This Unbelieving World

“When the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” —Luke 18:8

GENUINE faith in God and in his promises is possessed by a very few throughout the world today, even in the professed Christian world. There are millions who agree that if the nations were guided by the moral and ethical teachings of Jesus, the major problems of the world would be solved; but it is difficult to find any among these who believe that the Lord himself will ever do anything about establishing righteousness in the earth and thus fulfill his many promises to give peace and joy and life to the people. The question raised by Jesus, as recorded in our text, was therefore truly prophetic of conditions in our day, indicating that this is the time of his return, the period of his second presence.

Dr. Charles W. Lowry, speaking recently in the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, observed—as reported by The New York Times:

“The crisis in which the world finds itself today is in a large part expressive of the decline and decay in the West as a whole of vital Christian faith. This decline has been less marked in the United States than in any other country, and democracy in consequence is more virile here than anywhere else. If Americans can be awakened to the real plight and real need of man in our day, and their own involvement and responsibility in the wounds of our reeling, ‘possessed’ twentieth century world, there is hope of recovery, of reconciliation, of health and new life. If we remain self-absorbed, insular, parochial, unimaginative, blind, pharisaical, the outlook, at least to human eyes, is very dark.”

“If” Americans can be awakened—it is the “if” that appears in practically every public statement of ministers, statesmen, politicians, and other world leaders, that helps to reveal their lack of faith in God’s promise that he will establish a righteous rulership in the earth. Dr. Lowry himself, while he deplores the lack of Christian faith in America and elsewhere in the world, indicates that he doesn’t really believe God’s promises, for he places the salvation of the world on the worthless foundation expressed by his own “if”—that is, “IF Americans can be awakened.” He is frank to confess that if this cannot be done, the outlook from the human standpoint is very dark indeed, yet he does not so much as hint that God really intends to do anything about it! Thus it is apparent that even in high religious circles Jesus’ prophecy concerning the lack of faith is startlingly true.

But is Dr. Lowry correct in his observations? An analysis of the situation proves that he is. To start with, there is the large segment of the professed Christian population of the world known as Modernists, who do not even believe that the Bible is divinely inspired. They do not believe that Jesus was raised from the dead, and discount all the other miracles mentioned in the Bible, endeavoring to explain that they came about through natural causes. This modernist, or unbelieving, branch of churchianity comprises about seventy-five percent of the entire Protestant world.

But what about the Fundamentalist groups? Do they have faith in God’s promises to do for the people, through the establishment of Christ’s kingdom, what they cannot do for themselves? Do they believe, as foretold by the Prophet Isaiah, that he who was born in Bethlehem more than nineteen centuries ago, will actually set up governmental control over the earth, and that “of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end”? (Isa. 9:6,7) Do they believe the prophecy of Psalm 72 which assures the believer that Christ will “bring peace to the people,” that he will “break in pieces the oppressor,” that in his day “shall the righteous flourish,” and that there shall be an “abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth”? Do they believe that Christ actually shall reign “from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth”?

Seemingly not. At least this “Gospel of the kingdom” is not being published by the orthodox Fundamentalist sects of churchianity. There is almost a countless number of these sects, and the issues which divide them represent a wide variety of claims and counterclaims, yet God’s plan for establishing a kingdom in the earth is not one of them. It is as though nothing were said in the Bible about it. The points of controversy, and the “issues” which divide the nominal church world, are vividly set forth in an article published recently in the Canadian periodical, Liberty, from which we quote the following:

