News and Views | July 1940 |
The Day of Vengeance
“Say to them that are of a fearful heart, be strong, fear not, behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; He will come and save you.”—Isaiah 35:4
WORLD news during the last month has been staggering almost beyond belief. The rapidity with which the totalitarian dictators of Europe have crushed the forces of democracy, which have been valiantly attempting to save what they have called civilization, has been breath-taking and appalling. All the calculations of mighty nations, formerly and customarily victorious in war, have been upset, and a mighty army fighting for what was considered to be the most powerful empire on earth, has been driven completely off the continent of Europe. The most powerful of continental Europe’s democracies has been defeated on the field of battle and compelled to accept humiliating terms of peace.
These are but isolated items among the stupendous events which have occurred with lightning-like rapidity within a few weeks. One of the first results of these events is mentioned by William Bird in a wireless dispatch to the New York Sun from Bordeaux, France, dated June 18, in which he explains that according to the current opinion in Bordeaux,—the temporary headquarters of the French government—the capitulation of France marks the end, for the time at least, of European civilization as we have been accustomed to understand it. With the collapse of European civilization, explains Mr. Bird, there opens a new era which will center in the struggle between totalitarian Europe and liberal America.
This is but one of the many expressions of writers, statesmen, clergymen and others, coming from all parts of the remaining democracies of the world in which fear is expressed that the unprecedented success of the totalitarian dictators during recent months, if not checked, will indeed mean the end of civilization, not only in Europe but throughout the world. One who voiced such dread sentiments is Winston Churchill, Great Britain’s present Prime Minister. Admitting, before the House of Commons, that the battle of France had been lost, he sought to encourage the British people to a more resolute stand against the dictators, in order that now the battle of Great Britain might not also be lost, and then added:
“Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Hitler knows he will have to break us in the island or lose the war. If we can stand up to Hitler all Europe may be free, and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit plains.”
In Britain’s great hour of peril, Mr. Churchill reached back into history for some criterion from which a faint ray of hope might be extracted. He cited the experience of the Allies during the first World War from 1914-18 saying:
“During the last war we repeatedly asked ourselves; are we going to win, and no one was able to answer until the end. Quite suddenly and unexpectedly, our terrible enemy collapsed and we were so glutted with victory that in our folly we cast it away.”
Obviously, this was an attempt by the Prime Minister to grasp at a straw, and in full realization of the fact, as he so frankly admitted, that if the battle for Britain is lost it will plunge the world, even the United States, “into the abyss of a new dark age made more sinister and perhaps more prolonged by the lights of a perverted science.”
Statements by men and women of eminence such as we have just quoted are no longer new and strange. We all read them in our daily papers and hear them over the radio. The overthrow of Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, and France may now be considered and old story, so swift move the events of this strange time in which we are living. The invasion of Great Britain and the destruction of the British Empire now is no longer considered impossible, although certainly it is fantastic in view of Britain’s great strength in the past. What we are particularly interested in is not who is to blame for the crisis that now confronts the world, but what bearing these developments have upon the Plan of God, as He has outlined it for us in His Word.
In the text at the head of this review, is a statement concerning God’s vengeance, and an indication that when it comes upon the world many will be made to fear. The passage also indicates that those who realize the significance of these events have the privilege of saying to those who are of a fearful heart, “Be strong, fear not,” for, although God comes with vengeance and with a recompense, yet, “He will come to save you.”
It is in keeping with the suggestion of this passage that we now call attention to the fact, that while the present collapse of the nations is undoubtedly because we are living in the “day of vengeance of our God,” it nevertheless does not mean, as Mr. Churchill is fearful it may, that the world is about to enter a new dark age, more sinister and lengthy than the dark ages of the past which were under the domination of Papal Rome. The prophet declares in our text that the Lord will “come to save you,” which undoubtedly is a reference to the salvation and blessing of all the families of the earth, which is soon to be made available through the establishment of the long-promised Kingdom of Christ. If it be true, therefore, that God is now humbling the nations and preparing the people to look to Him and to His Kingdom, surely we should all be able to take courage in the fact that human selfishness, which today is filling the earth with violence, will not be permitted much longer, to destroy peace and human happiness.
