Good News

IN a world disrupted and bleeding from the second planet-wide catastrophe in one generation the best possible news that could reach us is the assurance that an end is to be made of all war. It is this assurance that God gives us in His Word, saying:

“Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations He hath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; He breaketh the bow and cutteth the spear in sunder; He burneth the chariot in the fire. Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”—Psalms 46:8-10

Three outstanding points are set forth in this divinely inspired prophecy. First, that a great, “desolation” is made in the earth; Second, that as a result of this desolation, wars are made to cease, and the war machines destroyed; and Third, that the permanency of the era of peace which follows is based upon the fact that God’s name will then be exalted in the earth, and His authority recognized. It is this last point that gives real significance to the prophecy, for it has been the lack of divine recognition and authority in human affairs that has been primarily the cause of all wars.

“Hope springs eternal in the human breast,” said Alexander Pope, so in spite of all the disappointments of the past, noble-minded men and women are even now talking about and planning for a post-war era of peace and happiness. This in itself is good news, for it reveals that despite the hatred and aggression so common to our times, the human race still has the will to live, and the determination to bring about better conditions in which to live. But this determination alone, although admirable, cannot bring the “desire of all nations.” (Hag. 2:7) It is the fact that the prophetic time for God’s Kingdom is here that constitutes the real basis of hope for a post-war era of lasting peace and happiness.

Many groups, religious and governmental, are already concentrating on the subject of what is to happen after the war. Even President Roosevelt reminds us that we must be prepared to win the peace, with the implication that if this is not done, then the war will have been lost no matter how completely the Democracies succeed in forcing their enemies to bow the knee.

In order to win the peace we are told that in the post-war world there must be no more depressions; no more unemployment; a better standard of living for all, even for present enemies; freedom of speech for the whole world; freedom of religion the world over; and freedom from fear for all mankind.

A wonderful world indeed would be the one in which these blessings could exist and endure. It would mean that the utopian dreams of the centuries had come true. But only by divine intervention in human affairs can such a world actually be established. Without divine help—a help that will come because it is God’s due time—the hope-springs of the human breast would continue to remain merely hope-springs. Without God’s help, Alexander Pope’s further view of the matter would continue to be right, namely, that “Man never is, but always to be blest.”

Our text suggests that the present “desolations” in the earth are closely associated with the divine purpose to destroy war and war machines. The very fact that these desolations are already bringing home to humanity as never before the terrible horrors of war, and its utter uselessness, and at the same time crystallizing the determination that it must not happen again, is an indication that the divine program for establishing peace is already becoming effective.

Not that man, in his own wisdom and strength can establish lasting peace, for only “the zeal of the Lord of hosts can perform this.” (Isa. 9:7) But man must first be made to realize his need of peace, and his need of all the wonderful blessings that accompany peace. He must realize that need sufficiently to be willing to make any necessary sacrifice in order to obtain it. It is this dire need that God is impressing upon the consciences of men and women the world over today.

Prior to the first World War the people responsible for the welfare of the masses of the people in all countries did not give serious consideration to the needs of the under-privileged and the “forgotten man.” There was no concerted action then, either by governments or by religious bodies, to end unemployment and poverty. There was agitation on the part of the laboring classes to better their own conditions, but as a rule this was frowned upon by those in authority. But what changes have been wrought in the world since that time! Very much to the point in this connection is the following excerpt from a recent broadcast by Religious News Service, New York:

“With most of the nations of the earth now engaged in a world-wide struggle whose end no man can know, church people and non-church people are asking this question: What is the responsibility of religion in a world at war? The answer to that question has been on the lips of religious leaders for many months past. The church they have said—and they are repeating it today—must direct its efforts toward the creation of a new world—a world without war and a world where permanent and enduring peace becomes the order of the day.

“This week one more influential religious body added its voice to the swelling chorus of church pronouncements on the post-war world. The Central Conference of American Rabbis issued a five-point program of world reconstruction for distribution throughout the nation. The program calls for the extension of the right of self-government to all peoples—the creation of a parliament of nations—the establishment of an international police force—the achievement of social justice for every individual—and equal access to raw materials by all nations.

“The pronouncement concluded on a note of faith and hope. No defeatism, no lowered morale, no despair must fill the hearts of humanity, it declared. Instead, said the rabbinical pronouncement, the hearts of men and women must be filled with high hopes, courageous confidence and unshakeable convictions that God is the final arbiter of the destinies of man, and that His Kingdom will re established in the not too distant future.”

