Highlights of Dawn | July 1952 |
Operation Eternity
THE scientists tell us that we are now living in the “atomic age.” They don’t know whether atomic energy will be misused to destroy the human race, or if it will be employed for the betterment of mankind by supplying a more abundant life for the people of all nations. The Scriptures assure us, however, that despite the selfishness of man which has brought about this time of trouble and fear, there will be an intervention of divine power in time to prevent “all flesh” from being destroyed. (Matt. 24:21,22) This is something in which we can all rejoice.
The Bible also assures us God created the earth to be man’s everlasting home, and that for this purpose he has established it forever. (Isa. 45:18; Eccles. 1:4) It is the divine plan that the earth be filled with a perfect race which will enjoy the blessings of health and everlasting life. This will be the former sin-cursed and dying race restored to life during the thousand years of Christ’s reign. This global-wide work of restoration is described by the Apostle Peter as “times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began.”—Acts 3:19-21
With this assurance of the eternal existence of the earth and of the human race, it is essential to view the outstanding progress along scientific lines from the standpoint of its relationship to eternity. When we do this we discover that many of the remarkable achievements of our day—designated in the prophecies “the time of the end”—are, at the most, merely of temporary advantage to the human race, being related to the prophetic “day” of the Lord’s “preparation.”—Nahum 2:3,4
Many of the world’s greatest scientific developments are of comparatively recent date, and even our basic inventions date back only a little beyond the memory of the present generation. The electric lamp, the steam railroad, the steamship, the telephone and the telegraph were among the first “miracles” to reach mankind as a result of the increasing knowledge of the new day. These we still have and use, but greatly improved; and in the lifetime of one generation they have revolutionized the world’s way of living.
Then came the automobile, the airplane, the wireless telegraph, the radio, and now television. These also have had a tremendous impact on the world’s way of life, and will continue to force even greater changes. They have created serious problems also, and are frequently misused to the great detriment of the people. Indeed, all the inventions peculiar to the “time of the end” have been utilized for war even as for peace, and have helped to produce the foretold “time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation.”—Dan. 12:1
Now we are in the atomic age. After the first horror of excitement over the destruction of human life which was caused by the dropping of those first atom bombs in Japan, the scientists were glad to tell us of the wonderful things that could be done with atomic energy to promote the welfare of the human race. No doubt they were right, and already some of their promises have materialized into reality, particularly in the world of medical science.
However, with all the possibilities which are opened up to the world through the proper use of atomic energy, it must be classed as merely in the nature of preparation for eternity. When the steam engine was first invented, and wood was burned in the boiler which produced the steam, and later coal, no one thought seriously of the fact that one day the fuel supply would be exhausted. When it was discovered that coal could be used for light, heat, and power, the attitude was that there would always be coal.
The same was true of oil. But these are expendable resources. It is true that if we should be interested only in the present, concerned only with the welfare of the present generation, this would be of no serious consequence. But as students of prophecy and believers in the promises of God, all these factors must be viewed in the light of eternity. God has promised that man shall live on the earth forever, and we know that the coal and oil supplies will not hold out for eternity.
Nor is atomic energy the permanent answer, for expendables are also utilized in the production of this sensational source of power. Uranium is one of these. Based on the present known supply of uranium, it has been estimated that if all the world’s light, heat, and power needs were supplied in this way, there would only be enough to last forty days—a very small bit of eternity. So there is no use thinking that a thousand years from now people will be flying through the air in planes powered by atomic energy. Even if new supplies of uranium were found, or it should be discovered that there are other ores just as suitable as uranium, atomic energy could still be only a temporary provision for the world’s needs—temporary, that is, in the light of eternity.
From the standpoint of faith in the promises of God, it is not essential that we understand in advance just how divine wisdom has made provision to meet this eternal need of the restored human race. However, since the prophecies indicate that we are already in the very dawn of the restitution age, it is reasonable to suppose that there should appear some indication of what may be those permanent and never-failing sources of heat, power, and light upon which humanity will be able to depend.
Such indications are appearing on the horizon!
There are today two much talked about sources of inexhaustible power—electricity directly from the air; and the light and heat of the sun. The latter, indeed, is well beyond the discussion stage, for the power of the sun is now actually being utilized, and to a much greater extent than the average layman realizes. The newspapers give it little publicity; but in the minds of some, this struggle to suck the sun’s energy is so tremendous that it dwarfs even the atomic race.
Right now, it is claimed that in Russia giant reflectors harness enough solar power to operate textile factories. It is also asserted that solar stills are located in various parts of the world and are converting sea water into fresh water. It is the view of scientists who are experimenting with the sun’s energy, that it is destined more than ever to become our permanent source of life, that in it we have a potential force that can transform our world in a way that atomic energy never could.