Much is said in both the Old and New Testaments concerning the day of God’s vengeance with which this age will end. A lengthy description of many of its details is given us in the chapter preceding the one from which our text is taken. Note the opening statement of this chapter, “Come near, ye nations, to hear: and hearken, ye people; let the earth hear, and all that is therein; the world, and all things that are come forth of it. For the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and His fury upon all their armies: He hath utterly destroyed them, He hath delivered them to the slaughter. Their slain shall also be cast out, and their stink shall come up out of their carcasses, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood.” (Isa. 34:1-3) In the 8th verse of the same chapter the prophet explains, “It is the day of the Lord’s vengeance, and the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion.”
It is interesting to note that in this prophecy the Lord’s fury is declared to be upon “ALL their armies.” This would indicate that the Lord is not taking sides in the present struggle, but permitting events to so shape themselves that the war machines of all the nations will be destroyed. In view of the events of recent months, it is not difficult to see how modern science has made war so horrible that once the nations have destroyed themselves in the present titanic struggle, they will at long last be glad to accept the Lord’s non-military Kingdom arrangements. It is evidently this destruction of the glory of war that is referred to by the Prophet David in Psalms 46:8-10, which reads, “Behold the works of the Lord, what desolations He hath made in the earth. He maketh wars to cease unto the ends of the earth; He breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; He burneth the chariot in the fire. Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the heathen [nations], I will be exalted in the earth.”
Many, even of those who profess to believe the Bible, find it difficult to understand why God should permit the totalitarian dictators to have even a temporary victory over democracy and religion. We have looked upon democracy, and properly so, as doubtless the best form of government man has ever been able to devise. Certainly those of us who have lived in democratic countries have learned to appreciate the blessings of freedom they have vouchsafed to all who have come under their protection. Certainly we could not say that the Lord is now permitting the democracies to be destroyed because there is no good in them. We think rather, that the proper viewpoint is the one given us in the Bible, namely, that however much good may be represented in the best of human efforts, these efforts come far short of what God has in mind in the way of a government through which actual peace and happiness are to be given to the people under Christ, earth’s new King.
Evidently we are now in the revolutionary spasm of the destructive trouble with which the present governments of earth are to be fully set aside to make way for the establishment of Christ’s Kingdom. It is this revolutionary phase of the great time of trouble with which this age ends that is described in Revelation 16:18-21. When the present war first broke out last September, very few thought of it as being a revolution; but now this is a generally acknowledged fact. Even the dictators claim that revolution is their aim. In Mussolini’s declaration of war, he spoke of the world revolution which he and his axis partner, Hitler, were sponsoring.
A revolution is the overthrow of a government. The war aims of the dictators are not merely the acquisition of territory, nor the extraction of indemnities, but are rather the overthrow of the democratic from of government throughout the entire earth, and in the place of democracy to establish totalitarian dictatorship. As already noted, democracy is probably the best form of government that man has ever been able to devise, hence, the Lord, in permitting its overthrow, is demonstrating that even the best of human efforts come far short of what He has provided for the people through the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom—that Kingdom which will follow the collapse of totalitarianism.
In the account of the world revolution (earthquake) described in Revelation 16, we are told that great Babylon comes into remembrance before God. The statement is there made that to Babylon God gives the cup of the “wine of the fierceness of His wrath.” Those acquainted with Bible prophecies know that the great Babylon of Revelation undoubtedly pictures false religious systems, particularly that of the Papacy. Papacy claims to be Christ’s Kingdom on earth, but now God is causing her destruction, as is plainly evident; and this furnishes further proof that we are indeed living in the day of God’s wrath, with which this age of iniquity is being brought to an end.
