Lesson for December 22, 1940

Sharing the Shepherds’ Joy

Luke 2:8-20

GOLDEN TEXT: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”—Luke 2:14

NOBLE shepherds those must have been to whom the Almighty sent the angelic message respecting the birth of Jesus, the Messiah, which has rung down the ages and reached our ears—the message which thrills us the more in proportion as we are able to grasp its meaning. It would appear that fear is one of the dominating impulses of the human mind, especially in conjunction with any revelations from the Lord. Men realize—even the best of the race—that they are imperfect, and that the Almighty and His Law are perfect.

Instinctively the world seems to realize that a curse or condemnation of the Almighty rests upon it, and instinctively it fears a further curse and further condemnation, realizing its continual and increasing sinfulness. The same is largely true today with all except the comparatively few who are well informed respecting the divine character and plan. Thus the subject of religion is generally obnoxious to the world in general—a subject which they prefer to avoid, because of a feeling of guilt and a dread of further knowledge and condemnation.

It is for the true children of God today, as it was for the angels at that time, to assure the world that God is better than all their fears—that God so loved the world as to redeem them from the just sentence of death, the curse that came upon all as inheritors of Adam’s imperfection and sentence.

“Good tidings,” is another translation of our word “Gospel.” How beautiful the thought that the Gospel is really and truly good tidings. The angel elaborated, saying that his message was good tidings of great joy which would be unto all people. Ah, thank God, His plan is wider and deeper and higher and grander than anything we had ever conceived. The Gospel message is not merely to be good tidings to the comparatively few who now have ears to hear and eyes to see its beauties, but in God’s due time it is to be good tidings of great joy to all people.

The messenger states the philosophy of the divine plan, “Unto you is born this day a Savior, which is Christ [Messiah] the Lord.” There we have the key to the entire gospel statement of how God could be just and yet be the justifier of sinners who accept Jesus. The word “Savior,” here signifies Life-giver, and how beautiful is the thought that as death is the wages of sin, the curse upon the race, this Messiah who was born is to be the One who will rescue the race from the sentence by giving them life again.

The explanation of how He would give life was not given, nor was it necessary at that time; but now, in the light of developments, and with the explanations furnished by the Spirit in the New Testament, we see how our Lord’s voluntary sacrifice of His life, dying the Just for the unjust, will settle the claims of divine Justice against Adam, and thus incidentally against all who shared his sentence.

Although nineteen centuries have rolled by since that angelic message was delivered, it has not yet been fulfilled except by faith to those who have the eye of faith and the ear of faith, in all a “Little Flock.” On the contrary, tidings of great misery for nearly all people have been spread abroad in the name of Christ during the Gospel age, much to the discredit of the divine plan and to the dishonor of the divine character. And indeed we may say that no message of the Lord Jesus, either true or false, has ever reached all people. Even today, after nineteen centuries of preaching, only a comparatively small portion of the human family have ever heard of the only name given under heaven and amongst men, whereby we must be saved—“nor is there salvation in any other.”—Acts 4:12

The angelic message was a prophecy of good things to be accomplished for the church during the Gospel age and the world during the Millennial age. The church is to have the first blessing. The first resurrection is to be shared by the saints who shall live and reign with Christ during the Millennium, the thousand years in which Satan shall be bound, and when the good influences of truth and righteousness shall enlighten the whole world. The declaration of the Scriptures is that the deliverance of the church will come early in the Morning of that Millennial Day. The prophet declares, “God will help her early in the Morning.”—Psa. 46:5

It was after the giving of the message of good tidings of great joy by the heavenly one that a host of angels appeared to the shepherds, saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men.” This, too, is a prophecy. It is not yet true, but will be fulfilled in every particular in God’s due time which we believe is now nigh, even at the door.

How it adds to our enjoyment of the coming age blessings, to know that the trials and difficulties of this present Gospel age are subject to the divine supervision, in the interest of the Little Flock that is now being gathered in advance from amongst men—the elect, the church. We see how the present trials and difficulties are the chiselings and polishings necessary to our development in the fruits and graces of the Holy Spirit, in the character-likeness of God’s dear Son, our Lord, our Hope, our Bridegroom.

How joyful the thought that soon the elect number called from the world to be the bride, the Lamb’s wife, will be completed and enter into her glory. How precious the thought that then they shall be privileged with their Lord and Master to extend the divine favor of blessing and uplift to the world. What higher honor or privilege or blessing could possibly come to anyone!


Why is fear one of the dominating impulses of the human mind?

Why is fear so often associated with religion?

Does God, through His Word, or otherwise, seek to instill fear into the hearts of His people?

When will the angelic message of good tidings to all be fulfilled?

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