
“WE STAND at Armageddon, and we battle for the Lord.” When Theodore Roosevelt was candidate for the Presidency of the United States he made this very meaningful statement. Armageddon has always signified battles with which the Lord is in some way associated. In a general way those who are at all acquainted with the Bible think of the Battle of Armageddon as being a final and decisive struggle of the nations, a struggle from which God and his principles of righteousness will emerge victorious. This is true; and undoubtedly the present chaotic state of the world, and the distress of nations resulting from two global wars in a generation, are the preliminary skirmishes, so to speak, which are rapidly culminating in the final climax of that destructive battle which the prophecies of the Bible call Armageddon.

Armageddon is a Hebrew word signifying the Hill of Megiddo, or the Mount of Destruction. Megiddo occupied a very marked position on the southern edge of the Plain of Esdraelon, and it commanded an important pass into the hill country. This locality was the great battle ground of Palestine on which were fought many of the famous battles of Old Testament history. This ancient battle ground has recently come into prominence again because the children of Israel once more are fighting their enemies on this ancient site. This time it is not the Amalekites, nor the Hittites, nor the Jebusites, but the Arabs. The Jews are fighting to gain possession of the land which God gave to their fathers, the land which according to the promises of God, is yet to be theirs as an everlasting possession.

However, while the due time has arrived for God’s promises on behalf of his ancient people to be fulfilled, and while the present struggle of the Jews is related to the future final climax of Armageddon, the ancient traditions concerning this battle field are not now being realized by the Jews because, for the moment, God is not fighting for his people as he did in the days of old. He wants them to realize that the land is to be restored to them through the exercise of his power, not by their use of military might.

It is the nature of the battles fought at Armageddon by the ancient Israelites that gives this name its prophetic significance and importance. There was a great fact concerning these battles that has not been true since with respect to the battles fought by any of the nations of the earth, which was that God took a hand in them. When the Israelites were victorious it was because their God had helped them, and when they were defeated it was because God saw that they needed to be punished, or to learn a lesson of trust in him and not to depend upon their own strength.

It was at Armageddon that Gideon and his little army of three hundred frightened and defeated the huge army of the Midianites. In this instance the Israelites did practically no fighting. They simply followed the strategy outlined for them by the Lord through Gideon, and their enemies were frightened, and in their confusion destroyed one another in their flight. In the prophecies concerning the larger Armageddon struggle with which this present age will end, we are informed that similarly God will turn every man’s sword against his neighbor. In other words, the selfish nations of the earth will destroy one another, and thus the way will be opened for the Lord to establish his rulership over the earth. Christ will emerge victorious from that struggle and ultimately be recognized as “King of kings, and Lord of lords.”—Rev. 19:16

It was on the ancient Armageddon battle field that King Saul was defeated by the Philistines. In this instance, God permitted his own people to be defeated because of their sin and that of their wicked King Saul, who had been rejected by him. At this same spot also, King Josiah was slain by Pharaoh-Necho in one of the most disastrous conflicts in the history of Israel.

However, God did not always permit his people to be defeated at Armageddon. When they were faithful to him he fought for them and gave them victory over their enemies. So, whether in defeat or in victory, God took a hand in the conflicts of his people on that ancient field of Megiddo; hence it has become typical of the last great struggle of the nations which, in the providences of God, will result in the complete routing of all the forces of sin and unrighteousness, and from which will emerge the kingdom authority of the divine Christ.

While the Scriptures use the term Armageddon only once, which is in the 16th chapter of Revelation, they abound with allusions to this prophetic struggle which brings the present evil world to an end. The Prophet Daniel describes it as “a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation.” (Dan. 12:1) Jesus referred to it as “great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time,” and adds, “no, nor ever shall be.” (Matt. 24:21) In this same connection, Daniel declares that God’s representative, Michael (meaning Christ), “shall stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people [Israel].” He will “stand up” for the salvation of God’s people, for the rectification of error and wrong, for the establishment of righteousness and truth, to bring to the world of mankind the great kingdom of God which has been preached from the days of Abraham.