“We have on the one hand, the pomp and circumstances of the Roman Catholic Church (although Christ was against ostentation) and at the other extreme the quasi-military setup of the Salvation Army (although Jesus was one of the least military men who ever lived). Between the liturgy of the one and the bass-drum salvation of the other are a bewildering array of splinter groups squabbling over whether to baptize by total immersion or with tap water on the forehead; whether to bless the battle flags of local regiments, as the Anglicans do, or damn all wars as the Jehovah’s Witnesses do (except, of course, Armageddon); whether to believe in ancient blood sacrifice (You must be saved by the blood of the Lamb); whether to disrobe as a protest against the government; whether Sunday is Sunday or if it should be Saturday; whether Christ was a Jew or a Gentile; whether to sing hymns in church or leave them to the choir;. whether to kneel in prayer or roll in the aisles in hysterics; whether to believe in salvation, damnation or flagellation; whether the British are God’s chosen people; whether to believe in divine healing or medical science, whether to talk to the ghosts of the departed as the spiritualists do; whether to believe. that a Negro millionaire, called Father Divine is God; whether Christ was God’s Son, or God, or God plus his Son plus the Holy Spirit; whether to confess sins to a priest or a psychoanalyst; whether it is right to drive a buggy but not an automobile; whether to drink intoxicating drinks or not; and whether Christ said, “Thou shalt not smoke cigarettes, play bingo, practice birth-control, or hold bazaars in church basements.”

Probably the foregoing was intended to be a satire on the confused condition of churchianity, yet in many respects it is only too true in expressing the failure of so many millions to catch the real spirit and purpose of God in sending his Son into the world to be both the Savior and ruler of the people. Even the writer himself fails to see this purpose, and while he does the best he can to shame the professed Christian world into finding a way to agree among themselves and thus present a solid front against the forces of atheism and paganism now threatening to engulf humanity, he also has no faith that God will ever do anything about the situation; for he believes that any improvements which may be made must stem wholly from human efforts.

There was. a time when much was heard about converting the world. Following the First World War, for example, a tremendous effort was made in this direction. Millions of dollars were raised and spent to accomplish this noble purpose, and slogans were displayed urging that this goal be attained “in this generation.” But now everybody knows how miserably these efforts failed. Instead of the world being converted, the churches themselves are now on the defensive in nearly every country throughout the earth. The religion of atheism, allied with dictatorship, is controlling half the human race, and in all that part of the world back of the Iron Curtain the youth are being educated in godlessness and unbelief.

Only last July a communist decree was issued banning all foreign mission work in China. The New York Times reported this, referring to it as a “final blow” against Christianity in that country. The only churches permitted to function at all in communist dominated countries are those which are willing to lend themselves to the support of the state. Where this co-operation is not forthcoming the resisting groups are sooner or later “liquidated.”

And even this side of the Iron Curtain the outlook is not too promising. At one time it was claimed that Italy, for example, was one hundred percent “Christian,” but in the last elections held there, one-third of the population voted the communist ticket in defiance of the Catholic Church. Religious fervor is lacking in the hearts of the general public throughout all of Europe. Great Britain, once one of the most religious countries in the world, is now well nigh at the bottom of the list so far as average church attendance is concerned. A few years ago, the Church of England launched a general campaign to convert the country, but there have been no lasting results from this effort.

The Apostle Paul prophesied that in the “last days” men would be “lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God,” and who can say that this has not become outstandingly true in all parts of the world, even in these United States of America, the country which today is probably more religious than any other. Recently a survey was made by the Ministerial Association of an outstandingly religious city in the Northwest, and the disappointing fact appeared that only a small percentage of the community ever attended church; and this particular community is probably considerably above the average in church attendance.

It is true, of course, that missionary efforts are still being put forth in various parts of the world, but how successful are they when viewed in the light of the rapidly increasing populations of the various countries, as well as the mounting number of converts to other religions? One writer reports, for example, that “it is a little publicized fact that there are more African natives converted to Mohammed than there are to Jesus Christ.” Certainly under these conditions there is no hope that the world will ever be converted to Christ by present-day missionary efforts.

What Is the Answer?

As Dr. Lowry observed, the outlook to human eyes is indeed “very dark,” but this is because the human viewpoint sees only the failing efforts of man, efforts which have not been authorized by God and have never been blessed by him. In many instances these efforts have been sincere, and the motive good. Millions who have endeavored to further the cause of Christ in the earth have been convinced that he was a man sent of God and that his teachings and example have been worthy of acceptance, and if adhered to would lift the world to higher standards of righteousness and assure peace on earth and good will among men. They have worked diligently to promote this human conception of Christianity, but now their failure is becoming more and more evident, leaving those who would still like to believe in Christianity bewildered and confused.

