Israel in the News

THE progress of the new State of Israel in establishing itself as a recognized government in Palestine has been a surprise to most of the world. Palestine and Zionism have been prominently in the news from one standpoint or another since shortly after the first World War. The hopes of the Jewish people throughout the world were high when the Balfour Declaration was publicized, and the more so when that Declaration was implemented by a mandate from the now deceased League of Nations. Rapid progress was made in rehabilitating and resettling the land of Palestine, and several hundred thousand Jews returned there.

But this happy progress of events did not continue. There came opposition from the Arabs, causing England to default on her obligations to the Jews. The League of Nations, which issued the mandate calling upon Great Britain to protect the interests of the Jews in Palestine, went out of existence, hence the British Government no longer felt under obligation to carry out the terms of the mandate. Conditions went from bad to worse. Meanwhile, as a result of the bitter persecution of the Jews by the Hitler regime, the need for a homeland for the Jews became more urgent than ever. The hopelessness of the situation is well described by Mr. Hedley V. Cooke, Assistant Professor of political science at the University of Wyoming, who formerly served as American Consul at Jerusalem. We quote Mr. Cooke in part, from an article published in the magazine, Palestine:

“Just four years ago, when I was still one of the American consuls at Jerusalem, it seemed to me that Zionism was a dead cause. I found it difficult to understand why the Jews of Palestine could not see this. … The British Government was determined to unite the various rival Arab leaders; and there was no conceivable basis upon which to unite them other than opposition to Zionism. … The Soviet Government was vitriolic in its denunciation of Zionism as ‘bourgeois nationalism.’ France, seeing her North African colonies as the main basis of her future security, could not afford to dissent from the pro-Arab standpoint of the other leading powers.

“As for the United States, our State Department was adamant as to the necessity of allowing the British to determine the future of Palestine. … Finally, the American Christians living in the Near East were, almost to the last man, staunch opponents of Zionism.”

Thus does Mr. Cooke set forth some of the reasons why it looked to him and to many others four years ago that Zionism, and the whole Jewish cause in Palestine, had, been defeated. But since that time the situation has been completely reversed. Now, Israel has been reborn as a nation, and the Israeli Government seems to be in firm possession of part of the Promised Land. National elections have been held; and while all the problems of the new State have by no means been solved, Israel is a recognized nation among nations.

Jesus, the greatest of all Israel’s prophets, declared that the nation would be trodden down by the Gentiles until the “times of the Gentiles” be fulfilled. (Luke 21:24) These times of the Gentiles began in 606 B.C., when the last Jewish king was overthrown and Israel ceased to be an independent nation. They were to last for 2,520 years, which brings us to the year 1914. It was the World War, which began then, that opened the way for the return of the Jews to the Promised Land and for the rebirth of the nation. Israel is no longer trodden down by the Gentiles, but is officially recognized by the world’s most powerful governments.

While several hundred thousand Jews managed to find their way to Palestine during the distressing years of the second global war, and during the uncertain times which followed, the exodus from other countries to the Promised Land has been greatly speeded up since the rebirth of the nation. On this point we again quote from the magazine, Palestine:

“Day by day, in the midst of war, power politics, and the problems of economic readjustment, the great historic process of the ingathering of the exiles of Zion goes steadily on. Over 100,000 Jewish immigrants from every corner of the world have reached Israel since the day of its establishment as a State last May. It is estimated that as many as 150,000 will come in the course of the State’s first year. As many as three or four thousand often come in a single day. With dramatic fitness, the majority of the newcomers are transported on the so-called Haganah ghost ships which brought uncertificated immigrants to Palestine in the last years of the Mandatory regime, and were pursued, rammed, and confiscated by the British. Refitted and made seaworthy by the Israeli Government, they now sail the Mediterranean, not clandestinely, but flying the blue and white ensign of Israel.

“By the end of the first year, the DP camps in Central Europe will contain only tiny groups of Jews—the small minority which has chosen to immigrate to countries other than Israel. Thousands of orphans from every European land are reaching Israel. Immigration from the old and respected Jewish communities in Bulgaria and Yugoslavia is on a large and epic scale. It is bringing to Israel the majority of the Jewish survivors of Nazi persecution in those countries. In a single week of December, 1948, some 3,500 persons, one-third of the 11,000 survivors of Yugoslavia’s pre-nazi 80,000 Jews, sailed from the Adriatic port of Fiume in two ships. Almost 25,000 Bulgarian Jews have reached Israel in the last few months, and immigration will continue until there are no more candidates.”

In the same article from which this quotation is taken is the following interesting paragraph:

“In a recent news item there is a strange echo of the sixtieth chapter of Isaiah, which prophesies the return of Zion’s sons and daughters flying ‘as a cloud and as the doves to their windows.’ Two hundred and fifty Yemenite Jewish orphaned children, women, and men above military age, are being flown weekly to Israel from the British-controlled port of Aden at the extreme south of the Arabian peninsula.”