The Apostle Peter indicates that the antitypical Armageddon is a great conflagration in which the present institutions of earth are swallowed up. (II Pet. 3:7,10) Elsewhere in the Scriptures this devastating time of trouble is pictorially represented as a storm, as a whirlwind, as a fire, to consume everything. In the prophecy of Revelation pertaining to Armageddon, we are told that in preparation for this final struggle of a selfish and dying world the nations of earth are gathered, or united. The Prophecy of Joel refers to the same assembling of the nations and describes it as a gathering into the “valley of decision.” (Joel 3:14) It is described as a warlike gathering in which the nations beat their plowshares into swords, and their pruning hooks into spears—a symbol of the manner in which the nations are even now diverting so much of the natural resources of the earth into the sinews of war. The verdict to be rendered in this valley of decision will be one of condemnation against all the selfish and sinful nations of earth; for the prophecies indicate that they all will be weighed in the balances and found wanting in those qualities of righteousness which would make them suitable to participate as co-rulers with Jesus in his kingdom which is now so near.

The Jews will, according to the prophecies, be prominently associated with the final phase of the great Armageddon struggle; for the Scriptures indicate that, before it occurs, this ancient people of God apparently will be securely settled in their Promised Land, only to discover that a mighty armed force from the north, joined by satellite nations from elsewhere, have attacked them. It will be then, according to the prophecies, that God will fight for his people as he did in the days of old. It will be then that the miracle-working power of God will be demonstrated in the exercise of kingdom authority over the Jews in Palestine and the Gentile nations throughout the whole earth. So, while the battle of Armageddon is not now being fought in Palestine, it is well to keep our eyes on what IS occurring there; for prophecy is being fulfilled, and from that Holy Land the holiness of the kingdom of Christ will soon be manifested for the blessing of all mankind with joy and everlasting life.

The Election in Italy

THE much hailed election in Italy is over, and the Christian Democrats are the winners. This was to be expected, although there were fears on the part of millions that the Italian people would vote themselves into the orbit of Communist influence. But to say that the Communists did not win the election does not tell the whole story. They did poll a heavy vote. Millions of Italians voted the Communist ticket, thereby defying the Pope and indicating their willingness to get along without the food, which according to announcements of the United States government would be withheld from the country under the Marshall Plan in the event the Communists won the election.

Traditionally, and in the very nature of things, Italy has been a predominantly Catholic country for many centuries. When Pagan Rome succumbed finally to the growing power of the church, Rome became the seat of the Holy Roman Empire. This title was established in the days of King Charlemagne. Its significance is illustrated by a famous painting displayed in the Chapter House at Florence, Italy. It shows the Emperor and the Pope seated side by side upon a throne, and descending from each by steps the various officers of the empire; on the Emperor’s side, generals, etc., and on the Pope’s side, bishops, the clergy, etc.

The union of the church with the state which constituted the Holy Roman Empire continued to rule Italy until near the close of the eighteenth century. It was then that Napoleon defied the Pope and made him a prisoner. The spell of sacerdotal rule was broken. In September 1870, Victor Immanuel removed the remaining threads of temporal power possessed by the Pope, and he was made a virtual prisoner in the Vatican. In an agreement with Mussolini, the Pope was set free, and again he became a ruler, but his domain has been confined to Vatican City. Although an Italian, the Pope did not vote in the recent election for the reason that he considers his own dominion entirely separate from the Italian government.

Shortly after the last war, the ruling House of Savoy was voted out of power by the Italian people. This in itself was symbolic of the far-reaching changes which are taking place in a country which once, as we have seen, was the seat of the Holy Roman Empire. Before this change beg n in any marked degree, Italy was considered to be a one hundred percent Christian country—Christian, that is, according to the viewpoint of the Catholic Church—and while the Christian Democratic party of Italy won the recent election, we should not close our eyes to the fact that so many millions of Italians are no longer obedient to the church and are willing to defy its threats of future punishment.

The people of Italy and of all Europe are caught in a perplexing web of circumstances. Long held in bondage by church-state governments, they are now seeking their liberty. They will not find the liberty they seek in Communism, although millions of them hope that they will. We can commend them for seeking a better order of things than ruled Europe during the Dark Ages, but should regret that they are being misguided into the belief that Communism will serve them any better, for they do not yet realize that a switch to Communism is merely a change from one form of totalitarianism to another.