It is claimed that Russia has forged far ahead of the rest of the world in the field of solar energy; that she has created a huge and secret Institute of Solar Power. The federal government in this country hasn’t taken a great deal of interest in solar power research. In 1949, the Secretary of the Interior urged Congress to make a large appropriation to find new sources of energy, with solar power at the top of the list to be investigated; but as one writer puts it, “Congress couldn’t see the sun.”
Aided by money made available from private sources, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is developing, experimentally, means of utilizing solar energy, and much success has been attained. A house in Massachusetts, heated by solar energy, is one of the projects. It is owned by one of the Institute’s scientists, Dr. Maria Telkes.
Houses in Florida and California have for years been using solar energy to supply year-around hot water. So also has the Colomb-Bechar Hospital in the Sahara Desert. And right now a solar-heated house is practical anywhere south of Latitude 40. There is a large solar house development in Northbrook, Illinois; and another in Camden, New Jersey. There are others in New England. These are of the simpler type, using the sun’s heat to supplement their regular heating system. The fuel bill has thus been cut to less than half what it was.
Tomorrow’s solar house, it is claimed, will have other “conveniences” supplied by the sun. A special wallpaper has already been developed which absorbs some of the sun’s rays, and at night gives off a measure of reflected light so that rooms are not pitch dark. Solar operated refrigeration and air conditioning are also being developed. Already in some warmer climates there are kitchen stoves and baking ovens which use the heat of the sun.
Not only are rapid strides being made in discovering how to use the sun as a source of light, power, and heat, but it has been found that the sun can provide us much more than these. In the Arthur D. Little Laboratories, adjoining the Massachusetts Institute of Technology campus, experiments are being made in the use of Chlorella, a single-celled algae, in the production of synthetic food. It has already been found that all this element needs to make it multiply unbelievably fast is the carbon dioxide from the air, combining with water, plus the sunlight.
Under these conditions, Chlorella reproduces so fast that it is harvested every day at the laboratory, just like a farm crop. It overflows from the plastic tube, down a drain into a centrifuge, from which it emerges looking like a great wet cake. It smells somewhat like a pumpkin, and tastes like hay. Its food value is tremendous—fifty percent protein and fifty percent fat, and no waste cellulose. It is frozen for preservation until processed and used.
From this element it is possible to make powders, sauces, soups, wafers, sausages, cheeses, beverages, and even pickled hors d’oeuvres. This experiment is just in its infancy, but with two thirds of the people of the world living just above subsistence levels, it is an interesting project. For instance, the average corn crop is thirty-three bushels an acre—about one ton of corn kernels a year. Under laboratory conditions one ton of dry Chlorella can be grown on an acre of land in one day, 365 tons in a year.
Special fibers can also be made from Chlorella, similar to wool and cotton; also auto engine fuel as a substitute for gasoline. The research along these lines is only beginning. Who knows what else will be discovered? And all of it is based fundamentally on solar power, an inexhaustible source which will last for eternity.
We are not presenting these results of solar research with the thought that the sun actually will ultimately become humanity’s source of heat, power, and light, and to some extent food and clothing. We are still in the day of the Lord’s “preparation,” and solar experiments may also be but a passing phase in human effort, to be eclipsed later by something still more wonderful. It may well be, as remarked by a brother in the truth after hearing a thrilling lecture in which the speaker endeavored to outline in detail some of the marvelous blessings of the kingdom, “If it isn’t that way, it will be even better.”
United “Notions”
NEARLY three thousand years ago the Prophet Isaiah wrote to the nations of our day, saying, “Associate yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. Take counsel together, and it shall come to naught.” (Isa. 8:9,10) This prophecy has had, and continues to have, a remarkable fulfillment in the efforts of the nations in these last days to unite for mutual protection. Even more striking is its prediction that these frantic efforts of the nations would fail. We have already witnessed the complete failure of the League of Nations, and now confidence is rapidly waning in the ability of the United Nations organization to keep the peace.
Mr. John Ray, writing in the Vancouver, Canada, Herald News, tells us that to many people the initials UN now stand for United “Notions.” In his article Mr. Ray said:
“All the UN achieved was the providing of a monster platform where the drama of power politics had a world-wide audience. A Nero production in reverse where the spectators fiddled while the world was starting to catch on fire.
“It is thus that today the ‘magic word’ UN is practically non-existent in our daily papers. The formula to peace now reads: NATO.
“So if you happen to be in New York and you pass that huge and brilliant mausoleum of ideals: the United Nations—take your hat off to it reverently—if you still have a head under your hat, that is. There you will see a monument which we built out of nothing into nil. A noisy skeleton in the world’s closet, still rattling on though few listen to it any more.”