Another identification of the day of the Lord’s wrath is furnished us in Ezekiel 7:19, which reads, “They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord; they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels; because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity.” How realistically true it is today that the silver and gold possessed by either individuals or nations are not proving effective to deliver them from the trouble that is sweeping over the earth. Seventy-five per cent of the monetary gold supply of the world is now in the United States, much of it having been shipped here for safe-keeping. It proved wholly ineffective to deliver any of the nations of Europe from the afflictions that befell them.
Take for example, the money value represented in what was the Maginot Line of defense, which was alleged to be an impregnable fortress which would preserve the independence of the French Empire. It was the power of money, shall we say, that built that defense, but it was not able to deliver the empire when the test came. It may almost as well not have been there.
Now, the governments of the remaining democracies of earth are frantically endeavoring to formulate a plan whereby their gold may still be useful as a means of exchange in dealing with the rest of the world; but the fear is expressed on every hand, that with all Europe and much of Asia operating on a non-gold system of barter in the commodities of life, it will mean the virtual destruction of the capitalistic system world-wide. Thus again is looming up in startling reality the fact that “their gold and their silver shall not he able to deliver them in the day of the Lord’s wrath.”
Only the Lord’s Kingdom will bring deliverance. It is because that Kingdom will bring deliverance that Christians today are authorized not only to explain in the light of the prophecies of God’s Word the true significance of what is now taking place, but to combine with that the blessed assurance that a glorious new age of peace, prosperity, health and life, is soon to emerge from the present chaos of world events.
The Everlasting Gospel |
God’s Remedy
For a World Gone Mad
THIS is a day of “official communiqués,” and millions of people stand aghast at the information which they frequently convey, revealing the seeming triumph of might over right. The godless and barbaric forces of selfishness and aggression are threatening the very existence of civilization. Truth and righteousness seem to be on the scaffold, and paganized cruelty upon the throne. Where is God in all of this, and what is He doing about it? Has Christianity failed? These and like questions are, today, upon the lips and in the hearts of millions of people of good will throughout all nations of the earth.
When we are told that civilization is threatened, and asked what God is doing about it, we are reminded that the Bible is often called the “torch of civilization,” and that the God of the Bible is the Deity whose interest in, and ability to care for, His human creatures, are now being called in question. Therefore, in seeking God’s own answer as to what He intends to do about human suffering, we should be prepared to accept the testimony He has given us in His Word. We contend that in the Bible are to be found the official communiqués from the Throne of God, in which are revealed the plan of the loving Creator for a peaceful, happy world, and the assurance that no surprise move by the devil can thwart the application of God’s remedy for human ills. Note some of the divine communiqués. The first is a promise of the birth of Christ, the alleged Founder of present-day civilization!
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His Kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.”—Isaiah 9:6,7
Note also the following exultant pronouncement of the joyful flourishing of Christ’s rulership over the earth:
“He shall judge the poor of the people, He shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor. … In His days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace as long as the moon endureth. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.”—Psa. 72:4-8
Now, one more communiqué from God in which He gives us a hint as to the time when we may expect Him to apply His remedy for the correction of the world’s insanity. Again I quote:
“In the last days it shall come to pass, that … many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain [Kingdom] of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths; for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And He shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning-hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. But they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig. tree; and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it.”—Micah 4:1-4
God’s “rebuke,” as mentioned foregoing, will ultimately extend to all nations—the totalitarians as well as the democracies—and He will have His own way of accomplishing it. To a degree some of the nations may even now be vaguely recognizing the significance of events, if we may judge from a statement made by the British Ambassador in the United States, in which he referred to what he said may be a “scourge of God which will force the free world to abandon selfishness and materialism which have been its undoing.”
A Miracle Program
The carrying out of the marvelous program of peace, prosperity and happiness for all mankind outlined in these official communiqués from God calls for the exercise of miracle-working power. But does not all Christendom profess to believe in a miracle-working Christ? Do we not believe and teach in our churches that Christ, when He was here in the flesh, gave many demonstrations of His ability to perform miracles? Do we not believe that He healed the sick, raised the dead, and stilled the storm-tossed sea of Galilee? Do we not profess to believe that this miracle-working Christ was raised from the dead by the greatest miracle of all time? Should we, therefore, have any difficulty in believing that this resurrected and divine Christ is still able, abundantly and literally, to fulfill all the glorious promises of God—promises that are made contingent upon His coming and the establishment of His Kingdom? It is with such confidence that we examine the divine testimony pertaining to His loving design for the human race.