It is well that the Jews have reminded us that the time is near when God will have His say as to the pattern of world affairs; that in the not too distant future He will establish His Kingdom. This, the prophecies assure us is true, and it is the best news that can possibly reach the war-stricken world of today. It is the happy privilege of all who know this to proclaim this good news far and wide. (Isa. 52:7) This is the best way in the world to help the people to be “filled with high hopes, courageous confidence, and unshakeable convictions that God is the final arbiter of the destinies of man.”

The Messianic Kingdom

When the Jews speak of the Kingdom of God their reference is to the Kingdom promised in the Old Testament Scriptures. These promises call for the coming to earth of a Messiah. The New Testament teaches that Jesus is that Messiah, and that His first advent marked the beginning of the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophesy’s pertaining to the Messianic Kingdom through which peace, happiness and everlasting life are to be given to a dying race. That’s why the angel said of Jesus, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.”—Luke 2:11

The word Christ in the New Testament is the same as the word Messiah in the Old Testament, hence the angelic message simply was that the one whom God had been promising, now was born—the promises were beginning to be fulfilled. Very few of the Jews accepted Jesus as the Messiah, one of the chief reasons being that He did not come in the way they expected. They had visualized their Messiah as a great Leader and King, so impressive and commanding in personality and methods that all nations would be impelled to submit to His conquering power.

When Jesus came as the humble Nazarene they stumbled over His lowly estate, and the nation rejected Him. What the Jews did not recognize was the fact that the Messiah was first of all to be the Redeemer, and that in order to be the Redeemer of Israel and the whole world, He must suffer and die. This is the reason for His lowly estate. But, while Jesus was lowly and humble, yet He was perfect—“holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners.” (Heb. 7:26) It was necessary that Jesus be a perfect human being in order for Him to offer Himself as a sacrifice for the forfeited life of Adam, and through Adam redeem those who lost life through him.

Sacrificial Work Continues

But the sacrificial part of God’s Messianic project for the blessing of the world was not completed with the death of Jesus, and that is the reason Christ has not yet brought peace to the world. Many have failed to recognize this, hence have entertained false expectations concerning the purpose of Christ during this age. Our purpose in emphasizing that this has been an age for Christian sacrifice is in order that it might be seen that there has been no defeat of the divine purpose. The glorious and peaceful reign of the Messiah is yet future, and throughout this age the sacrificial work of the Messianic class has continued, with no attempt on God’s part to establish His control in the affairs of the nations.

We can’t blame people for losing faith in promises that never seem to be fulfilled; yet once we realize that false ideas have been entertained concerning the time for the fulfillment of God’s promises of peace and happiness for the people, and that now God’s time is actually near, we have something real upon which to base a living hope for the future. Now, indeed—because we have reached the end of the age of sacrifice—we can look forward to a post-war world that will be better than the best order of things of which man has ever dreamed.

The New Testament clearly reveals that the sacrificial work of Christ was to be continued through His followers. If the Messianic Kingdom had been established at the first advent, immediately following the death and resurrection of the Redeemer, there would have been no Christian martyrs. But this was not the divine program. Instead, the followers of Jesus have been invited to walk in His steps of sacrifice, and admonished to be faithful unto death.

This explains why Christians have suffered and died as martyrs for the cause of Christ. The true followers of the Master have died in the hope of being resurrected and sharing with Him in the glory of His thousand-year Kingdom when it was established at His second advent. Losing sight of this divine order and time for the establishment of Messiah’s Kingdom, some mistakenly united with the civil powers of Europe with the claim that thus the Kingdom of Christ was established.

By this misuse of Christ’s name, and false application of the Kingdom promises, the entire Christian outlook has been confused in the minds of many, with the result that there has been a general waning of faith in the Bible and its wondrous Kingdom promises. This mistaken viewpoint has led to many faith-destroying absurdities, one being that one part of the alleged Kingdom of God has often been at war with another. No wonder the people have lost faith in the real Christian hope.