On one occasion Jesus asked his disciples what the public opinion was concerning him—who he was, and why. They explained to the Master that some thought he was one or another of the prophets raised from the dead, or the promised “Elijah” who was to come. (Matt. 16:13,14) When the disciples were asked their opinion, Peter responded, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matt. 16:16) Then Jesus said to him, “Flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.”—Matt. 16:17

The “flesh and blood” conceptions of Jesus and his work were good. Men believed that he was a servant of God. But this came short of the reality, that he was the “Christ,” or the Messiah. Similarly, “flesh and blood,” or mere human conceptions of Christianity today, fail to understand the reality of Christ’s mission to earth, and that the divine purpose as centered in him cannot, and will not fail. Prior to Jesus’ first advent, God’s prophets had continued to foretell the coming of this great One who would rule the world, and restore the human race to life. Not many, even of the Israelites, grasped the full meaning of these prophecies, including those whose opinions the disciples reported to Jesus.

Not many since have grasped the meaning of the prophecies pertaining to the Messiah. Some saw in them the idea of a kingdom, a rulership, and attempted in their own way to establish such a government for Christ, joining hands with civil governments to assure them needed authority and power. In many such cases, the misguided followers of Jesus did not hesitate to use the sword to enforce their spurious kingdom authority upon the people of Europe, despite the fact that Jesus had forewarned that those who take to the sword would perish by the sword. And for the most part, they have already perished; and in the places of the church-state systems are various forms of godless dictatorships and would-be democracies.

Others, misunderstanding Jesus’ commission to preach the Gospel to all nations, have supposed that they were to convert the world by their own efforts, and these also have failed. The main reason for their failure is the fact that this is not the age for the conversion of the world; and another reason is that the true Gospel of the kingdom has rarely ever been preached. Instead of the good news of the kingdom through which all the families of the earth shall be blessed, the world has been told that it is God’s purpose to torment forever all those who fail to accept Christ in this life, regardless of how confusing the message has been by which they have been implored to believe on him.

But all of this confusion and failure, and the present tragic condition of bewilderment which exists in the professed Christian world as a result, does not disturb those who, like Peter, are blessed by God with a true insight concerning the identity of Jesus and the purpose of his coming. They, like Peter, see in him the foretold Messiah, and they have faith to believe that by divine power he will yet fulfill all the glorious promises made concerning him, that, true to the prophecy which foretold his birth, “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end.”

Nor does the present state of world-wide unbelief, unrest, and chaos, indicate that there has been the slightest delay in the divine program which rests upon Christ’s “shoulder.” Indeed, this very situation—which to those who fail to see the divine plan as centered in Christ is so disturbing—to those who do see and believe, confirms their faith in the sure victory of the divine purpose; for as our text reveals, Jesus himself expected that it would be just this way at the time of his return and second presence.

So, while world conditions with which we are confronted today are helping to destroy the little faith remaining of those who have no higher conception of the divine purpose than their own “ifs,” the faith of those who see and appreciate the divine plan is being greatly strengthened. This is quite in keeping with the Master’s own instructions to his people, “When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads [in confidence and assurance]; for your redemption [Greek, deliverance] draweth nigh.”—Luke 21:28

One result of the lack of faith in the earth pertaining to the divine plan is the fear that fills the hearts of so many. They see nothing ahead but uncertainty and trouble, and they wonder how long it will be before the human race will be completely destroyed as a result of human folly and selfishness. Even President Truman, although a good church member and a professed believer in Christ, said in San Francisco that in the event of another war civilization will be completely destroyed.