Prominent in the Word of God, and well known to all, is the angelic message of peace and good will delivered to the shepherds on the night that Jesus was born. Upon examination it is found that the implications of this message constitute a summary of the meaning conveyed in all the various promises God had made through His prophets during the preceding ages. Despite the fact that both history and current world events seem to prove false that blessed angelic message of hope and peace, yet it still stands as a declaration of the Creator’s remedy for human ills. There has been no defeat of the divine purpose in the earth. The present uprising of the forces of irreligion is no surprise to God. The only difficulty is in the fact that we have misunderstood the divine plan.
Salvation from sin, through Christ, was one of the promises conveyed in that angelic message. The Bible tells us that the “wages of, sin is death.” (Rom. 6:23) To be saved from sin, therefore, must mean to be saved from death. Sin entered into the world back in Eden, and since that, the Scriptures tell us, death has passed upon all, because all have sinned. (Rom. 5:12) Yes, mankind has been travelling through the “valley of the shadow of death,” as attested today by every graveyard, hospital, doctor and undertaker sign; and by every ache and pain we experience from the cradle to the grave. Quite apart from war there are, throughout the earth, approximately 100,000 human beings dying every twenty-four hours.
At once, therefore, we realize that God’s remedy for the world’s ills touches the experiences of the entire human race, irrespective of the casualties of war. When we think of a hundred thousand death-bed scenes every twenty-four hours, with all the sufferings and sorrow thus entailed, we wonder why people have not long ago asked what God is doing about human suffering.
What God has Already Done
What He has already done is to send His Son to redeem men from death. This Jesus did by His own death on Calvary’s cross. When Jesus was crucified, the disciples were bewildered and temporarily lost their confidence that He was indeed the Christ. This was because they didn’t know that His death was a necessary part of the divine remedy to save the world from death. Perhaps the disciples felt like asking what millions today are asking namely why doesn’t God do something about it?
Yes the Scriptures reveal that the death of Jesus actually pays the penalty of death resting against the dying race. This means that it is God’s purpose through Christ to destroy death. It means that ultimately mankind will cease to die. It has been declared that one of the war aims of the fighting democracies is to assure men and women of all nations the right to die in bed rather than to he bombed to death from the sky. That’s good; but God’s remedy for a mad world is to be so far-reaching that men and women will not need to die at all.
In that message of the angels is also contained a promise of “peace on earth.” The promises of the Old Testament, some of which we have already quoted, indicate that this promised peace is to be realized through the establishment of Christ’s Kingdom—that Kingdom which is yet to rule, “from sea to sea, and from the rivers unto the ends of the earth.”
It was in harmony with these Kingdom promises that Jesus taught His Church to pray, “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” This is a remarkable prayer, and followers of Jesus have been repeating it throughout all the centuries, yet for the most part we have failed to consider whether or not it will ever be answered. Obviously, if God’s will is done on earth as it is now done in heaven, it will mean the end of war; the end of suffering and death; the end of poverty; the end of all the evils that now afflict a sin-sick and dying people.
The Apostle Paul tells us about Christ’s Kingdom, and declares that He must reign until He has put all enemies under His feet, the last enemy to be destroyed being death. Thus we see, stated briefly, the divine remedy for human ills is, first of all, that Christ should be the Redeemer of the human race from sin and death, and that the benefits of His redemptive work should be made available through the agencies of the Messianic Kingdom, established by and through Him.—I Cor. 15:24-26
Why the Apparent Delay
Why then, many will ask, have nineteen centuries passed with so little, if any, results of this remedy becoming apparent? The proper answer to this question is one of the keys which unlock for us the entire testimony of God concerning His purpose toward the children of men. The general thought is that Christ’s Kingdom has, in some unexplainable way, been operating in the earth: ever since Jesus’ resurrection. It has been claimed that the followers of Christ should convert the whole world to this Kingdom, and thus establish peace on earth and good will among men. It is because this sincere attempt to convert the world has so signally failed, that many today are asking the question as to whether or not Christianity has failed. Christianity has not failed, because Christ has not been trying to convert the world, but merely getting ready for that great work.