The people of Europe as yet know little of true democracy. What they are longing for is still beyond their reach, and not until the kingdom of Christ is established will they find true peace and satisfaction. Meanwhile, however, let us not be surprised to see a continuation of the trend away from the church and from tradition. The people of America should be particularly glad to see other parts of the world veering away from church-state concepts of government.

When this form of government was first instituted in Europe, it was claimed to be the setting up of Christ’s kingdom, but now we know that was a false claim. The holy wars, the Crusades, the torture of alleged heretics, and other un-Christian acts perpetrated under the church-state systems which once ruled Europe, and sanctioned by them, bear convincing testimony that Christ was not the real ruler of those nations. And it should be obvious, we think, that before his real kingdom becomes manifest in the earth for the blessing of the people with peace and joy and life, all counterfeit arrangements must be set aside and the people recognize their true status.

Perhaps the most pressing problem in the world today is just how the human race can best be governed. Practically the whole world is in a state of flux and change. It is at this time, during this transition period, the prophecies indicate, that divine power will intervene to set up a real world government, even the kingdom of Christ. It is for this government that all earnest Christians continue to pray in those oft repeated words, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth even as it is in heaven.”

Scientists Want Bombs Banned

THE atomic scientists—those men of genius who, backed by the government, produced the most deadly missiles of destruction ever used by man—have now petitioned the United Nations to declare a ten-year ban on the making of atomic bombs, by the United States and by all other nations. This is both good news and bad news. It is good news, for it indicates that those who know most about the destructiveness of atomic bombs are using their influence to stop their manufacture, feeling that this is the only way that the destruction of the human race can be prevented. It is bad news because it gives point to what the whole world fears with respect to the awfulness of the destruction which can and will be wrought by atomic bombs if and when they are used on a worldwide scale.

The scientists know what atomic bombs will do, and let us hope that their viewpoint will be given serious consideration by those in a position to do something about it. It is sad to realize that human wisdom and human behavior has brought the race to such a crossroad of despair, but Jesus said it would be this way. He predicted concerning these very times of world distress that unless these days were shortened no flesh would be saved. Jesus assures us, however, that divine intervention in the affairs of men will occur in time to prevent human selfishness and hate from going its full limit. Then will follow a new era of righteousness and peace controlled by the agencies of Christ’s kingdom, that kingdom in which he will be the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Seen by Russian Church

THE Greek Catholic Church of Russia has apparently been successful in reconciling the differences between the spiritual aims and activities of the church and the completely materialistic basis of the Soviet Communist state. In an article by Archbishop Lucas of the Greek Catholic Church in Russia, published recently in the official organ of the church, he raises the question, “What is our real attitude toward our [Soviet] government and our new state system?” Answering this question the Archbishop writes:

“First, we, the Russian clergy, live in full peace with our government. We have no reason for enmity toward the government, because it gave the church full freedom and does not interfere in its internal affairs. Of course we are completely alien to the materialism which constitutes the ideological basis of Communism, but this does not prevent us from seeing all the good, full of social truth, that the new state gave us, and we welcome it with a pure heart.”

The Archbishop advances his opinion that it is futile for the American government to attempt to prevent the spread of Communism by the use of atomic bombs. He says that the Russian church is convinced that all attempts to halt Communism will fail. Picturing the ultimate downfall of capitalism, he addresses what he refers to as “those few Americans who are hoarding dollars with trembling hands,” and quotes the words of the Apostle Paul, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which, while some coveted after, they erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

The Greek church has certainly gone far off from its orthodox road in order to exist in the Communist state of Russia; for, during the Czarist regime, it was an official part of the government, the Czar himself being the civil head of the church. It was the typical church-state setup, similar to that which originated in Rome after the Roman Empire went through the transition from pagan to papal. The Protestant movement was successful enough to break up the universality of the Romish church-state system of government, but in most instances the Protestant churches of Europe joined hands with the state and proclaimed themselves as being a part of Christendom, which means Christ’s kingdom.

