One Government

THE setting up of one world-wide government to control all nations is, it is said, the only means by which the human race can be saved from destruction. “From every part of the world, outside the Russian orbit” says The Christian Century, “come declarations that only a positive lead from America can save mankind from the horror which overshadows tomorrow.” “Either this nation,” continues The Christian Century, “points the way and heads the advance toward peace, or no lasting peace will be achieved. The decisions which must be made in this country now will fix the fate of all humanity for generations—perhaps forever.”

These are indeed sobering words, and if true they would mean that the lasting fate of the human race itself is in the hands of government officials at Washington. However, those who have a genuine faith in God’s promises to establish a government on this planet that will not only save the human race from complete destruction, but also restore to life those who have died, will not agree with The Christian Century. They will not agree that the objective of Christianity as outlined in the Bible has so signally failed that now the last hope of its success depends upon American statesmen who are hopelessly divided in their opinions of what should or can be done to save the race from the much-dreaded destruction by atomic bombs toward which so many seem sure that the nations are heading.

After stating that the only hope of the world is the possibility that the United States will energetically sponsor the idea of establishing a world government, The Christian Century mentions some of the reasons this country is not likely to do so. First on the list is, “The belief of government leaders and influential individuals of noble intent—such as Mrs. Roosevelt, John Foster Dulles, and Reinhold Niebuhr—that the cause is hopeless.”

Other reasons the United States will probably never sponsor the idea of a world government are given by The Christian Century as follows, “The determination to preserve unimpaired the unlimited sovereignty of the U.S.A., and our continuing reliance on force.” Commenting on the viewpoint of many that the only power which will save the world is force, and referring to the expressed opinions of others that we must be ready to resist the Caesars who recurrently arise and attempt to set up their ruler-ship over the world, The Christian Century states, “This makes us close our eyes and minds to the possibility of world government because we want to be sure that, when Caesar comes, there will be an American eagle atop his helmet.”

Well-known and honored college professors are also fearful, and are doing the best they can to arouse the world to the dangers which lie ahead. Among these is Dr. Robert M. Hutchins, Chancellor of the University of Chicago, who is the head of an eleven man committee which for more than two years has been drafting a constitution for a Federated World Republic. The preliminary draft of the Constitution recently has been made public, and has been presented to the world for discussion and consideration.

The committee describes its product as “a tentative blueprint for world government—the basic and ultimate problem of the atomic age, intended to show what a Federal Republic of the World might look like.” In presenting the plan Dr. Hutchins said, “Most of those who are opposed to world government and most of those who support it have no clear idea of what they are opposing or supporting. The committee hopes to be of service in clarifying the issues.”

It is said that the preliminary draft of this proposed Constitution for a Federated World Republic is largely a proclamation of principles, predicated on the assumption that “war must, and can, be outlawed and peace can, and must, be universally enacted and enforced; world government is the only alternative to world destruction; world government is necessary, therefore it is possible, and the price of world government and peace is justice.”

The proposed Constitution pledges universal justice based on the rights of man. Throughout the Constitution the principles of peace and justice are stressed. The preamble reads, “Peace and justice stand or fall together; the age of nations must end, and the era of humanity begin.”

The bill of economic rights outlined in the proposed Constitution for World Government designates the four essential elements of life as earth, water, air, and energy, and insists that in order for the world to have peace these must become the common property of the human race; and that agencies should be established for the development of global natural resources, and also for the advancement of physical and intellectual standards.

It is a bold plan these educators have made public and recommended; but they insist that it is either this or world destruction. That a Federated World Republic should be considered the only alternative to world destruction highlights a statement made by Jesus concerning this very time. He forecast our day saying that there would be upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity, and that men’s hearts would be failing them for fear as they looked forward to the things coming upon the earth. Jesus added that unless these days be shortened no flesh should be saved. But we can take comfort in his assurance that these days of trouble will be brought to an end before all flesh is destroyed. The trouble will be shortened, not by a Federated World Republic, but by divine intervention through the establishment of the kingdom of Christ.