The Scriptures point out that the work of God between the first and second advents of the Master has: been merely to select from mankind a little flock, styled the Church, These have been giver the opportunity, by following in the footsteps of Jesus, to prove their worthiness of living and reigning with Him when His Kingdom is established. In other words, Christ has not been reigning over the earth during the centuries past, but merely directing the dissemination of the Gospel message se that a few may be attracted by it, and thereby prepared to share with Him in His Kingdom, when the prayer, “Thy Kingdom come,” is finally answered.
Jesus Himself explained that at His second advent there would be very little faith left upon the earth. (Luke 18:8) He declared furthermore, that this age would end in godlessness and unbelief, culminating in a time of national and international trouble such as never was since there was a nation, (Dan. 12:1; Matt. 24:21,22), and that because of this great trouble all the tribes of the earth would mourn because of Him. (Matt. 24:30; Luke 21:25,26) It is this mourning that we are now witnessing.
What Jesus Expected
This testimony of Jesus himself concerning conditions that would obtain upon the earth at this end of the age, has a vital bearing upon the subject of GOD’S REMEDY FOR A WORLD GONE MAD. It shows that the Master did not expect that peace on earth would be established through human agencies. It shows that He did not propose to consider the various kingdoms of this world as parts of His Kingdom. It shows furthermore, that Jesus knew what would be the final result of unbridled human selfishness. It shows His foreknowledge of the fact that even the best and most enlightened of human efforts to establish a civilization in which peace and good will would be the common heritage of all must finally and signally fail. Today we are witnessing this failure of human efforts. They are failing, not because there is no good to be found anywhere in the world, but because evil predominates.
God has permitted man to do the best he could to rule himself, yet all the while has been preparing establish a real Kingdom upon the earth—a Kingdom that will literally fulfill all the glorious promise; He has made concerning it, ever to the destruction of disease and death; yea, even to raising from the dead those who have died.—John 5:28
In the Old Testament prophecy of the birth of Jesus (Isaiah 9:6 7) it says that the government shall be upon His shoulder; and that “the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.” Without these assurances we might doubt the possibility of the remainder of the prophecy being fulfilled, for its implications are far-reaching and wonderful indeed. It affirms, for example, that of the increase of Christ’s Kingdom and peace there will be no end. This is in harmony with the Prophet David’s statement in which he declares that Christ will reign “from sea to sea and from the river unto the ends of the earth.”
Kings and armies throughout the centuries have, without divine authorization, fought in the name of Christ, with the idea of extending His Kingdom in the earth. But all these efforts have failed, and today this failure is being impressed upon the minds of thinking and godly people throughout the earth by every bomb that is now dropping in Europe.
Guaranteed by Divine Power
The success of the true Kingdom of Christ will not depend upon the strength of armament, either upon the land, in the air, or on the sea. It will not depend upon the thickness of armor plate nor the tonnage of flame-throwing tanks. The Prophet says that the sphere of influence of Christ’s Kingdom will be widened until it embraces the whole world, not because worldly kingdoms have sponsored His cause, but because the “zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform it.”
The Prophet further declares that one of the titles to be given to Jesus is “Wonderful.” There have been many wonderful persons whose names have gone down in history as outstanding benefactors of their fellow-man; but Jesus as the Head over the Kingdom of God, will surpass them all. One of the things which, when recognized by the world, will contribute to making Jesus wonderful, is the fact that He died voluntarily as a sacrifice for their sins. He died in order that all, condemned to death in Adam, might live.