If Christ had actually been reigning throughout the centuries the world would have been converted, and the blessings of peace and happiness promised by God in His Word would have long since become realities in the experiences of the nations. But all is clear and understandable when we learn that the divine purpose for the followers of Jesus thus far has been merely that they suffer and die as witnesses for Him, and thus prove their fitness to share His Kingdom glory, and be partners with Him in His real Kingdom when it is established.—Revelation 20:4

This sacrificial work of the body members of the Messianic company was to continue during the entire age. (Col. 1:24) Meanwhile, Jesus prophesied, “wars and rumors of wars” were to continue. At the very end of the age, the Master foretold would come the fulfillment of the prophecy of Daniel 12:1, which tells of a “time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation.” (Matt. 24:21; Luke 21:22) The prophecies further indicate that it was to be during this time of world-wide trouble, that the “kingdoms of this world” would become the “kingdoms of God and of His Christ.”—Revelation 11:15

These are but samples of the many prophecies of God’s Word that are being fulfilled in the world events of our times. Indeed, the united testimony of all the divinely inspired prophecies of God’s Word is that the events seen in the news parade of today are the ones that were to immediately precede the full manifestation of the Messianic Kingdom. This means that the world’s long wait for the Messianic Kingdom blessings will soon be over. It means that the Christian’s prayer, “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, in earth even as it is in heaven,” will soon be answered.

The details of the prophecies can be understood clearly only as they are fulfilled. The Bible indicates, for example that the prophetic “time of trouble” was to come upon the world in spasms, like “travail upon a woman with child.” (I Thess. 5:1-3) The first World War was undoubtedly one of these spasms. The present world-wide struggle is another. There is the possibility of another short period of man-made peace, and then another spasm, before the nations come under the authority of their new King, Christ Jesus. We do not know, but be that as it may, the Scriptures make it plain that the present generation will actually see Christ’s Kingdom functioning in the earth, and its long-foretold peace and happiness a reality.—Matt. 24:34; Luke 21:32

Briefly stated, the prophecies clearly indicate that the final phase of the world’s trouble will head up in and around Palestine, and that a supreme effort will be made by aggressor nations to destroy the Jews returned there, and take their wealth. It will be then that Christ will intervene on behalf of God’s ancient people, and save them from their enemies. The eyes of the Jews will then be opened to recognize their Messiah, and at the same time the eyes of the nations fighting against them will also be open to the fact of divine intervention.

It will be from there, and as a result of the greatest development of all time, that the news of divine intervention will spread to the rest of the world. Thus, as the nations come into line with the new order, which will be the Messianic Kingdom, the blessings will flow out to all. And Christ will have His own way of bringing the nations into line. It is said of that time, that it shall come to pass that the nation which will not come up to Jerusalem, that is, recognize the authority of the Messianic Kingdom there established, upon that nation there shall be no rain.—Zechariah 14:17

What the Jews expected their Messiah to do, and what the Christians have tried to do in the name of Christ, is actually to be done, now that the time has come for the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom. The great fundamental truth upon which this hope is based is the fact, as so aptly expressed by the recent National Rabbinical Conference, that God is the final arbiter of the nations, and that the time has come for His intervention in human affairs. Yes, there is a God in heaven who is interested in His human creatures, and He proposes to save them from the otherwise fatal results of their own sin and selfishness. This is good news!

God and Human Suffering

So often these days we hear the question raised, “Where is God in all that’s happening in the world?” Others ask, “If there is a God, why doesn’t He do something about human suffering?” These questions are proper enough, but we should seek the answer with a large degree of humility, a humility which will enable us to recognize the answer that is given to us in the Scriptures. The Scriptures reveal that God IS now doing something about human suffering. God has ever been mindful of His human creatures. Nineteen centuries ago He visited them by sending His beloved Son to be the Redeemer. The Second advent of Christ is another manifestation of God’s interest in humanity.

Christ’s second advent is for the establishment of His Kingdom through which the blessings of life purchased through His redemptive work, are to be given to the people. (Acts 3:19-21) Before His Kingdom can be fully established and function for the blessing of the people, Satan’s empire must be destroyed. That empire is now being destroyed. It is to this that our text refers as the “desolations” which the Lord makes in the earth. Viewed thus, it becomes apparent that God has already intervened on behalf of humanity, that intervention being manifested in the overthrow of the misrule of sin and selfishness which has resulted in sorrow and death throughout all the ages.

The method God has chosen to bring about the destruction of the kingdoms of this world is that they are permitted to destroy each other. This entails much suffering and loss of life, but when viewed from the divine standpoint it can readily be seen that the end justifies the means. Even from the standpoint of human wisdom, the sacrifice of human life is often considered worthwhile. The democracies today consider it worthwhile to sacrifice millions of lives in order that those who died for democracy in the past will not have died in vain.

Two great purposes of God are being accomplished by the “desolations” accompanying the overthrow of Satan’s empire; one being that Satan’s kingdom itself is thereby destroyed, and the other is that the people’s own hearts are being awakened to the terrible results of unbridled selfishness, and their determination crystallized to desire and to work for a new and better order.