It was not left to college professors of the twentieth century to be the first to outline the arrangements for a world government, for it has been the divine plan from the very beginning of human life on this earth. So far as some of the principles involved are concerned, that one government in which Christ will be the King will be similar to the one outlined by Dr. Hutchins of Chicago University. In that constitution, for example, the idea is stressed that the principles of justice and peace are inseparable, and concerning that one government over which Jesus will preside we read:

“Give the King thy judgments, O God, and thy righteousness unto the King’s son. He shall judge thy people with righteousness, and thy poor with judgment. … He shall judge the poor of the people, he shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor. … In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth. They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him; and his enemies shall lick the dust. … All kings shall fall down before him: all nations shall serve him. For he shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper. He shall spare the poor and needy, and shall save the souls of the needy. He shall redeem their soul from deceit and violence; and precious shall their blood be in his sight. … His name shall endure for ever; his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed.”—Psalm 72:1-17

This prophecy applies to Jesus following his return to earth, and when he will be reigning during his thousand-year kingdom. It makes clear that justice will be the very foundation of his government, and that peace will be assured to all nations as a result. Yes, it is true that the age of selfishly inspired nationalism must shortly end; but the new age in which all nations will be merged in a common interest for peace and everlasting happiness will not be brought in by human efforts, but by the kingdom of Christ. That is why we can be confident about the future. The prophet declares that all nations shall call the new King blessed. They will then perceive that only through the recognition of his universal sovereignty can their desires for peace and security be realized. Another wonderful prophecy concerning the new world Ruler, and the one government which he will set up reads:

“And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; and shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord; and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: but with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked. And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. … They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain [kingdom]: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”—Isa. 11:2-9

Here we have described some of the essential qualifications of a Ruler capable of taking over the responsibility of a world government and causing it to function for the common good of all the honest and sincere of the earth. “He shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears.” How different from our rulers and statesmen of today, who must base their judgments and decisions so largely on what they see and hear.

But the new King of earth will not be handicapped in this way. This great King, who in the days of his flesh, was able to read the hearts of the wicked religious rulers of his day; who could read the mind of Judas and know that he was plotting to betray him; who could say of Nathaniel upon the basis of having looked into the deepest recesses of his heart, “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!”—this One, even Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords, will be a Ruler fully capable of establishing a lasting and just peace.

No Christian Civilization

DURING the election campaign in Italy, Jesuit Father Lombardi lectured up and down the country under a banner styled “Front of Love Crusade.” It is not news that a Catholic priest should apparently be campaigning against Communism, but there is one aspect of Father Lombardi’s crusade that was out of the ordinary. When the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta learned of the little Jesuit’s effectiveness against the Communists, he offered to finance his tours. Father Lombardi who it seems travels without special financial backing turned down the offer, replying to the Grand Master, as reported in Time.

“Do not think that priests will ever again die as they did in the French Revolution, merely in defense of the rich man’s privilege. I shall untiringly preach the limitation of your wealth, both as a man and as an order. The wealthy, I am sorry, will have much to suffer. It’s hard to part with one’s goods. But if the wealthy overcome the temptation of their wealth, they will find a bright fire leaping up in their breasts and they shall know happiness. … There is much good in Communism which must be embraced voluntarily.”

Apparently Father Lombardi feels that the martyrdom of priests, particularly in the French Revolution, was not so much on behalf of Christianity as it was to uphold a system which favored the rich. This is an interesting and enlightening admission to come from a Jesuit priest. Perhaps this accounts for a statement made recently by Jules Cardinal Saliege, of Toulouse, France. In the opening paragraphs of a Lenten letter to his flock, he wrote, “You have often heard it said, or have read, that Christian civilization must be saved. I say it cannot be saved, for it does not exist. We must create a Christian civilization.”

This prince of the Catholic Church in France has apparently reached the same conclusions as Father Lombardi of Italy. He must feel that the civilization built up in Europe by the crusades of the church was un-Christian, that Christendom is not Christian —though its name implies that it is. It is well, we think, that high ones in the church are beginning to realize this, for if the civilization that has been crumbling ever since the outbreak of the first World War was Christian, then we would have to conclude that Christianity has failed.

The French Cardinal asserts that a Christian civilization still remains to be created, and that we must do it. However, if that task is left to the imperfect judgments and efforts of fallen men, we still will not have a Christian civilization. After nearly two thousand years of failure, it is best first of all to examine the Word of God and learn what the divine will is concerning the creating of a Christian civilization. When we do this we find that the task is not to be left to man at all.

There will be no true Christian civilization on this earth until God answers our prayer, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven.” One of the beautiful symbols of Christ’s kingdom which the Bible uses is that of a “new heavens” and a “new earth.” Concerning this God makes the promise, “Behold, I create new heavens and a new earth.” (Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21:1-4) Describing conditions in that new and truly Christian order, the prophet writes,

“And they shall build houses and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands. They shall not labor in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the Lord, and their offspring with them. And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear. The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock; and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain [kingdom], saith the Lord.”