The Bible is always very accurate in its prophecies of coming events. In forecasting the return of the Jews to Palestine, it emphasizes over and over again that they would go there largely in unbelief. How remarkably true this is turning out to be! In the hearts of the vast majority of the Jews who are returning to Palestine and promoting the new State of Israel, the motive is not love for God, nor belief in his promises. It is, rather, political and economic necessity, plus, of course, a large measure of national pride. Those who are watching the fulfillment of prophecy should not expect to see it otherwise than this.

However, in the Lord’s providence, and in his own due time, the Jewish people will become a believing people—believers not only in Jehovah, the God whom Israel once knew and served, but in his beloved Son, Christ Jesus, as well. But this will not be until they are further chastened, and when their great gains in the Promised Land seem doomed to destruction. It will be then that the Lord will rescue them from their enemies, and out of that miracle will come the opening of their eyes to behold the glory of the Lord.

This, the final episode in their return to the Promised Land and their rehabilitation as a people of God, is brought to our attention in the thirty-eighth chapter of Ezekiel’s prophecy. In this chapter we are told of their dwelling peaceably in the land which has been brought back from the sword. There is every indication now that Israel will soon be enjoying this foretold time of peace, and that, as the prophecy indicates, they will become very prosperous. Already, tentative peace terms with Egypt have been agreed upon.

This prophecy shows that the prosperity of Palestine will become a temptation to aggressors from the “north,” and that these will come against the land in an attempt to take a spoil. It will be then, the prophet points out, that the Lord will fight for Israel, scatter their enemies, and, as a result, their unbelief will change to faith, and they will honor and worship the true God. At the same time, and as a result thus of divine intervention in human affairs, the eyes of Gentile nations will also be opened to behold the glory and majesty of the true God. That will mark the beginning of the manifestation of Christ’s kingdom in the earth, and his rulership will extend from Jerusalem to embrace all nations.

While the Jewish people are not yet ready to accept Christ—except an occasional individual—there is an interesting viewpoint being urged upon them, which is that of re-trying Jesus to determine the legality of his condemnation and death. The matter has been brought to the attention of the Supreme Court of the Israeli State, and consideration is being given to the idea by that body of judges.

Just what is to be gained by this proposed procedure is not clear. The thought seems to be that if a judicial investigation is made, it will be found that Jesus was illegally sentenced to death as a result of the insistent demand of Jewish leaders of the time. If this is officially determined by the Israeli Supreme Court, we presume the next move would be that of an official apology to the Christian Gentile world, and perhaps also to their God.

It is an interesting development, and one which we should all watch. The Scriptures speak of a time when the Jews will mourn for the One whom they pierced. (Zech. 12:10) That, of course, will not be until the eyes of their understanding are opened by the miracle which will save them from overwhelming enemies. But it is not unreasonable to suppose that some serious thinking along these lines may help to prepare them for that great illumination which will remove what the Apostle Paul describes as their spiritual blindness in failing to recognize Jesus as their Messiah and Redeemer.

In reviewing the circumstances of Jesus’ trial, it is proposed to examine the part that both the Jewish leaders and the Roman officials took in it. Before the Jewish tribunal, Jesus was accused of blasphemy because he claimed to be the Son of God. That was the only charge under their law by which they could invoke the death penalty. But when they brought Jesus to the Roman officials they switched their charge, saying that he claimed to be a king.

The charge of blasphemy meant nothing to Pilate. There was a considerable degree of religious liberty under the Roman law at that time. While the Roman Emperor assumed the title of Pontifex Maximus—that is, “Chief Religious Ruler”—he did not insist that all groups render abject obedience to him in religious matters. The Jews, for example, were permitted to carry on their religious services and rites so long as they did not interfere with the affairs of the Roman State.

So it didn’t make a great deal of difference to Pilate whether Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, or even God himself, as millions of his professed followers since have erroneously claimed. But Pilate could not ignore the accusation that Jesus claimed to be a king. The Jews knew this, so pressed their charge, and secured a verdict. While the Jews could judge one worthy of death according to their Law, they had no authority or power to carry out the sentence. Such action had to come through the Romans, hence their insistence that Pilate co-operate with them.

Now, the proposal is that all these points of legality and prejudice be rehearsed, and a twentieth century decision reached. Should the proposal be carried out, let us hope that it will be a step in the direction of coming to a full understanding of Jesus’ place in the great plan of human salvation from death. Regardless of the circumstances under which Jesus died, his death was necessary in order for him to be the Redeemer of the world. We all can be happy in any move that will help to bring people to realize this fact.

