Lesson for May 5, 1940

Isaiah Gives God’s Invitation

Isaiah 55:1-11

GOLDEN TEXT: “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found; call ye upon Him while He is near.”—Isaiah 55:6

THIS chapter describes the condition which will obtain after the Gospel church has been selected from the world and glorified. Hence the lesson before us pictures the Millennial age and its blessings upon the world of mankind through the glorified church. “Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” This verse is in close agreement with the picture of the Millennial blessings given us in Revelation 22:1,2,17

There is a certain sense in which now any who thirst may come to Christ and find Him a fountain of life. All of the Lord’s people are thus refreshed in the present time by partaking, of Christ and thus having formed in them the well of water that will spring up into everlasting life. The statement of our lesson, however, seems to be a more general one, an invitation to every one, such as the Millennial invitation will be, for the invitation of the present time has limitations.

The water of life which our dear Redeemer offers us now is not without price, for He Himself stipulates that none can be His disciple except he take up his cross and follow Him—he who loves father or mother or lands, etc., more than Jesus’ cannot be His disciple. The cost of the water of life in this present time is baptism into Christ’s death, self-denial, self-sacrifice, a walk in the narrow way. Who shall say, then, that the present offer is without price, without conditions, without cost?

Many seem confused to think that the opportunities of the future will be so much greater than those of the present time. The reason for this distinction can only be seen by those who recognize the Scriptural teaching that the bride of Christ now being selected is a very peculiar class in the Lord’s estimation, and that it is a special favor toward them that they are now counted worthy to suffer for Christ’s sake, to be sharers in His death and sharers also “in His resurrection”—the first resurrection. Once the difference is seen between the reward of the church and that of the world, it will be easy to account for the difference between the fiery trials which now try the true members of His Body and the more favorable environments of the world in the next age.

The world will, indeed, be called to come to the waters of the river of life and to partake thereof freely, without money and without price, without the present day experience of walking in the narrow way or taking up a cross of self-denial and suffering for righteousness’ sake. All that will be required of the world at that time will be that they shall be thirsty, shall be desirous of the life offered, that they shall be hungry for the bread of life. All such may, indeed, delight themselves in the fatness, the fullness, the glorious provision which the Lord has made for them and which will then be opened before them.

Of the antitypical David referred to in this chapter it is written, “Behold I have given Him for a witness to the people, a leader and commander to the people.” (Verse 4) This is the great Prophet, the great Priest, the great King, typified by Moses and Melchisedec. Behold, he shall call a nation not previously known—the new nation called during this Gospel age, a holy nation a peculiar people, a royal priesthood, to show forth the praises of him who hath called them out of darkness into His marvelous light.—I Pet. 2:9

Ultimately, as a result of this calling of spiritual Israel as a holy nation, and as a result of the establishment of the Kingdom and the glorification of this holy nation with Himself as its Head, many nations, (that previously knew Him not) shall turn unto Him.

Throughout the Millennial age there will be a grand opportunity for every member of Adam’s race to seek the Lord while He may be found, to call upon Him while He is near. The opportunity will last for a thousand years and all will be invited to drink of the water of life freely. All appreciating the situation fully may attain to all that was lost in Adam—attain it through the processes of restitution.

Verse seven shows how the Lord may then he sought and found; namely, the wicked must forsake his ways and the unrighteous must forsake even his unrighteous thoughts. Under such conditions during that thousand years, all may return unto Jehovah and find mercy and abundant pardon through the great antitypical David. But it will require all of that thousand years of Christ’s reign to restore and make fit for presentation to Jehovah those who will hear that voice and apply for the water of life, forsake unrighteousness and seek the Lord. How glorious the prospect!


At what period in the divine plan will the prophecies of Isaiah 55:11 be fulfilled?

Is Christ a fountain of life to believers in this age?

Will the opportunity for salvation be more favorable in the Millennial age than now?  If so, why?

How long will it require for the entire human race to learn about and return to God?

Dawn Bible Students Association
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