The Prophetic Outlook

IT IS no longer news by now that the atomic bomb, with its terrible potential for destruction, has been outclassed by the hydrogen bomb, which, as one scientist has announced, is possibly a thousand times more destructive than the missiles of death that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Mr. Elmore Philpott, a newspaper columnist of Canada, commenting on the announcement that President Truman had given the go-ahead on building the H-bomb, wrote, “One of the most curious features of these weird times is the apathy with which we greet the news that the human race is hell bent to commit suicide.”

No less an authority than Albert Einstein has made it clear that the use of the H-bomb might easily result in the total annihilation of the race. A few of these dropped strategically on the larger cities of the United States, and by this country on other continents, in the initial stages of a suicide war, would not only destroy countless millions of people by the original blasts, but the atmosphere would become so radio active, and remain contaminated so long, that human life might well be completely wiped out. So says Mr. Einstein.

In addition to its thousand times greater power of destruction, there is another difference between atomic energy and hydrogen energy. Atomic energy, we were told, could be harnessed for good as well as for evil. It could be turned to productive purposes as well as it could be used to kill. But not so with hydrogen power. The H-bomb, it is said, is a killer, and nothing but a killer—first, last, and all the time. No wonder it is being said by thinking people that we now have maniacs at the wheels of international controls.

Nor is the H-bomb the only menace being held over the heads of the masses, for germ warfare is also in the offing. Commenting on this, Dr. Brock Chisholm, head of the World Health Organization, and a great scientist, asks why all the excitement about bombs, for, as he explains, a jar of germs no bigger than a quart of preserved raspberries on the kitchen shelf, can possess enough killing power to wipe out the whole human race. All great powers have such devices in storage, he tells us, and there is no known real protection against them, he explains.

Voices not a few are being raised against a foreign policy which is geared to an armament race. Government officials and world diplomats are being bombarded with warnings that such a policy will not safeguard the peace. It is being pointed out that there is no case in history in which an armament race resulted in anything else than war. Probably those who are making the decisions know this; at the same time, they seem unable to follow any other course. It is as though an invisible hand were shaping world affairs, while those who presumably are doing so, are acting as mere puppets.

Meanwhile, as one Senator expressed it, the forces of communism are closing in on us, and this despite all the publicity that is given to the stockpile of atomic bombs possessed by the United States, and the authority that has now been given to make H-bombs. What will be the end of all this? With all the increased knowledge of the scientists, is the only real know-how of the human race finally to be that of self-destruction? It would seem so; and yet there is a way out, a way that was prophesied thousands of years ago by the inspired writers of the Bible.

These prophecies identify many details of the present chaotic state of the world. They tell us that the world would be turned upside down, and that its inhabitants would be scattered; also that the earth would mourn, and that the leaders of society would—figuratively speaking—stagger like drunken men. How descriptive these statements are of a world that has gone mad!

The Prophet Daniel summed up the meaning of these symbolic utterances, saying that there would be “a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation.” (Dan. 12:1) In the New Testament Jesus quotes this prophecy and explains that it would be fulfilled at the time of his second visit to earth, his second advent—that it would, indeed, be a sign of his second presence.—Matt. 24:3,15,21,22

Jesus gave us some details of what would be involved in this foretold great time of trouble, saying that there would be on the earth “distress of nations, with perplexity.” (Luke 21:25,26) He pointed out that because of this distress and the outlook for worse things to come, men’s hearts would fail them for fear as they looked forward to the things coming upon the earth. How graphic a description this is of the present world-wide situation! We are living in a fear-filled world, and apart from the information given us in the Word of God, no one knows what the outcome will be.

And what is the prophetic outcome as set forth by the prophecies of the Bible? It is a very hopeful one. The human race will not be permitted to bomb itself out of existence. Jesus, however, intimated that human selfishness would ultimately lead to this if not restrained by divine intervention. Speaking of the awfulness of this period of distress through which we are passing he said that unless those days be shortened no flesh would be saved. (Matt. 24:22) But to this he added that the days of trouble would be shortened, thus rescuing the human race from the result of its own madness.

But this intervention will mean more than merely the halting of an insane armament race before it leads to the suicide of humanity, for all the prophecies which focus upon our day assure us that this great Armageddon is the final struggle of the ages, and that just beyond will be manifested Christ’s kingdom—that divine government of promise which will satisfy the desire of all nations because it will bring lasting peace and prosperity and joy to all the families of the earth.