The Prophet also describes Him as a “Counsellor.” How much the world needs counsel today! None of the wise men of the world are able to find a workable solution for the present dilemma of society. Bloody warfare, and revolution, on a scale hitherto unknown, stalk up and down in the earth, and nowhere is there anyone wise enough to find the way out of the catastrophe. But Jesus will know the way, and under His guiding counsel the interests of His Kingdom of blessing will flourish, and mankind will reap the benefits.
Satan has been the Ruler
The Scriptures show that one of the reasons why evil has prospered throughout the ages is because Satan has been “the prince of this world”—“the god of this world.” (John 14:30; II Cor. 4:4) If we believe the Bible, we must accept its testimony that there is a personal, although invisible devil, who has continued to exercise his nefarious influence over the affairs of men. (John 12:31; Gal. 1:4) Satan has exercised his influence through human agencies. It is for this reason that so many of the otherwise well-intentioned efforts of men and nations have finally gone on the rocks, leaving the human race to continue its escapades of ill will, hatred, and bloodshed.
But the Scriptures assure us that one of the first acts of Christ, the great and powerful Ruler of the new Kingdom on earth, will be the binding of Satan. (Matt. 12:29; Rev. 20:2,3) The Scriptures furthermore reveal that the spiritual influence of Christ’s Kingdom, consisting of Christ and His Church, will be just as effective and far-reaching for good, as Satan’s influence has been far-reaching for evil. (II Pet. 3:13; Acts 17:30,31; Isa. 26:9) Like Satan’s empire, Christ’s Kingdom will exercise its influence through human agencies. These agencies are of divine selection and preparation.
The Master Himself pointed out that these human representatives of the Kingdom would be none other than the resurrected Prophets and other faithful ones of the age preceding Christ. (Luke 13:28; Heb. 11:39,40) Thus Christ’s Kingdom will be a real Kingdom, with all of its departments well ordered and organized for the effective dispensing of divine blessings of peace, health, happiness and life.—Psa. 45:17; 47:7-9
The two phases of Christ’s Kingdom are symbolized in one of the heavenly communiqués already quoted, as “Zion” and “Jerusalem.” In this promise we are told that the “Law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem,” with the result that the nations shall “beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” (Micah 4:2,3) This is God’s own testimony of how His Kingdom ultimately is to take control of the affairs of mankind. It is not a fairy tale, but a description of that which we should actually expect to take place in answer to our prayer, “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
A Wonderful Remedy
And what a wonderful remedy it will be for the world’s ills! How effectively, indeed, it will solve, for example, the war problem. Note how it reverses the age-old axiom that in order to save peace the nations must be prepared for war. It starts at the very foundation of the trouble, with a program of education in the arts of peace and the advantages of peace. Thus a genuine disarmament program will be put into effect. Then will the promises of God pertaining to Jesus as “The Prince of Peace” be fulfilled. Then will the angelic message of “peace on earth, good will toward men,” become a reality.
This same promise also declares that then “every man” shall dwell under his own “vine and fig tree.” This shows that all the present economic problems of the world will be solved. How serious, indeed, are these problems! Think of the millions today who are permanently unemployed, and for whom human wisdom seems unable to find a place. This divine promise indicates that under the Kingdom arrangements, the bounties of the earth will be made available for all; that economic security will, at last, be attained; for then, the prophet declares, none shall molest, nor “make afraid,” in all that holy Kingdom.—Micah 4:4; Isa. 11:9
The problem of poverty is, and always has been, a menacing one to millions. The poor, the under-privileged, have ever been a pathetic group. But these shall no longer constitute an army of forgotten men, as heretofore, but will be considered and blessed. Concerning this, the prophet says that Christ “shall judge the poor of the people, He shall save the children of the needy, and shall break in pieces the oppressor. … For He shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper [the forgotten man].”—Psalm 72:4-12
Through the Prophet Jeremiah (31:31-34) God testifies that during the Messianic Kingdom period He will write His law in the hearts of the people. Through the Prophet Isaiah (26:9) He assures us that during that same time, the people of the world will learn righteousness. We are also assured by God that the knowledge of His glory shall fill the earth as the waters cover the sea. (Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14) This means that the problem of human selfishness also will he solved when God applies His remedy to human ills. It means that people will be educated in the advantages of love and mercy instead of selfishness and hate. This in itself will go a long way toward the solving of many of the world’s present-day problems. It will, for example, remove the fear of aggression and the cruelties of war.