Commenting further, Mr. Ray said, “The world, it seems simply isn’t ready yet for the UN.” That’s true enough. Nor would the world, motivated by selfishness and ruled by the devil, ever be ready to unite in the bonds of peace and good will. That’s why the world’s only hope is the long-promised kingdom of Christ. However, these futile efforts of the nations to solve their own problems are serving a valuable purpose, for they are emphasizing the need of divine intervention; and this one of the great lessons all nations will need to learn ere they are ready to look to the Lord for help.
Through the Prophet Zephaniah the Lord said, “Wait ye upon me … until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy. For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve him with one consent.”—Zeph. 3:8,9
In this prophecy the Lord declares that he is the one who is responsible for the gathering of the nations in these last days. His purpose in this is that they might all be weakened and destroyed. He uses various methods and agencies for the accomplishment of this purpose, among them the phenomenal increase of knowledge foretold by the Prophet Daniel. (Dan. 12:4) This has helped to awaken the downtrodden people of earth and has caused them to clamor for their real and fancied rights. Mr. Frank Kai-Ming Su and Arthur Y.S. Chen, who were for years in the service of the Chinese government, speaking at a World Affairs Council in Philadelphia recently, said concerning the situation in China:
“What took place, and is spreading like wildfire, is an internal revolution of the greatest magnitude ever seen on earth. It is universal revolt against foreign domination, against the feudal rule of grasping landlords, money lenders, robber barons, and a demand for some share in the standard of living they perceive is commonplace in the Western world. This urge is fixed and irresistible.”
While this description is particularly of conditions in China, these gentlemen explained that it is also true throughout the Orient. It is true as well in the rest of the world in varying degrees. And just as in China, so elsewhere, the urge for change and better living conditions is “irresistible.” Selfish interests of one sort and another endeavor to channel this urge to their own advantage, and sometimes are temporarily successful to a degree, as for example the present exploitation of China by Moscow. But in the long run development the people’s determination to break loose from economic slavery will sweep aside all efforts to control it, and the result will be that “the whole [symbolic] earth will be devoured” with the “fire” of God’s “jealousy.”
This is the Lord’s way of describing the dissolution of the present social order—“the heavens and the earth which are now.” (II Pet. 3:7) As the people come more and more to realize the futility of their own efforts to solve the problems of an awakening, but selfish world, they will begin to seek elsewhere for help. It will be then, and by divine providence, that their minds will be turned toward the Lord, and they will say, “Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain [kingdom] of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the Law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”—Isa. 2:3,4
Micah 4:1-4 is similar to Isaiah’s prophecy, and adds concerning the glorious time of the kingdom, that then “every man shall sit under his vine and fig tree,” and that “none shall make them afraid.” Thus shall the people of all nations receive the blessings for which the “increase of knowledge” has taught them to desire and expect. As of now the outlook is dark, and the world is filled with fear. But if we know and believe the promises of God we will realize that there is no need to fear, for soon the morning sun of the new day will scatter the mists of selfishness and hate and war, and its healing rays will give peace and health and life to all.
The Church in Retreat
THE church of the twentieth century is taking a beating,” said a noted doctor of divinity of Philadelphia recently. Continuing he said, “We are living in one of the dark eras when the Christian church in large parts of the world is on the retreat. One-sixth of the earth’s surface that used to be called ‘Christian’ is now dominated by anti-religious powers. There were once eight thousand missionaries in China where now there are only two hundred, and the number is growing fewer still.”
A prominent minister in Georgia not long ago asked a number of American church leaders if they thought the United States could properly be called a Christian nation. Nearly all of them said no. Most of them expressed the opinion that at present America is slipping farther away from Christ.
The surprising thing is that the present decline of church influence in world affairs does not cause more ministers, church leaders—yes, even laymen—to ask, Why? Probably most of them do wonder about it, but not to the extent of searching their Bibles for the answer. And the answer is there, so plainly stated! It is simply that the present age was not the time in the divine plan for the conversion of the world and the setting up of the kingdom of Christ. Churchianity still assumes that this is the divine plan for the present time, so continues on vainly trying to accomplish that which the Lord did not commission the church to do.
It is no wonder that they are failing!
But we are happy that this does not imply the failure of the divine plan as it is centered in Christ. God’s work for this age, which has been the calling out from the world of a people to be associated with Christ in his thousand-year reign, has gone gloriously forward, and is now nearly complete. Meanwhile, man-made institutions must crumble and fall to make way for the glorious kingdom of Christ which will enlighten and bless all mankind.