That these church-state systems did not constitute Christ’s kingdom has become evident through their downfall. But even when church-state ideology was ruling Europe there were many things about the system which to careful observers served as convincing proof that God’s will was not being done on earth as it is in heaven, as will be the case when the true kingdom of Christ is ruling over the nations. For example, some of the bloodiest wars of Europe were instigated and promoted by church-state governments. The cruel tortures of the Spanish Inquisition were inflicted upon alleged heretics by a church-state government.

Conditions became so intolerable in Europe under the rulership of church-state governments that it became one of the inducing causes of the Founding Fathers of America fleeing to this country, where they could be free to worship and serve their God according to the dictates of their own consciences. So it may well be that when the Archbishop of the Greek Catholic Church in Russia praises the Soviet Government for the large measure of freedom the church enjoys in that country, he is comparing their position with the historical records of the past.

To Keep the Record Straight

IN AN advertisement inserted in the public press by the Religious Information Bureau of the Knights of Columbus, and reaching the entire nation, there appears the following statement:

“We know as a matter of historical fact that Christ did establish his church … that he commissioned the Apostle Peter as its first head … that he sent his apostles forth to teach men to observe all things he had commanded. We know from the New Testament that it [the church] was governed by the apostles under the leadership of Peter.”

Just to keep the record straight, we would like to call attention to the fact that nowhere in the New Testament is there the slightest shred of evidence that Christ appointed Peter to be the first head of the church. The New Testament teaches definitely and unequivocally that the Head of the church is Jesus Christ himself, and no one else ever was, or ever shall occupy that position. Nor is there any evidence whatever that Peter was the leader of the apostles. As a matter of fact, Peter himself was rebuked on one occasion by the Apostle Paul, and in his second epistle, third chapter verses 15 and 16, Peter humbly acknowledges Paul’s depth of understanding of the Gospel and of the prophecies. (Gal. 2:11-14) The advertisement purports to explain why so many millions speak of the Pope as the Holy Father, but wisely refrains from asserting that Peter was ever called Holy Father. The advertisement truthfully states that Jesus instructed his apostles to teach the observance of all his commandments. One of those commandments was that his disciples should call no man “father.” Let us all profit by the suggestion of the Knights of Columbus’ advertisement by obeying this as well as the other commandments of Jesus.

Displaced Persons

THE problem of displaced persons is still a serious one, particularly for the Jews. Recently General Joseph T. McNarney, former commander of American occupation forces in Germany, addressing the biennial convention of the American Jewish Congress in New York City, said that he was in favor of admitting these displaced persons into the United States. However, so far as most of the Jews in Europe are concerned—that is those in the category of displaced persons, and even those who are not—they have their hearts set on finally making their home in Palestine. Through the severe persecutions of the past years they have been made conscious of the fact that Palestine is indeed their Promised Land. God has promised Palestine to the Jews, and ultimately they shall obtain it because God’s promises are never broken, although the promises of others concerning Palestine frequently have been broken. Judge Rifkind, who also addressed the American Jewish Congress, said:

“The position of the Jews in. most of Europe ranges today. from grim to desperate. The flip-flop of the American government on Palestine has substantially contributed to the worsening of their condition. Palestine was a source of hope, and therefore a source of strength to these people. The American reversal has again deferred that hope for the Jews. In the displaced persons centers that may well prove catastrophic.”

In the 20th chapter of Ezekiel is found one of God’s promises in which he gives assurance to the natural descendants of Abraham that it is his intention that they shall be restored to the land which he gave to their fathers. But in this prophecy it is also explained that first of all they would be uprooted from the countries in which they were domiciled and brought into a condition which is described as the “wilderness of the people.”

This prophecy compares the experiences of the Jews today with the time when their fathers were led out of the land of Egypt. They were uprooted from Egypt with the objective of possessing the Promised Land, but first, due to their unbelief, they were allowed to wander in the wilderness for forty years. So now again, they are permitted to wander in the wilderness—not the wilderness of Sinai, but what the prophet describes as the “wilderness of the people”—that desolated and hate-infested part of the world which is Europe. But ultimately, as in the days of old, the Jews will enter the Promised Land, and the Lord assures us that this time it will be to stay. They will be the first to receive the blessings of Christ’s kingdom, but the influence and blessings of that kingdom will quickly spread to other countries and nations, for as the Prophet Isaiah tells us, “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end.”—Isa. 9:7

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