News and Views | May 1941 |
The Miracle of the Kingdom
International diplomacy is governed largely by the potential strength of armies and navies. Today this policy is leading the world into ever-deepening distress and gloom. Many are asking, What is God doing about it? Will He act to make an end of the trouble? The Scriptures declare that He will!
OUTSTANDING in the events of the last month was the passing of another Easter season, and by it a reminder to the world that more than nineteen centuries ago the Creator of the universe raised His Son Jesus from the dead by the miraculous exercise of His Almighty power. By this reminder of the existence of a miracle-working God millions were led to wonder why no miracle is forthcoming today to put an end to the strife that is going on between the nations that have professed to be Christian. Jews, Catholics and Protestants all paid tribute to the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus. All lamented the sorry condition of the world in 1941 when the anniversary of this miracle was commemorated, but very few, if any, expressed hope that the miracle-working power that raised Jesus from the dead would ever be used to raise mankind from the present debacle of human selfishness.
Herein is a real challenge to Christian belief! In the Old Testament the resurrection of Jesus from the dead was promised by His Heavenly Father. In the Old Testament, as well as in the New Testament, the same Almighty God promises that the resurrected Jesus is to become the actual Ruler of the world, and is to establish universal and everlasting peace. The fulfillment of these wondrous promises are shown as due following the present great “time of trouble.” If we believe in the miracle of Jesus’ resurrection, should we not also believe that the many promises of world-wide blessings and peace which depend upon Him, will also be fulfilled? To us it would seem inconsistent to say that we believe in the first miracle, yet doubt the second. Strange as it may seem, however, in all the wide-spread celebration of Easter scarcely a hint was heard that the miracle-working power of God might soon intervene in the affairs of men and bring peace and happiness to a war-weary world.
Even the most outstanding exponent of what the world has called Christianity, and the alleged Vicegerent of Christ, the Pope, gave the world no encouragement that God could be expected to act to make an end of the present dilemma of mankind. His Easter message was one of defeatism. It was reported that he intended to make an energetic appeal to the nations to establish peace, but that the Axis’ drive into the Balkans on the morning of Palm Sunday caused him to change his mind. On account of this the Pope shortened his world broadcast, and in it held out little hope that a just peace will be attained soon.
While the Pope held out little hope for an early peace, yet in his Easter message he said, “We pray for a quick peace for all—not a peace of oppression, but a peace which is honorable for all nations, and based on justice.” This would seem to indicate that the Pope doesn’t expect that his prayers for peace will be answered. Appropriately enough he urged the warring nations not to increase their cruelties, and to be kind to prisoners. We might all wish that the nations would heed this request.
Perhaps the Pope’s attitude of defeatism is, in part, explained by the words of comfort he addressed to pastors in countries where, he explained, the church finds that “atheism and de-Christianizing influences are deliberately favored or tolerated.” These anti-church influences were reflected in London Easter broadcasts (in French) in which Nazism is represented as being anti-God and anti-Christian. According to reports the announcer of these broadcasts quoted high Nazi officials as saying, “Adolf Hitler is our God;” “Adolf Hitler, to you we sacrifice all. Not God, but you, created a new Germany;” “Christ is ridiculous. There is only one authority—Adolf Hitler;” “Hitler is a new Christ. The Christian church is dying. A new church is coming up, Adolf Hitler is its God.”
With a powerful military machine, inspired by views of this kind, aggressively spreading itself over one Catholic country after another, and now in military control even of Italy, it is little wonder that the Pope is unable to hold out any hope of an early peace. It has been pointed out by various writers that the ideology of the Catholic Church and that of Nazism is the same, hence that we may expect, when peace is restored, Hitler will exalt the Catholic Church to its former position as overlord of Europe. This may be true, but the straws in the wind at present are blowing in the opposite direction.
It can be seen from the above excerpts from London Easter broadcasts, that Hitler, as the head of the German state, is looked upon as God. This is the position that the Pope would have to occupy if Papacy should be restored. Hitler’s attitude up to now offers little hope that he will relinquish his position in favor of another whose claimed authority is above his own. The supreme authority of Nazism is the state, hence, in the very nature of things, it cannot tolerate nor co-operate with any institution whose claimed authority is higher than the state. The kings of Europe once claimed to reign “by the grace of God,” but not Adolf Hitler.
However, anything can happen. In the difficult task of establishing peace, and of keeping a post-war Europe under control, the Pope’s influence may be temporarily sought. This would not be because Hitler wanted it so, but because he may yet deem it a necessary expedient in order to make good his conquests. It is interesting to watch the development of events to see what turn they will take as the trouble increases. While the Scriptures do not clearly foretell the details of these events, we do know from the prophecies that the final outcome of the trouble will be the complete overthrow of all false religions, and the establishment of the Kingdom of Christ over the whole earth.
There are other lines of prophetic thought which are brought to mind by the recent turn of events in the Balkans; namely, that the final phase of the Armageddon struggle will center in the region of Palestine. It does seem that an important theatre of the war is moving in that direction. The prophecy of the 38th chapter of Ezekiel, and others, indicate that hordes will come down from the north, and finally will attempt to despoil the re-gathered Jews in Palestine. Perhaps the present trend of the war has a bearing on the fulfillment of this prophecy. Anyway it reminds us of it, and we might well keep watch of events with this thought in mind.
Another event of the past month which may have a bearing upon the war’s move toward the Holy Land is the Russo-Japanese Neutrality pact which was announced to the world on Easter Sunday. The opinion is freely expressed in many circles that probably one of Russia’s motives for entering into this pact with Japan was to free herself from a back-door danger in order to be more free to take a hand in the affairs of the Balkans if and when the opportune time comes.
