Lesson for May 19, 1940

Jeremiah Denounces False Prophets

Jeremiah 23:21-32

GOLDEN TEXT: “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.—I Thessalonians 5:21

EARLY in Israel’s history God began to make use of teachers, instructors, called prophets. This designation did not necessarily imply the foretelling of future events, though many of the ancient prophets did give messages applicable to the future as well as to the period in which they spoke. The natural tendency of the fallen human mind is to evil, and the priests and prophets whom God ordained and sent to Israel were to instruct the people in the right way and to reprove and warn those who were practicing sin.

The great adversary, a “liar from the beginning,” as our Lord Himself stated, made use of false prophets to mislead the people of Israel, and this method of deception evidently proved very effective. How fruitful a source of misleading influence such false teachers could be is apparent when we consider that the people were inclined by nature to evil, at the same time having a degree of reverence for the supernatural, and that these false teachers professed to have visions, dreams, messages from a divine source. As was the case with the heathen religions, so with these false prophets, their messages were doubtless in accord with the people’s depraved tastes and desires, and thus an “easier way” of serving God was offered. As these false messages were multiplied, accepted, and acted upon, we can see that the people of Israel would get farther and farther away from the Law; and their sinful tendencies, without that restraint, would gradually lead them into gross sin and idolatry.

This is the picture given us in the chapter from which our lesson is taken; and in it, also, are declared the judgments which God was about to bring upon Israel—the loss of their homeland and scattering abroad in other countries. The blame for this deflection and the exile of the Hebrew people is placed upon the profane, unfaithful priests and prophets, who had become so corrupt that their wickedness was practiced even in the house of God.—Jer. 23:10,11

It is evident from verse 8 that there is a further significance in the words of this chapter, applicable to a later period in Israel’s history. After Israel’s exile in Babylon for the 70 years, they were restored to their own land, Jerusalem and the temple being rebuilt. They seem to have enjoyed a degree of liberty at the beginning of the Christian era, but after their rejection of Jesus they were finally cast off from God’s favor as a nation for the period of the Gospel age, and soon thereafter their city and temple were destroyed and they were scattered throughout the world. It is interesting to note the important part played by the priests and scribes in the rejection and persecution of Jesus and the strong words of reproof and condemnation addressed to them by Him. As He said of them they were the worthy successors of the false prophets who earlier periods had misled the people and persecuted the true representatives of God.—Matt. 23:29-39

Today we are seeing the beginning of the promised restoration of the Hebrew people to Palestine. Comparatively few are returning in faith and trusting in God’s promises for the return of their land: The great majority are still without faith and must pass through yet more painful experiences in the near future, to humble them and cause them to look up and cry unto God. Then it will be God’s good pleasure to most wonderfully deliver and bless them, as stated in verses 3-8.

Israel’s experiences were often used as illustrations of the experiences of Spiritual Israel. The Lord’s people of the Gospel age have also had severe and searching tests through the misleading voices of false teachers. These were present even in the Apostles’ day, and after they fell asleep, the foretold falling away took place, the great anti-christ system developed, claiming to be the representative of God on earth, with authority over all His people.—II Thess. 2:3,4; Rev. 13:5,6

We are living in another time of judgment. These false religious systems have been finally rejected and their destruction is now taking place: On every hand the nominal systems of religion are rapidly losing ground, and in many places the Catholic Church is experiencing severe persecution, losing members, property and prestige. The false teachers of this Gospel age, like their prototype, the false prophets of Israel, are represented as responsible for the deplorable state of the world, especially of so-called Christendom. (Jer. 51:7; Rev. 17:2; 18:3) Those who have honestly accepted their false doctrines respecting hell, purgatory, etc., have had a pattern therein of hardness and hatred which has given sanction to fearful persecutions in less enlightened times than the present; and on the other hand, many who have rejected these monstrous teachings have, at the same time, lost all faith in the Bible and so today hear no authoritative voice holding up a standard for them and feel no assurance that God will bring order out of the confusion and finally cause right and justice to prevail. Unquestionably it is this lack of faith that is causing the breakdown of civilization; and back of that loss of faith are the false teachings with respect to the principles of God, His plans and purposes.

The judgments upon the false systems of religion are to be shared, the Revelator says, by all “who worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand.” (Rev. 14:9,10) Those who “worship” these systems are those who reverence them, pay homage and tribute to them, and think they must be something more than merely man-made institutions. Those who, in addition receive their “mark” in forehead or hand, evidently have a still closer relationship—are in mental harmony, or are active in the support of these systems. These latter ardent supporters, as stated in the verses referred to, are, today, sharing the judgments upon the systems of error, drinking the wine (essence) of the wrath of God, and are being “tormented” with pain and dismay in witnessing the decline and gradual destruction of the great system with which they are so closely identified and whose interests they have so earnestly promoted. Thank God that the time is soon to end in which false teachers will be permitted to misrepresent our great and holy God and His glorious plans; for soon the “knowledge of the glory of God” is to fill the earth “as the waters cover the sea.”—Hab. 2:14


By what means did God instruct His ancient people Israel?

What is one of the reasons why false prophets are able to so easily deceive the people?

In what way did false prophets influence the nation of Israel in ancient times?

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