Speaking of this, the Prophet Haggai wrote that the Lord would shake all nations, and that then the desire of all nations would come. (Haggai 2:7) The world is now passing through this time, and ere it is over, the sovereignty of all nations will be shaken, and the peoples of the world will know that they cannot depend upon their rulers to protect them and give them peace. It will be when they come to this recognition that they will say, as predicted by the Prophet Micah:

“Come, and let us go up to the mountain [kingdom] of the Lord, … and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for the Law shall go forth of Zion, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem. … He shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: for nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it.”—Micah 4:2-4

In this remarkable prophecy we have outlined for us a genuine and workable formula for peace. It is based, not on an armament race, but on a disarmament program—“They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: for nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” As history so accurately reveals, when the nations learn war and prepare for war, they always go to war. But when, under the guidance and discipline of Christ’s kingdom, they learn peace, and convert their instruments of war into machinery of peace, they will have peace. And not only will they have peace, but they will have prosperity, for then, as the prophet foretold, every man shall dwell under his vine and fig tree.

We can see from this that all national, international, and economic problems will be solved by Christ’s kingdom—that long prayed-for kingdom which soon will put an end to the nation’s madness. But that kingdom will do much more than this for a sin-sick and dying world; for the promises of God assure us that it will also destroy sickness and death. How much better is this thought than what the world is fearing today! Instead of A-bombs and H-bombs and germs let loose for the destruction of the people, the healing powers of the divine Life-giver will restore the sick to health and the dead to life.

The way the Apostle Paul expressed it is that Christ must reign until all enemies are put under his feet, and the last enemy to be destroyed is death. (I Cor. 15:25,26) Because death will be destroyed, the Revelator prophesied that “there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” (Rev. 21:4) This is human destiny as it is pointed out to us in the Word of God. Let us take comfort in the thought that there is a power higher than man, which will prevent him from going the full limit to which his unbridled selfishness would lead him, and that man’s extremity will be God’s opportunity to lead the race back into the fold of his care, where those who obey the laws of Christ’s kingdom will live and rejoice forever.

The Outlook for Israel

THE hydrogen bomb, and the various developments in connection with the cold war between East and West, dictatorship and democracy, communism and capitalism, have more or less eclipsed news items out of Palestine for a number of weeks. However, the new state of Israel is still forging ahead, and that part of Palestine controlled by the Israeli Government is being developed rapidly in preparation for an ever-increasing number of Jews who reach the Promised Land from various parts of the world, particularly Europe.

It is now estimated that by the end of 1950 the little state of Israel may reach, or even exceed, 1,500,000 in population. This is a goal which Israel, when it proclaimed its independence on May 14, 1948, hoped to reach in five years. At that time there was a claimed population of 750,000. It is estimated that there are now at least 1,200,000 in the country and the figure is going up by the hundreds and often thousands every day.

All the principal cities of the new state are filled with immigrants, and this is creating a housing shortage which confronts Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion with one of his most serious problems. The Jewish Agency officials claim that more than 200,000 of the new immigrants have been “absorbed,” which means that they have found permanent homes and work, and have fitted themselves completely into the structure of the Jewish nation.

The number in temporary transit camps varies considerably, with the figure sometimes running over 100,000. Usually more than 15,000 reach Palestine each month, and the number is expected to increase this Spring. Seemingly the only thing that keeps the Jews from flocking to the Promised Land in even greater numbers is inability to arrange for ship or plane travel—they just have to wait their turn.

Many prophecies of the Bible are being fulfilled by the fast moving events of our day, but there is none more outstanding, nor more easily discerned than this mass return of the Jews to Palestine. Not only are the returning Israelites fulfilling prophecy by their return, but the circumstances which led up to and caused their determination to seek haven in the Promised Land are also remarkable evidences of God’s foreknowledge and of the accuracy with which he caused his holy prophets to forecast these events.

Even their timing was foretold. According to the prophecies, Israel’s eclipse as a free and independent nation was to cover a period of 2,520 years, beginning with 606 B.C. This long span of years ended in 1914, and there began the world-shaking events which brought about the rebirth of the nation. The first World War released the Holy Land from the domination of the Turks. The Balfour Declaration opened the doors of Palestine to Jewish immigration, and made it possible for them to begin rebuilding their country.

Controversy developed with the Arabs which brought about a temporary cessation of immigration. Meanwhile, persecution of Jews in Europe was stepped up, and millions of them were murdered. On top of this, the second World War created such desolation in Europe—and particularly for the Jews—that there seemed no hope for survival as a people except to go back to the land of their fathers. All of these circumstances are clearly foretold in the prophecies and, as we know, they brought about what we now see to be a mass emigration of this historic people to their Land of Promise. It is an outstanding fulfillment of Bible prophecy, and when recognized should strengthen our faith in the Word of God, and in the divine promises pertaining to events still future in the experiences of Israel and of all nations.