Many students of prophecy have long thought that Russia is the “North” country whose atheistic hordes would swoop down upon Palestine and precipitate the final phase of Armageddon, “Jacob’s Trouble.” Perhaps also the Russian legions may yet be instrumental in completing the destruction of churchianity throughout Europe. Fears are now openly expressed in many circles of a probable sweep of Communism over Europe as the capitalistic nations become more and more weakened by the struggle between totalitarianism and democracy. For this reason, and because of the prophecies, every official move made by Russia should be noted by students of the Bible.
The more present world conditions are analyzed the more apparent it becomes that human wisdom and military might are unable to find a way out of the trouble. The democracies are making a bold struggle against aggression, and are hopeful for victory; but it’s an open secret now that the problems of peace will be greater than those of war. The whole world is fast becoming impoverished. Famine and pestilence are threatening many nations; and the end is not yet. As a result of recent developments placing the dictators in a position to threaten the democracies in the Mediterranean districts, it is being whispered that the war will probably last another five or seven years. Of course, nobody knows how much longer it will last. We mention this point merely to emphasize the darkness of the outlook as viewed by worldly wisdom.
So it was that Easter, 1941, found mankind in the worst plight it ever experienced. In this plight an increasing number are losing faith in the idea that God may be expected to do anything about it. This, to the student of prophecy, is an expected development, for did not the Master raise the question, “When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8) Another prophecy which indicates the waning of religious faith and influence in world affairs is the one wherein the Lord says that the “sun” and the “moon” shall be darkened, and the “stars” withdraw their shining. The time was that when the Pope spoke, the nations gave heed, but no more. Here and there a brave “star” of the church may raise his voice, but to little avail. Aggression continues, and the great mass of the people refuse to believe that God will do anything about world distress.
However, man’s lack of faith will not deter God from acting when His due time comes. The one bright, spot in the world’s horizon today—and this can be seen, only by those who have the vision of faith—is God’s own promise that He will soon act to establish a just and lasting peace. The miracle of the resurrection of Jesus verifies the fact of God’s ability to fulfill His promises, all of which are centered in Jesus, and will be fulfilled through Him.
“Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end,” is one of the divine promises. The sphere of influence of such a government will eclipse everything that the dictators have ever tried to imagine. “Upon the throne of David, … to order it and to establish it, … from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” (Isa. 9:7) The work of ordering and establishing the throne of David is also described in Acts 15:13-17, where the promise is recorded to “build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down.”
This work follows the second coming of Christ, and it is then that the increase of His government and peace is due to begin. The fact that it is so definitely associated with the natural house of Israel should create interest in the manner in which Israel is now in the spotlight of world affairs, and seems destined to be more so as the trouble increases. The last few verses of Ezekiel 38 make it clear that it will be in the deliverance of Israel that the eyes of all the nations will be opened to realize that God has intervened in their affairs. As we see conditions shaping up in fulfillment of these prophecies our faith should be increased in the belief that not long hence God will act to do for mankind what they cannot do for themselves.
Then there will be genuine “God-control” in the affairs of men. With the resurrected ancient prophets and other worthies acting as the earthly representatives of the new Kingdom—the “princes in all the earth” (Psa. 45:16)—it is not difficult to understand how that control will operate. No doubt, it will be much the same as in the days of ancient Israel, when they were ruled by their judges, who received their instructions from God, and were empowered to enforce their decrees.
One prophecy gives us a hint as to how God will implement the authority of the “princes” during that Kingdom rule. It tells us that all of those left of the nations who refuse to come into line with the government operating from Jerusalem, will be deprived of rain—“even upon them shall be no rain,” the prophet declares. (Zech. 14:17) This may be fulfilled literally in some cases. And it reminds us, too, of the unlimited power that will be back of the Messianic Kingdom, a power that can indeed control the elements, and use them, if necessary, as one means of enforcing its decrees.
Jesus will be the great invisible King of the new day, and His church will be associate kings, reigning with Him in the “new heavens.” “Zion” is another of the Bible’s symbols used to describe the spiritual phase of the Messianic Kingdom. We are told that “the law shall go forth of Zion”—the spiritual phase of the Kingdom—“and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem”—the earthly phase. The enforcement of the Messianic Kingdom laws will not require the use of armies and navies, for the prophet says that in that new order “nations shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” The prophet also declares that the nations shall then participate in an all-out disarmament program in which they will “beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks.”—Micah 4:1-4; Isa. 2:2-4
When God thus intervenes in human affairs the present war strategy of the nations will become unimportant. Who controls the Near East or the Far East won’t count for the Messianic rule will be imposed over all—“The mountain [Kingdom] of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of [that is, dominating] the mountains [kingdoms].” The Suez Canal will not be a life-line for Christ’s Kingdom, nor will control of the Atlantic be essential, for divine power will find its own way of putting a stop to the aggression of the dictators.
Monroe doctrines for the Americas, for Europe, or for the Far East will not count then, for the Messianic Kingdom will include under its protection, and shower with its blessings, the people of all nations. The “uttermost parts of the earth” will come into the possession of and under the control of the divinely appointed Ruler of the world to come “wherein dwelleth righteousness.” (Psa. 2:8; II Pet. 3:13) The helpless, order loving people of all nations will no longer need to fear the aggressive acts of their own selfish rulers, neither the selfish rulers of other nations, for earth’s new King will “break in pieces the oppressor.” At the same time He will help the “poor and needy,” and care for him who “hath no helper.”—Psa. 72:4,12
There will then come a real triumph of truth and righteousness. No longer will truth be on the scaffold, and error on the throne. A pure message will be turned to the people, and through it they will learn to know the true God. So far-reaching and successful will be the establishment of this true worship of God that it will finally become unnecessary for one to say to his neighbor, “Know the Lord,” for they shall all know Him.—Jer. 31:34