The Victory of Christianity
The religious problem is also to be solved. Today earth’s millions worship a multiplicity of gods, and even those who attempt to worship the true God seem hopelessly divided into factional groups from which comes a jargon of conflicting claims, dogmas and doctrines. Man is not to be blamed for this. It is simply that under the present influence of Satan and selfishness, the masses have lost their vision of the true God and His loving purposes on their behalf. All this will be changed when God answers the Christian’s prayer, “Thy Kingdom come.” For the promise is that the Lord will then “turn to the people a pure language,” in order that they may all call upon His name to serve Him with one consent, True religious unity will then be attained, with all the blessings that such a victory for Christianity implies.—Zeph. 3:8,9
Finally, and as we have already seen, the major problem of sickness and death is to be solved. This is a problem in times of peace as well as times of war. God’s remedy will be so all-comprehensive that sickness and death will be no more. It was to accomplish this purpose that Jesus died.
Through Isaiah’s prophecy (25:6-9), God testifies that He will swallow up death in victory and will wipe away tears from off all faces. Present world conditions, fulfilling divine prophecy as they do, indicate that the time is near when God will make good all His wonderful promises concerning the peace, happiness, health, and everlasting life vouchsafed to the world through the redemptive work of Christ Jesus. When Christ’s Kingdom is established, the present nightmare of horror will be looked back upon as but a moment in eternity—a moment, nevertheless, invaluable in the lessons it has taught relative to human failure under the rule of sin and selfishness.
Dead Also to be Blessed
No one will be deprived of the blessings of that Kingdom period. All who have died in the past, and all who are dying today, either upon beds of sickness or upon the battlefield, are to he awakened from the sleep of death and given an opportunity to enjoy the blessings of Christ’s Kingdom. Concerning those Kingdom blessings, we quote the following from “The Divine Plan of the Ages”:
“Close your eyes then, for a moment, to the present scenes of misery and woe that yet prevail on account of sin, and picture before your mental vision the glory of restored humanity and the perfected earth. Not a stain of sin mars the harmony and peace of a perfect society. Not an unkind look or word. Love, welling up from each heart meets a kindred response in every other heart, and benevolence marks every act. Think of all the pictures of comparative health of human form and feature which you have ever seen and know that perfect humanity will be of still surpassing loveliness. Not an ache nor a pain, nor any evidence of decay, not even the fear of such things. Such will earth’s society be, and weeping bereaved ones will have their tears all wiped away when thus they realize the resurrection [Kingdom] work complete.”
We can be fully assured that this new world of tomorrow is soon to become a reality because it has been promised by God, and because all of the prophecies and promises of His Word have thus far been fulfilled. This gives us confidence that what He has said concerning things yet future will also come true.—Psa. 30:5
Do you know that the rise and fall of four successive kingdoms—Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome were accurately forecast in the Bible, including the relationship the fall of the Roman Empire bears toward present European troubles?
Do you know that the present-day widespread increase of knowledge and invention is also foretold in the Bible?
Do you know that Sir Isaac Newton, centuries ago, because of his faith in these prophecies, predicted that the time would come when men would be able to travel as fast as fifty miles an hour?
Do you know that the Bible uses the term beast to represent kingdoms and empires, in the same manner that we do today when we speak, for example, of the British lion and the Russian bear?
Do you know that in the prophecies of the Bible concerning the end of the world, the terms, fire, storms, clouds, earthquakes, etc., are used in the same pictorial manner as we use them today, when we speak of the “winds of war,” or the “four-alarm” fire now sweeping through Europe?
Do you know therefore, that the end of the world does not mean the burning of the earth but merely the end of Satan’s reign over the earth, and the establishment of Christ’s Kingdom?
These are some of the wonderful truths to be found in the Bible and discussed in the booklet, “God and Reason.”