Humanity’s Failure

One of the very important lessons yet to be better learned from the experiences through which the world is now passing, is that man in his own wisdom and strength, will not be able to establish an order of lasting peace and happiness. The whole world must yet learn the viewpoint expressed by the Jewish Rabbis, namely that God is the arbiter of the nations, and that His law must be accepted as the absolute in human affairs before there can be peace. “Be still, and know that I am God,” is the divine command for which God is now preparing the world to hear, and when they recognize it in the manifestation of His Kingdom authority centering in Palestine, they will be ready to obey.

In view of the wonderful lessons already being learned as a result of the foretold “time of trouble” believe that this further lesson will also be learned. And who will say that the value of this lesson will not be worth all it costs? If we agree that a democracy which provides partial security, partial peace, and partial happiness, is worth dying for, even apart from the hope that those who die will be raised to life again; surely the suffering of the present time which is preparing for a divine Kingdom of everlasting peace and happiness will prove to be of incalculable value in human experience.

And besides, the divine purpose is to raise all the dead in order that they may have an opportunity to enjoy the blessings of that new Kingdom. This means that all who are losing their lives during this transition period will be restored to life, and themselves, individually, benefit from their experiences. Furthermore, those who are being maimed and crippled will be restored to perfect health when the Messianic Kingdom begins to function for the blessing of the people. Surely this is good news!

Yes, the present generation is destined, by experience, to learn the greatest lesson of all time, namely, that it is impossible for a world to live in peace and happiness apart from the recognition of God, and obedience to divine law. Learning this great truth, the people will seek the help and guidance of their God. And God, the perfect timer of every feature of His plan, will then be ready with the Messianic Kingdom arrangements to establish a divine order of security, peace, and happiness for all.

The followers of Jesus during this age, will then be with Him in the spiritual or heavenly phase of His Kingdom; having been inspired to faithfulness in laying down their lives by the promises of the “heavenly calling.” (Heb. 3:1) But the blessings of mankind under the new Kingdom arrangements will not be spiritual, but earthly. Paradise will then be restored upon the earth, and the life-giving blessings of Eden, long withheld from the people, will be made available. The church, then the “Bride” of Christ, will have the privilege of helping to fulfill the wondrous statement of Revelation 22:17, which reads, “The Spirit and the Bride say Come. … And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely.”

Of that symbolic river of life it is said that on either side thereof are the trees of life, and that the “leaves of the trees” are for the “healing of the nations.” (Rev. 22:2) How much the nations need healing now! How much more they will need healing by the time they fully learn the lessons now being taught! Then they will be willing to humbly acknowledge their own failures, and to say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain [Kingdom] of the Lord, … and He will teach us of His ways.”—Micah 4:1-4

The Kingdom Hastens

We repeat, that God has already intervened in world affairs. This is the Scriptural explanation of what has occurred beginning with 1914. He has intervened to make an end of all unrighteousness, wherever it is found. The time is here for the Messianic Kingdom to be manifested in the world, and Christ does not propose to form an alliance with any of the kingdoms of this world. Every knee must ultimately bow to Him. He will reign until all enemies are put under His feet, even death itself. The apostle tells us this in I Corinthians 15:25,26.

The church-state systems of Europe claimed to be Christ’s Kingdom. This claim did not have divine sanction, so these systems are not permitted to survive. The totalitarian nations now seeking to dominate the world are based upon unrighteousness, selfishness and oppression, hence cannot qualify for continued existence. They must certainly be destroyed before the onward march of the King of kings and Lord of lords.

The democratic order of things has been absolutely the best that fallen man has been able to produce, but now both governmental and church leaders are making a study of ways and means of setting up a better democracy after the war. This is a tacit recognition that past democracy has not been all that could have been desired. The blessings of the post-war order now being visualized by far-seeing statesmen are, is most cases, the very ones that God has promised to give to the people through the Messianic Kingdom.

It is encouraging to realize that men and women are already being awakened to their need of these blessings, and to the desire to see them made available to all mankind. Upon the authority of God’s Word it is the Christian’s privilege today to tell the people that their desire for the blessings of life, liberty and happiness are at long last to materialize; not because man suddenly triumphs over his selfishness, but because the Messianic Kingdom is soon to be established. Of the increase of that government and peace there will be no end, the prophet assures us.—Isa. 9:7

Freedom from Fear

Christ’s Kingdom will bring the much desired freedom from fear, too, and in a more comprehensive way than our President has ever dared to hope for. It will be freedom from fear so comprehensive that it will include freedom even from the fear of sickness, accident, and death. Christ’s Kingdom will destroy all the work of sin and Satan, including death. It was to lay the foundation for this that Jesus died at His first advent. It has been as a further preparation to assist in this work that the footstep followers of the Master have suffered and died with Him during the age now closing. One of the many promises of God covering this point is that of Isaiah 25:6-9.