The Battle is Joined

THE sentencing to life imprisonment of Cardinal Mindszenty of Hungary, is an important item of news, not alone because a high prince of the Catholic Church has thus been dealt with by a communist government, but the more so because it highlights the open warfare that now exists between the Vatican and the Kremlin. Commenting on this at the time of the Cardinal’s arrest, The Christian Century said, “What the arrest of Cardinal Mindszenty really signifies is that hostilities between world communism and the papal church have now reached an open stage.”

Dr. Carl Wick, a member of the Swiss parliament, and one of the most distinguished Catholic journalists of Europe, has written in his paper, Vaterland:

“A world which merely looks on while millions of oppressed people are confined in old and new concentration camps, a world which finds it difficult to maintain even a merely defensive position against the inroads of communism in the West, such a world does not impress the Kremlin with its paper protests against the arrest of a Cardinal. As an influence in the world today, Catholicism does not now represent the strength which should correspond to its numerical power.”

Perhaps this eminent Catholic editor has hit upon the real reason the papal church is being subjected to such indignities, and why a number of her princes are having such cruel sentences imposed upon them. Fundamentally, this reason is that no swift reprisal is inflicted upon the communists when they thus move in against the sacred rights of the church—that is, no reprisals other than excommunication from the church and a blast of condemnation from all parts of the non-communist world. And, as Dr. Wick suggests, this, to the communists, is just “paper protest.”

On the other hand, may not this reasoning be carried a little further? The communists, allegedly, are atheists, which means that they have no faith in the church’s claims of divine protection. If, as the claim is made, the “gates of hell” cannot prevail against the church, the communists may wonder why nothing happens when they arrest a cardinal. An atheistic mind could very well reason along this line, and by so doing become more and more aggressive in the struggle to destroy all religion, which, the communists claim, is after all merely an opiate for the people.

The logic of events is often more convincing than any other form of argument. This is brought to our attention in a report out of India by the Rev. John Seamands, a Methodist missionary. He tells of the profound changes in the outlook of millions of Hindus, which are gradually taking place as a result of the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi.

One of the strong beliefs of most Hindus, according to Rev. Seamands, has been that earthly ills and punishments are meted out by the gods in retaliation for a person’s sins or evil doing in past existences. Few Hindus are prepared to believe that their “little father” had ever sinned, had ever done evil in any life at any time. Thus this particular viewpoint of Hindu faith may eventually suffer a complete downfall.

Neither are Hindus satisfied with another of their beliefs, report Rev. Seamands; namely, the theory that after many births and deaths the individual is finally merged unto Brahma, Hinduism’s loftiest, most absolute deity. Now, it seems, they want to discard this belief because they don’t want Gandhi to be merged into Brahma—they want him to remain their Mahatma Gandhi forever.

Heretofore, it seems that one of the favorite arguments of Hindus against Christianity has been that Jesus was put to death unjustly, and that this proved that he had sinned, either in this life, or in some former existence. Now they look more favorably upon the Christian belief, for their own hero was similarly put to death unjustly. So it is that the logic of events slowly changes peoples’ minds; or, contrariwise, if the events are in harmony with their thinking, confirms them in their beliefs. This is true throughout the professed Christian world as well as in heathendom.

But regardless of conclusions reached by the communists, Christians may be assured that no harm can come to the true church of Christ. The prophecies, on the other hand, are explicit in setting forth the fact that in this transition period of the world’s history, this time when all the old standards and ideologies—as well as organizations which are built around them—are being challenged, only that which is in harmony with God and with divine righteousness will stand. For this reason those who have faith in the Word of God know that atheistic communism is doomed to failure as a permanent influence in the affairs of the world. They also know that regardless of the claims and counter claims of the great religious organizations of the earth, both Catholic and Protestant, if God is not for them they will collapse during this time of world change.

One of the very interesting prophecies pertaining to this is that of the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares. The original sowing of the wheat in this parable was done by Jesus himself, and represents the establishment of the Early Church. According to the parable an enemy, which was Satan, sowed tares in the field. These tares are not unregenerate sinners, but imitation Christians; and these, as the parable shows, have formed great bundles, or organizations.

All goes well with the tares in the parable until the harvest time is reached, which Jesus explained would be in the end of the age—that is, the time in which we are now living. Then there was to come a burning of the tares, while the wheat would become associated with Jesus in his thousand-year kingdom. The burning is symbolic, being pictorial of the distressing experiences through which all counterfeit systems of Christianity would pass during this present transition period.

True Christians, as individuals, will of course be called upon to suffer, even as Jesus did. They are not of the world, even as Jesus was not of the world; hence they cannot, and do not, expect the friendship of the world. But like Jesus, they will take their suffering humbly and uncomplainingly, and will wish only blessing upon their persecutors. They do not expect to reign now, but later, when, in the first resurrection, they will be associated with Jesus to live and reign with him a thousand years.—Rev. 20: 4

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