On World Conversion

RECENTLY there was held in Rochester, New York, a convention of the New York State Christian Youth Council. Addressing that convention, the Rev. Lewis Johnson said:

“Nazi youth faced the world with Hitler and a determination to dominate it.

“Russian youth face the world with Marx and a determination to revolutionize it.

“Some of our Southern youths last week faced the world with hood and torch, and a determination to terrorize it.

“Our task is to face the world with Christ and a determination to redeem it.”

These are catchy sentences, and sincerely calculated to inspire young Christians to more concerted and determined efforts to win the world for Jesus. But there are very good reasons why the plan suggested is sure to fail, chief of which is that this is not the due time in God’s plan for the world to be saved. The first general council of Christians ever held was at Jerusalem about A.D. 50. The Apostle James addressed that council, and explained to the delegates that God’s purpose in sending missionaries into the world was to take out from the Gentiles a people for his name, and that it would not be until after the second coming of Christ that the world as a whole would receive the blessings which had been provided for them through Christ.

According to this, it has not been God’s plan for the church to convert the world during the present age; and that, of course, is the real reason it has not been converted. This is why a youth movement starting nineteen centuries after that first Christian convention will also fail to win the world for Jesus. This is not said to discourage evangelism, but in order that we may have a better understanding of the real purpose of evangelism.

At that same convention in Rochester the Rev. Roland Fredericks told the delegates, “The only way to get the world on its feet is to get ourselves on our knees.” Well said, but when we get on our knees, let’s be sure that we pray as the Lord instructed us to pray, that is, not for the success of our own plans and efforts, but for the coming of the kingdom of God—“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven.” Here is a prayer that is bound to be answered, and when it is, all the problems of the world will surely be solved.

As an Angel of Light

“THE devil went underground,” we are told in a recent issue of Life Magazine, written by Whittaker Chambers. This happened, the article states, when the age of reason began, his strategy being to make men think that he doesn’t even exist. “Although theologians are now discovering him anew, he never had it so good,” the article states.

Much in Mr. Chambers’ article is quite in harmony with what the Scriptures say about the devil, but there is much that has been taught about the devil that is not true, and undoubtedly the devil has been largely responsible for this. Being a Christian calls for belief in a personal devil, for Jesus himself believed in his existence.

Jesus tells us that the devil was a liar from the beginning, and is the father of lies; that is, the devil introduced the first lie into the world. That was in the Garden of Eden. God had told our first parents that they would die if they disobeyed his law. The devil said, “Ye shall not surely die.” Our first parents believed that lie, and practically the entire human race since has believed it. It is the origin of the erroneous belief that “there is no death.”

When, despite what the devil said, men and women began to die, he induced the people to believe that this was merely the death of the body, a sort of outward shell for the real person. He palmed off the idea that man possesses an immortal soul which cannot die. The devil knew that human intelligence would insist that there would have to be a different place for wicked souls than for righteous souls, so he succeeded in foisting all sorts of ideas upon the minds of the people about the condition of the dead, which he claimed were not dead. All the heathen religions have their various conceptions, and with the coming of the Dark Ages, the devil’s deceptions crept into the Christian church. And here they took the most grotesque forms.

Eternal torture in a hell of fire was invented by the devil, and in this deception he induced the people to believe that he was the supervisor of hell, the one who kept the fires burning, as it were; so we see him pictured with an asbestos suit, a spiked tail, and cloven hoofs—a very repelling figure indeed. This was the devil which “went underground” when the age of reason began, for then people could no longer accept the theories of the Dark Ages. He was too wise to deny openly that all these theories of the Dark Ages were wrong, but just kept quiet about them.

Meanwhile the devil has been busier than ever, deceiving mankind along other lines. His one great aim is to keep the people from knowing the truth concerning God and his love. That is why he invented the eternal torture theory. He knows that if the people study the Bible and have faith in it they will discover his lies; so his modern deceptions have been along the line of discounting the inspiration of the Bible. And, as Mr. Chambers’ article indicates, he is making out very well indeed, for today seventy-five per cent of professed Christians consider the Bible as just a good book, but not a book which speaks with divine authority. No, the devil has not really gone underground. He has merely changed his guise, and is now appearing as an angel of light. He has been very much above ground all the time, and will continue so until he is bound by divine power and his deceptions removed from the minds of the people.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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