There will be freedom for true religion then also, but not freedom to promulgate atheism and false religion. It should be remembered that Satan, who has been the ruler of this present evil world (II Cor. 4:4), has caused many false religions to be promulgated in the earth. But, when God’s new world is established Satan will be bound, and no longer will the deceptive influences of false religion be allowed to deceive the people.—Revelation 20:1-3

Back in the Dark Ages some claimed that they alone had the true religion, and undertook to restrain and punish those who did not agree with them. This led to the horrors of the “Holy” (?) inquisition.” But when Christ’s Kingdom is actually operating in the earth, and through it mankind is fully enlightened, they will then know the true God, and will want to worship and serve Him. The people will then learn to know the God of love and mercy of which the Bible speaks, and when they know Him they will delight to serve Him.

World-Wide Blessings

One of the original Messianic promises of blessings for the people was the one the Lord made to Abraham in which He declared His purpose to bless all the families of the earth. (Gen. 12:1-3) In the New Testament this is translated all “nations.” (Gal. 3:8,16,27,29) This means that in God’s new order economic security, prosperity, peace, happiness, health, and life will be universal.

These blessings will not be limited to America, nor to the present democracies. A recent picture in the New York newspaper, PM, revealed the poverty and hardships of the Japanese peasants and wage earners. As much as all are opposed to the treachery of the present Japanese government, we will all rejoice to see the poor and under-privileged of Japan, and of Russia, and Germany, and England, as well as those of America, and all other countries, receive the bounties of divine goodness as they will then be dispensed to the whole world through the Messianic Kingdom arrangements.

Indeed, most of those now planning for post-war peace are insisting that then the raw materials of the earth must be made equally available for all. Christ will see that this is done. All ideas of racial superiority will then vanish, and the people will be taught to realize that great truth set forth by the Apostle Paul in his sermon on Mars’ Hill, that “God hath made of one blood all nations to dwell upon the face of the whole earth.”—Acts 17:26

One of the outstanding promises of the Messianic Kingdom and its blessings is that of the 72nd Psalm. Among the blessings there outlined as being on the agenda for God’s new order, are: righteous judgment of the people—even for the poor; peace among the nations based upon their acceptance of the righteous laws of Christ; care for the needy; destruction of oppression; recognition and reverence for the true God; prosperity for the righteous; a universal dominion—a world order; a deliverance from deceit and violence; and health and everlasting life.

Surely this is good news—good news, moreover that has been confirmed by a thousand promises of God, and ratified by the blood of Christ. It’s good news which soon will be translated into reality by divine power. The realization of this should be a great comfort in these dark days of the world’s present trouble. We are asked to have faith in God. Why not make it a real faith, and actually believe that He will do what He has said He would do?

All of His promises thus far have been fulfilled. He promised the first advent of Christ, and the work of redemption, and those promises were fulfilled. Through His prophets God outlined the trials of His people throughout the age now ending, and these prophecies have been accurately fulfilled. He foretold the present world-wide distress of nations, and that men’s hearts would now be failing them for fear. (Luke 21:26) Shall we not then believe His further promises and prophecies as to the pattern of things yet to come?

God hasn’t told us just how long the trouble will last, but He has made it clear that we are now in the end of the present age, and that the present generation will witness the actual blessings of the Messianic Kingdom as they ere long will begin to flow out from Jerusalem.—Luke 21:32; Matt. 24:34

Again we say, this is good news. Let us keep this hope before us, and may it serve to brighten the dark days yet ahead. If we visualize the fullness of what it means, it will brighten our days no matter how dark they may be, and irrespective of what is the immediate cause of the darkness. The bright ray of hope engendered by this good news dispels even the sorrow caused by death, because it assures us that our loved ones are to return from death. Let us then keep this good news in our hearts for our own encouragement, and upon our lips for the encouragement of others. Let us:

“Tell the whole world these blessed tidings;
Speak of the time of rest that nears;
Tell the oppressed of every nation
Jubilee lasts a thousand years.”

Dawn Bible Students Association
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