point out so clearly that there would be a uniting of nations to keep the peace, or to make strong in war, we can look for this trend to continue. The “League of Nations” fell apart, but the United Nations took its place. One of the prophecies declares, “Associate yourselves, … and ye shall be broken in pieces.” (Isa. 8:9) We know from this that eventually all efforts to unite will end in failure and destruction, but we do not know how many attempts will be made before this final failure occurs.
We can expect that greater disturbing influences will continue to come out of the “north.” Nor should we be surprised if for a time the threat to world peace now emanating from that region should subside and there would develop an appearance of “peace and safety.” Even now, statesmen and politicians are fearing that that this will be the case, and that the world will thereby be lulled into a sense of security which will be false and dangerous.
It might even be that before the end of 1953 the whole world will seemingly have settled down into a state of serenity so that the possibilities of all-out war will seem remote. But being acquainted with the general shape of things to come we will know that if such is the case it will be but one of the short periods of easement before the next spasm of destruction comes upon the world.
We know that God’s hand is over Israel. The prophecies assure us of this, and emphasize also that they are to have all the land which God gave to their fathers. But herein lies one of the uncertainties so far as our ability to understand the details of future events is concerned. Today Israel is building up a strong and efficient army. The Arabs hold much of the land which the Israeli government wants, and desperately needs, in order to become economically secure. What will be done about it?
We don’t know. But Mr. Hillyer H. Straton, who has recently returned from Israel, writing in The Christian Century, has this to say about the possibilities:
“After two days in Israel it was evident that the tremendously efficient Jewish army with its modern equipment and high morale would completely overrun what is left of Arab Palestine. It would be at the Jordan River in twenty-four hours. In such an eventuality a major fait accompli would be presented to the world, while the approximate ancient boundaries of the land of Israel would be achieved.
“Although it was never openly expressed I could not but feel that this was both the hope and the plan of the extreme nationalists who have great power in Israel. If this should happen it is impossible to believe that the Arab world would sit idly by. Inevitably there would develop a major conflagration in the Near East that could easily and quickly set the whole world afire.”
Knowledge Increasing
The basic cause of the “great tribulation” in which the world has been engulfed for so many years is the fact that the due time has arrived in the divine plan for the kingdom of Christ to manifest its controlling power in the affairs of men, and to dispense the blessings God has promised to all the families of the earth. The old world must be destroyed in order for the new one to be established. One of the methods being employed for this purpose is the enlightenment of the masses.
This aspect of the “day of the Lord” is mentioned in several prophecies. “Knowledge shall be increased,” wrote Daniel. (Dan. 12:4) David prophesied that the Lord’s “lightnings” would enlighten the world, and that there would be a great trembling as a result. (Ps. 78:18; 97:4) Jesus described this same “shape” of things to come as a lightning, or bright shining, that would reach from the east even unto the west.—Matt. 24:27; Luke 17:24
We are witnessing the fulfillment of these prophecies. The impact of increasing knowledge is rocking the foundations of Satan’s world. Hitherto unenlightened and downtrodden nations are stirring in rebellion, and demanding freedom and their just share of the earth’s bounties. We can expect to see this continue; and as we watch the prophetic news parade of 1953, the significance of many of the events will be better understood in the light of the foretold increase of knowledge.
This, after all, is the principal value of prophecy in the life of a Christian. Had the Lord revealed in advance that the “time of trouble” would spread out over a period of forty or more years, it might have been discouraging to some. But in the light of fulfilled prophecy, as we have witnessed it during those years, the divine purpose in it all becomes more and more apparent.
It would do us little good to know in advance just what will occur before the end of 1953. But when the year is over, and we look back upon it and note how its events which were related to prophecy all fit into the pattern of things foretold, our faith will be strengthened. Seeing these things when they come to pass (not before) causes us to look up and lift up our heads, knowing that our deliverance draweth nigh.—Luke 21:28
It is true, however, that the ultimate, or complete fulfillment of the prophecies can and should be known in advance. The saints at the beginning of the age knew that “this present evil world” would come to an end when our Lord returned. They knew that the people of Israel would be restored to the Promised Land. They rejoiced in the hope of the first resurrection of the church, and were stimulated to faithfulness by their expectation of living and reigning with Christ.
The Early Church also rejoiced in the hope of being delivered from death, the same deliverance which we now see drawing near for ourselves. The disciples of Jesus then had access to the prophecies which outline the things which we now see, but they did not “see” the things which were foretold. To them these prophecies meant deliverance, and they do to us also. But in addition, and because they are in process of being fulfilled, we are assured that the promised deliverance is near.
The prophecies and promises of God pertaining to the work to be accomplished during the thousand years of Christ’s reign, when his faithful followers reign with him, give us a wonderful assurance of “restitution” for the human race. This is one of the “things to come” which the Holy Spirit has revealed to the Lord’s people in these last days. And how we rejoice that such a time of blessing is in store for the world!
But with respect to the foretold “times of restitution,” as in the case of all the other “things to come,” only the ultimate fact can be understood in advance. The prophecies contain the details, but they are understood only in the light of fulfillment.
Tears will be wiped from all faces.—Rev. 21:4
The eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped.—Isa. 35:5
The ransomed of the Lord shall return from the tomb with great rejoicing.—Isa. 35:10
The wicked shall return to their “former estate.”—Ezek. 16:55
The children shall come again “from the land of the enemy.”—Jer. 31:15,16; Matt. 2:18
The desire of all nations shall come.—Haggai 2:7
Every man shall dwell under his vine and fig tree.—Micah 4:4
They shall build houses and inhabit them, and long enjoy the work of their hands.—Isa. 65:21,22
There shall be no more death, no more pain, no more sorrow, for the former things shall have passed away.—Rev. 21:4
All these and the many other promises of restitution give us the assurance that this “thing” which is to come will be marvelous beyond the ability of our fallen human minds to comprehend. But it is a general picture. We know that many of these expressions are partially symbolic, but we realize that the blessings which are symbolized will be much better than the symbols which are used to illustrate them. So we rejoice in this hope which we have for the world, although we cannot understand in detail all that will be involved in the fulfillment of God’s promises appertaining thereto.
Let us realize that this same principle is true with respect to the prophecies which must yet reach a complete fulfillment ere restitution blessings begin to flow out to the world. When we look back over the years since the beginning of the “day of the Lord” and see the extent to which many of the “end of the world” prophecies have already been fulfilled, it gives us the impression that we are standing at the very brink of the full consummation of our hopes.
And we are!
Doubtless 1953 will be a momentous year in the further fulfillment of prophecy. So let us be faithful watchers in Zion, that we may discern the meaning of events as they pass by, and thus have our faith strengthened in the ultimate, the complete shape of things to come, even the full manifestation of the kingdom and the “times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.”—Acts 3:19-23