A Study of the Book of Hebrews

IN THIS EPISTLE of “deep things,” (I Cor. 2:10) God is speaking through the apostle to those who have become his people. Herein he gives insight into the hidden things, the plans and purposes which he talks over with those who love to dwell in his presence. This is some of the ‘latter rain,’ or ‘table talks’ of him who comes to “sup” with those who, in the Laodicean stage of the church, have heard his “knock” and opened the door. (Rev. 3:20) How gracious and loving is our Creator to have had the Tabernacle and other types enacted so long ago, and then have raised up the Apostle Paul and given him visions and revelations by which he could write the epistle, to enable his people in the latter days to understand what the Lord has been doing, and how, and why!

This is the epistle of ‘better things.’ Paul writes of a “better” spokesman “than the angels” (Heb. 1:4); also of “better things” (Heb. 6:9; 11:40; 12:24); “better promises” 8:6); a “better hope” (7:19); a “better testament” (7:22) or “covenant” (8:6); a better “mediator” (9:12-15); and a better “priesthood” (7:23,24). Upon the altar (13:10), and in the tabernacle (9:11) are offered “better sacrifices” (9:23). It is a better “ministry” (8:6), leading to a “better country” (11:16), even as the fulfillment, the complete work, is better than the blueprints.

— The Book of Hebrews —

Dawn Bible Students Association
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