Man-made civilization is symbolized in the prophecies by the word “earth,” while the powerful kingdoms and governments of the earth are pictured as “mountains.” The “sea” is used symbolically to represent the restless, discontented condition of the masses, which, in their turbulent uprisings, are destroying law and order, causing fear to fill the hearts of the people. But “we will not fear,” wrote the Prophet David, “though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.”—Ps. 46:1,2

The reason true believers in the promises and prophecies of God’s. Word do not need to fear is that they know the certain outcome of present world-wide unbelief and distress. They know that it does not represent a failure of the divine plan, but only of misguided human efforts—even though the efforts have often been in the name of Jesus. They know, moreover, that the present experiences of mankind are necessary in order to prepare the people for the blessings of Messiah’s kingdom which are so soon to be manifested. Knowing these things, they rest quietly in the Lord, concerned only with doing all they can to proclaim the Gospel of the kingdom as widely as possible, that other hearts may thus be comforted and cheered.

And nothing else will give peace of heart and mind today except a knowledge of the divine plan of the ages. All other plans are failing—miserably failing. But God has a plan! If we haste faith ins this, and conduct our lives in harmony with such faith, nothing else matters. If we do not have such a “vision,” and are still trying to pin our faith in the ever-failing “ifs” of human endeavor, even that faith will sooner or later be shipwrecked on the shoals of human failure.

Yes, “The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” (Isa. 9:7) Very few of the millions of professed Christians have ever really believed this, and for the simple reason that they have not known what it really meant. They have not grasped the great fact, which only the Lord can reveal, that it is by actual divine intervention in the affairs of men that God will fulfill his promises to establish peace and to bless the people. The most they have believed is that God looked to them to fulfill his promises, and that “if” they worked hard enough and long enough they would be able to accomplish his purposes for him.

This has represented a faith, at best, merely in their own ability, and millions today are realizing that such a faith has been based on “sinking sand.” True, there are still brave souls who keep; on insisting that “if” we can do this and “if” we can do that, civilization can still be saved for Christ. They have not yet learned that the “zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” They still think that God is depending on their zeal, and on their plans, and on their labors, and to most of them the idea that God will ever act on his own behalf, and through agencies of his own choosing and preparation, seems visionary and unreal.

But how blessed to realize that in these “last days” the “mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established” regardless of what man does, or fails to do, about it. In order that this divine purpose might be fulfilled, God raised Jesus from the dead more than nineteen centuries ago. And at this end of the age he uses his power to raise the true followers of Christ from the dead in order that they may “live and reign with him” in his kingdom.—Rev. 20:4,6

The power of God’s Spirit has operated throughout the age in the calling and preparation of these in order that they might be qualified for the high position they will occupy with Jesus in the spiritual phase of the kingdom. This, the true work of God in the earth throughout the age, has not failed. He visited the Gentiles “to take out from them a people for his name”—that is, to be members of his family of rulers, his ruling house—and this work has been gloriously successful. Now it is nearly completed. Soon the last member of this ruling house will be joined to Christ in kingdom power and authority, the kingdom fully established, and the promised blessings of the kingdom flowing out to a bleeding and dying world.

One of the blessings of that new kingdom will be the enlightenment of all mankind concerning God and his divine purpose in their creation. The blinding and confusing influences of the great Adversary of God and of men will then be removed; the “veil” that is spread over all nations will be taken away. This veil, like the Iron Curtain, has continued to prevent the free flow of information. The Iron Curtain has been set up to prevent one part of the world frond, knowing what is happening in the other part of the world, but the devil has spread his “veil” over all nations to prevent the people from knowing and serving the true God.

But when this veil is removed the Lord will turn to the people a “pure language,” or message, and then they will all call upon him to “serve him with one consent.” (Zeph. 3:9) No longer will a magazine writer find it necessary to reveal the conflicting creeds and viewpoints of men; no longer will the world be filled with unbelief concerning God and his divine purposes—for then they shall “know him,” and love and serve him.

How can we refrain, even now, from telling the whole world these blessed tidings?

Dawn Bible Students Association
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