There are those who scoff at the idea that the prophecies of the Bible mean anything to us today. Their claim is that all present-day events are understandable and to be expected, in the light of what has occurred in the past. The rise and fall of nations and civilizations, they say, occur in cycles, and what is happening today, or happens at any time, is merely a matter of history repeating itself. But this is not true. Where is there anything in the annals of history which compares with the experiences of the Jews since 1914?

It will be remembered that the last general session of the United Nations voted that Jerusalem should be made an international city, to be controlled neither by Jews nor by Arabs, but by a governing body set up by the UN. The Jews and Arabs both rejected this plan and, in defiance of the UN, the Israeli Government promptly moved its headquarters to this ancient capital of the Holy Land; and there it continues to function. Just what, if anything, the UN will be able to do about this remains to be seen. A conference of UN representatives in Geneva, Switzerland, will try to work out a solution. But no solution will meet with the approval of Jewish patriots which does not leave Jerusalem in their possession as a seat for the Israeli Government. Their attitude in this matter is vividly reflected in their oath of loyalty, a quotation from the Prophet David’s writings (Psa. 137:5,6), which reads,

“If I forget thee, O Jerusalem
Let my right hand forget its art,
Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth
O Jerusalem, If I do not remember thee.”

What this means when translated into action is expressed by one Jewish columnist on the scene who, in referring to the UN’s decision to internationalize Jerusalem, writes, “They can’t force us to accept their rule except with guns—and if they try that, there’ll be one hectic underground here again, and we’ll all be in it. This is the fireside talk in Jerusalem these days. The talk is not despairing but determined.”

So even though Israel is established as a nation among nations, and the Jews from all over the world are going to Palestine as fast as they can secure travel accommodations, and even in greater numbers than the country can properly absorb them, the problems of this ancient people of God are by no means all solved. And this, too, is quite in keeping with the prophecies. As a matter of fact, their worst troubles are yet to come, when aggressor nations from the north will send their armies against them in the final phase of the prophetic Armageddon of the Scriptures. It will be then that God will deliver his people from their enemies, and for the first time they, as a people, will recognize that all along he had a hand in their restoration to the land, and is now prepared to fight for them as he did in the days of old.

It will be then that Jesus will be recognized as their true Messiah, and his kingdom as their real government, and the government of all nations. (Isa. 9:6,7) The state of Israel is not to be the representative of Christ’s kingdom on earth, but, as a government will collapse, together with all the other governments of this world, when Christ manifests himself as the new King of earth. For more than nineteen centuries the work of God in the earth has been the selection and preparation of the true footsteps followers of the Master to live and reign with him in the spiritual, or invisible, phase of his kingdom. Prior to this age, the visible, or human representatives of Christ’s kingdom, were also selected and trained for their high position of responsibility in this new government. These were the ancient prophets and other worthy ones of the pre-Christian era.—Psa. 45:16; Luke 13:28; Heb. 11

Both of these groups. are, in the divine plan, restored to life in the resurrection that they might take their appointed places in the divine government. The church is brought forth in what the Scriptures describe as the “first resurrection,” and the ancient worthies are given, as the Apostle Paul describes it, a “better resurrection.”—Rev. 20:4,6; Heb. 11:35,39,40

While the new Israeli Government will not function as the representative of Christ when his kingdom is manifested for the blessing of the people, but will have to give place to the previously prepared agencies of that kingdom, it has undoubtedly been brought into being by divine providence. In order for Palestine to be reclaimed as a homeland for the Jews, and for the Jewish people to return there and be cared for, organization was required, a governmental organization, the authority of which would be generally recognized, at least by the Jews themselves. The Israeli Government serves this needed purpose.

The prophecies indicate, however, that so far as the vast majority of the Jews would be concerned, they would go to Palestine in unbelief. Only a small percentage, particularly of those in control of the Israeli Government, believe in God and have faith in the promises he made to them through their ancient prophets. There is a certain national sentiment attached to the land, but it is not rooted deeply in faith or in religious fervor. They like to quote their prophets, but this is largely because they were Jewish prophets, not because they accept them as inspired spokesmen for God, whose prophecies and promises are to be relied upon as the divine plan for them.

But this picture will quickly change when they discover in the final phase of Armageddon that they cannot defend themselves, that their militarism has failed them in their hour of greatest need, and the God of their fathers delivers them. Then the eyes of their understanding will be opened to behold the glory of the Lord, they will recognize their Messiah and begin to rejoice in the promised blessings of his kingdom.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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